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Friday, January 21, 2011

March 4, 2006 by s.z.

WorldNetDaily Confidential


Okay, WorldNetDaily's headline is better:
'Lust-filled women on sex rampage with your kids What's really behind today's epidemic of teacher-student carnal relations '

Sadly, to find out what's behind those sex rampages by lust-filled women, you have to subscribe to WND's Whistleblower magazine, but they do give us some tantalizing hints:
The seemingly endless stream of reports of female school teachers having sex with their underage male students – a storyline titillating to some but profoundly disturbing to most – is one of today's most sensational news stories.
The storyline is certainly not titillating to the person who writes headlines for WND! 

I'm assuming it was the same person who came up with the headlines for the linked story:"SEXTRA CREDIT Sexy substitute teacher 'has relations with boy' - Woman, 29, facing up to 5 years for illicit activity with 17-year-old.

Would WND use a similar headline if the teacher was male?  Would they devote a whole issue of their mag to their discovery of an "epidemic" consisting of about 50 adult women in the country having had inappropriate relationships with children over the past 25 years?  If so, would they use the headline "Lust Filled Men On (Heterosexual) Sex Rampage With Your Children?"  (Since they haven't yet, I'm guessing the answer is "no.")

So, my theory is that it's the idea that it's "sexy" for female teachers to have illegal sexual conduct with their students that is behind this "epidemic."
But back to WND.
In fact, a recent, federally funded study concludes the problem of school teachers molesting students dwarfs in magnitude the clergy sex-abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic Church.

Now, in a groundbreaking investigation, the newest edition of WND's elite monthly Whistleblower magazine – titled 
"PREDATORS: What's really behind today's epidemic of teacher-student sex?" – unveils what's really behind this troubling new phase in the "sexual revolution." 
"This Whistleblower edition goes way beyond the sensationalism of these stories," says WND Managing Editor David Kupelian, author of "The Marketing of Evil."
Right.  So David "Marketing of Evil" Kupelian's story is that while WND is, well, marketing these stories in a sensationalistic way in order to sell the mag, they actually get way beyond salaciousness and end up uncovering profound truths about the human condition.
"Our report shines a thousand-watt spotlight on this sexual epidemic and reveals the real dynamics behind it. It's an amazing story full of mind-boggling information and insights."
"Whistleblower Mag: Shining a thousand-watt spotlight on sexy teachers and their carnal adventures!  Their lust-fueled rampages will boggle your mind!"
For instance: 
  • Did you know that many of the offending teachers don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, and that some actually end up being rewarded for their behavior?
Mary Kay Letourneau, after serving time in prison for "child rape," got a $200,000 advance on a book deal (titled "Only One Crime, Love"), had a TV movie made about her life, and received a reported $750,000 from a tabloid TV show for the video footage of her 2004 wedding to the schoolboy she had seduced years earlier.
Yes, some teachers don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, and one (Mary Kay Letourneau) was rewarded with a TV movie, a book deal, years in prison, a divorce, and an international reputation as a pathetic child molester.
  • Do you know how prevalent teacher sexual exploitation of students actually is, according to experts?
According to a major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education – by far the most in-depth investigation to date – millions of children might be victims of sexual misconduct by teachers or other public school employees. In fact, says the study's author, Charol Shakeshaft, professor of educational administration at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., the figures suggest "the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."
Yes, I knew that.  I remember the 2004 news reports on the study.  

It included this bit that WND doesn't mention:
Some educators took issue with the way the report combines sexual abuse with other behaviors, such as inappropriate jokes, in one broad category of sexual misconduct.

"Lumping harassment together with serious sexual misconduct does more harm than good by creating unjustified alarm and undermining confidence in public schools," said Michael Pons, spokesman for the National Education Association, a union of 2.7 million school employees. "Statistically, public schools remain one of the safest places for children to be."
And I also remember that there were concerns about Shakeshaft's methodology (she didn't actually conduct a study, she just analyzed existing studies and came up with a "synthesis" from them).  And some of the studies she used included students reports of being on the receiving end of unwelcome "sexual looks" from other students.

But hey, WND couldn't be trying to scare you into homeschooling your kids or anything, could they?  On a totally different topic, let scroll down to the bottom of their story proving that there is an endless stream of reports of female teachers taking advantage of their underage male charges and see what fine products you can buy from the WND bookstore . . 
Related offers:
Of course, way more kids are sexually abused by family members, neighbors and family friends than by teachers, but keep in mind that schools these days are where those lust-filled women are on the prowl, and buy these books from WND so you can keep your kids safe at home!

And the important "Predators" issue of Whisteblower has even more exploitative informative features!
Selected highlights of "PREDATORS" include:
  • "Right and wrong" by Joseph Farah
Statutory rape is WRONG!  I hope everyone is clear on this now.
  • "What's really behind today's epidemic of teacher-student sex?" by David Kupelian
  • "The mainstreaming of 'adult-child sex'" by David Kupelian
It's just a hunch, I'm guessing that Kinsey's name pops up at least once in both of David's articles
  • "Why Judaism rejected homosexuality" by Dennis Prager, the legendary, award-winning analysis of how the Jewish religion, and later Christianity, brought about the ultimate sexual revolution
So, per Dennis, it's the homosexuals who are behind this epidemic? (Maybe because they are refusing to have sex with the lust-filled teachers, who then have to seduce their underage male students?) No wonder Judaism rejected them!

But in any case, Dennis's analysis of why Judeo-Christianity should be mandatory in this country is apparently both legendary and award-winning, so I encourage you to believe whatever he said.

  • "Victims of the blackboard jungle" by Michelle Malkin
The most important movie of the year! (The year in question being 1955.)
Taglines:  "A shock story of today's high school teachers," "I'm a teacher. My pupils are the kind you don't turn your back on, even in class!," and "These Lust-Filled Ladies Are Teaching More Than the 3-Rs!  Are Internment Camps Our Only Hope of Keeping Young Men Pure?" 
  • … and much more.
"This is an incredible journalistic exposé of a major, vastly under-reported and poorly understood scandal in our nation," said WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah.
"Under-reported"?  I guess Mr. Farah must not watch any of the cable news shows.  (While this topic was also a staple on the latest version of "Hard Copy," which wasn't aired on a news network, you can't fault Joseph for having missed it, since it's Nielsen ratings were actually negative numbers.)

But hey, this journalistic exposé does sound incredible (and properly disturbing and portentous, and not at all exploitative)!  I'd consider subscribing to the mag just for this issue, if I didn't have to get Rebecca Hagelin's book as a free gift. 

12:39:19 AM    

I'm Back

Sorry about the break from blogging.  I had just about finished composing the best post of all time, when my computer suddenly died.  And it wouldn't restart (no blue screen, nothing), which I found kind of troubling.  My fear was that NSA had some kind of death ray to destroy the PCs of those deemed to be enemies of the state, but the computer repair shop said that it was just a burned out power supply (which is apparently a relatively easy fix).  And now, 2 days and $50 later, I am back to blogging.  Take that, NSA!

Oh, and I used the down time to get a dog.  I'll tell you about that later . . .

12:38:06 AM   

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