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Friday, January 21, 2011

February 13, 2006 by s.z.

The Wild, Wild World of Wingnut Women

Our friend Guy "Let's Imagine All the Nasty Stuff that TV Characters Do When We're Not Looking" Adams brings us this important story:
A good friend of mine, Marie Jon', has a new website. It's found at
As you know, Marie Jon-Apostrophe is also a good friend of Sadly, No!, which means that Sadly and Guy are now related by marriage, or something.

But back to "Gossiping With Guy."
When she mentioned this idea to me a few months ago, I thought wow, this could be BIG, as in O'Reilly big. Now I'm not making comparisons between Marie and Bill O'Reilly, but this has the potential to be huge. There's nothing out there on the Internet like this website.
We asked Brad if there was any truth to the rumor that Marie had been sexually harassing him with her falafel fantasies, but he indicated that his multi-million dollar settlement precluded him from responding to our questions.
Beyond Coulter, Ingraham, Malkin and a few others, women have been noticeably absent from the political arena.
Unless you count all those women politicians ...
In Marie, we have a relatively new entry that's unique.
I can't argue with that!  (See "Marie Talks About Sex" for confirmation of Guy's assertion.)
She has somehow managed to get some of the better moral-conservative women writers, such as Barbara Anderson, Felicia Benamon, Kaye Grogan, Sharon Hughes, Resa Kirkland, Nancy Salvato, Barbara Stock, Joan Swirsky, and Sher Zieve, to climb on board. What an impressive team!
Wow, what a coup -- it's like a Who's Who of Wacky Women Wingnuts!  How ever did she manage to get writers of the caliber of Fee Benamon, Resa Kirkland, and Kaye Grogan to board her?
I was searching Microsoft WORD to find a flowery font to put the title of my article in, and then I thought "who says conservative women need to be flowery all the time?" Femininity is a good thing, as I'm sure all you men reading this will agree, but we need some conservative women out there to be less flowery at times and aggressively stand up for what's right. We need Christian conservative women to speak up and put the issues of our day in perspective. I don't say this to demean women, but at times they have a slightly different perspective and we need to hear it. God created women to think differently at times, and maybe if more of them spoke up, there'd be for example, less war.
I used the Arial font for my title, and thus missed my chance to end war in our lifetime.
I wholeheartedly endorse this fine website. Check it out. I suggest you visit this new website before you log off.

Consider buying some stock now!
Someday it could be as valuable as PajamasMedia stock! 

But anyway, let's follow Guy's advice and do some checking out of this fine new website.
Here's our "Featured Writer" for this edition of CW:
The Oracle and Maureen DowdBy Barbara Anderson
Maureen Dowd's new book “Are Men Necessary: When Sexes Collide” asks a provocative question.   Not having read the book, but only watching Ms. Dowd being interviewed, my feeling was that Ms. Dowd did not think men necessary. 
Not having read the rest of this piece, I don't think we need an oracle to know that Barbara is right -- that IS what Barbara felt!  You can't get world-shattering revelations like this from other conservative women's websites!

Now, on to CW's "Honorary Writer":
Glenn SacksLetterman Case Shows Problems with Restraining Orders
A Santa Fe, New Mexico judge recently granted a temporary restraining order against TV talk show host David Letterman for a woman who alleges that Letterman—who works in New York City and whom she has never met--has mentally harassed her through his TV broadcasts. According to Colleen Nestler, Letterman has caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" for over a decade, and has used code words and gestures during his broadcasts to show her that he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host. 
Full Article
One judge granted an obviously unnecessary restraining order to a wacko, thus proving that women (and the judicial system) regularly persecute innocent men via bogus legal filings.  I don't think we have to read the full article to realize that Glenn makes a great honorary conservative woman, in that he hates women as much as Ann Coulter and Phyllis Schlafly do.  (Yeah, he's also an "honorary writer," but that's just a nice way of saying that he can't actually write, although he tries really hard.)
Let's skip "Featured Male" Frank Salvato, and scroll down the page for our "Guest Writers" (or "Non-Featured, Honorary Male Writers," as I like to call them):
How Proud Would Casey Really Be?
By Lauren McLean

Casey A. Sheehan was a proud, young American soldier who chose to serve his country by going to Iraq. While there, the 24-year-old patriot lost his life.
Thus, we can conclude that he would not be very proud of his mother and her actions, since he's dead and all.
Thought it Took a Village? God Help the Public School System "
by Lisa Evanoff

To be honest, the only time I remember seeing little Leah was once on a field trip. I had noticed how much she resembled my little girl Taylor, who is 10.
And then, in a stinging denouncement of Hillary Clinton, Leah gets head lice.  You'll never look at nit-picking the same way again!

Anyway, Lisa shampoos Leah's hair when the school won't, and that's why conservatism is a better political philosophy than liberalism.
"Gossip Girl Books Are Too HOT to Handle " 
By  Marcia Segelstein

I¹m beginning to wonder if it¹s time to put ratings on children¹s books.That may sound crazy, but keep reading. My twelve-year-old daughter was recently in the market for a new book, and  she knew just what she wanted to read next.
She wanted to read one of the "Gossip Girls" books.  But Marcia saw that the bookstore DID put a "Mature Content: Parental Supervision Suggested" rating on the series, so Marcia provided some parental supervision and didn't buy the book for her daughter.  Crisis solved!

Well, except for all of the hand-wringing on Marcia's part.  But let's cut to the moral of the story:
Heed the warnings in your local bookstore.  Bone up on saying no.  And protect your daughters from dangers lurking in unexpected places.  Oh, and you might want to speak sternly to the parents who do let their 12-year-olds read Gossip Girl. After all, things do get around.
Yup, the moral is: "Don't just worry about the dangers lurking in Young Adult Fiction and how it might menace your own daughter, but consider interfering in the parenting of others, since you know better than they do what's appropriate for their children."  And it's a good, conservative moral that I'm sure that we can all profit from.

And that concludes today's visit to The Conservative Woman.  Like Mr. Adams, I too think that it's O'Reilly-esque, and believe it will bring about world peace. 
And I am delighted to have discovered it before Seb, Brad, and Gavin got their filthy hands all over it.

P.S.  Matt T did a great job of telling the story of Colleen and the against David Letterman restraining order (see comments).  You can read more about Colleen's claims at The Smoking Gun, if you are so inclined. 

As to why the judge granted her a temporary restraining order instead of getting her some needed mental health help, I think it's because his court issues temporary orders without asking too many questions, in case the petitioner's life is in immediate danger, and does the investigation later. Obviously, this system can be abused -- however, I don't think there is any support for Glenn's claim that "Many if not most domestic violence restraining orders are simply tactical maneuvers designed to gain advantage in high stakes family law proceedings." Especially because Colleen never took her case to family court.6:01:48 PM    

An Interesting Protocol Fact

Photo:  After being assured by the AG that his wartime powers permit it, Dick Cheney contemplates "peppering" NRA President Kayne Robinson and NRA VP Wayne R. LaPierre

Here's an interesting tidbit from an Associated Press story about that hunting accident (you know, the one that was all the victim's fault because he failed to ensure that the VP didn't shoot him). 
The accident was not reported publicly by the vice president's office for nearly 24 hours, and then only after it was reported by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times on its Web site Sunday.

[Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne} McBride said the vice president's office did not tell reporters about the accident Saturday because they were deferring to [ranch owner Katharine] Armstrong to handle the announcement of what happened on her property.
So, remember kids, if the Vice President shoots somebody on YOUR property, it's up to you to inform the media.  Or not.  But in any case, make sure you emphasize what a conscientious, responsible, virile, non-homicidal (except to vicious, cage-raised terror-quail) hunter the VP is, and how any people he happened to wound were asking for it by existing in the VP's space-time continuum without his explicit permission.  Because if you don't, then there will be no more White House sleepovers in your future, and your newly-formed lobbying business will surely be doomed, DOOMED!, even though you are a Bush Pioneer. 

UPDATE:  Here's more on how the protocol of vice presidential shootings works, courtesy of NRO's Byron York:
Katharine Armstrong said she did not coordinate with the vice president's office before calling the Corpus Christi paper. If Armstrong had not made the call, it is not clear when, if ever, the vice president's office would have told the public about the incident. Asked what would have happened if the accident had happened another way — if, for example, Whittington had accidentally shot the vice president — the administration source told NRO that it would have been handled in a similar fashion.
Yes, if Whittington had shot the vice president, you might never have had heard about it, unless the ranch owner notified the press.  And if the hostess had contacted her local paper to give them the scoop (as was her sole prerogative), for sure you would have heard that the accident was all the VP's fault, and that Mr. Whittington was a safe, conscientious shooter -- but who, alas, had been fatally killed by rabid quail in an unrelated incident which didn't involve the Secret Service in any way.

3:56:39 PM    

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