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Friday, January 21, 2011

February 20, 2006 by s.z.

More Shocking Conspiracies!

Our next theories comes from a piece in Renew America called "Saddam's WMDs: The Russian connection and the coverup."  It's by Les Nessman ... I mean, Wes Vernon, who is "aWashington-based writer and veteran broadcast journalist."

Les ... I mean, Wes Vernon

The free world may soon learn it has just been bamboozled by one of the most clever and well-organized propaganda campaigns in the history of this planet. No WMDs in Iraq? That is not the case, according to eyewitnesses and expert intelligence analysts.
And how were we bamboozled?

By Commies! 

See, there really were WMDs in Iraq when President Bush said there were, but right after that, the weapons were removed to Syria and Lebanon.  Sure, like Wes says, this is old news if you "have listened to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or watched Fox News."  But what you probably didn't know is that the Russkis helped!

(Wes's source for much of his column is Lt. General Thomas G. McInerney, who was one of the speakers at that "Intelligence Summit" that presented the Saddam tapes stolen from the FBI by our friend Bill Tierney.  McInerney is also one Fox News Channel's masters of war, and he never met a Bush administration military policy he didn't like, although he does think that we should invade a few more countries, since our last war went so well.)

Anyway, here's Wes:
Taken together, the dots indicate "there was WMD, [and] that it went out to Syria [three locations] and through Syria on to Lebanon [one location]." The Russian connection was "the orchestrator to move the weapons out. And they had the skill [with a crack team]" and two top generals — "one to help them on the air defense, and one who was to clean this WMD up."
Russian assistance was thorough, to say the least. "The archives and all that were taken out. It was brilliantly done, and then they laid in a program to follow it. And that's the information operations [propaganda] campaign," which General McInerney says was "brilliant." They spread it "into Western Europe, and then to the UN and to the diplomatic world. [And so] it became a part of the political lore that the Democratic Party and our Congress and the administration just backed away from it [the idea that Saddam's Iraq had WMDs]."
Yes, the Russians helped the Iraqis move their weapons out of the country once war was declared (they are the ones who rented the Ryder truck, and they carried all the documents and some yellowcake and such, but the Iraqis had to do all of the heavy lifting -- and some of those weapons plants are HEAVY).  But even worse, the Russkis also spread the rumors about there not being any WMDs.  And the gullible Democrats bought it, and then the abashed Bush administration just kinda cowered in the corner and refused to stand up for itself.  Pussies!

Anyway, this is old news too, in that Wes's other buddy (another speaker at the Intelligence Summit), General Jack Shaw, broke the story to The Washington Times in October 2004.  (Oddly enough, nobody else in the administration confirmed it.)

But let's allow Wes to continue, for he explains that our problem isn't with regular, run-of-the-mill Russians, it's with Commies!  (See, we never sprayed for commies after we won the Cold War, and so they managed to infest Iraq -- and we're now paying the price.)
Addressing the three-day conference at a hotel not far from the Pentagon itself, [General Jack Shaw] revealed not only the Russian operation, but the effort — for whatever reason — to cover it up here at home.
When the Cold War ended, Russia's military aid to Iraq and Syria did not. Unlike Germany and Japan at the end of World War II, the free world allies were not able actually to occupy the old Soviet Union and de-communize" it the way Germany was "de-nazified." In Germany, the bums were killed, imprisoned, disgraced, or banished from public office. In Russia, the bums walked free and pulled strings, albeit under different banners. We are paying the price of that in today's Iraq War.
Damn it, the Commies not only undercut our war, they also used Saddam's weapons to arm the terrorists in Iraq!  And kids, that's why even though George Bush right about everything, we never found any WMDs; it's also the reason we didn't win this war in a week like we were supposed to, and why, despite the brilliant military leadership from Rummy and the gang, our soldiers are continuing to die.

But why hasn't the Bush administration told you any of this?
Because it would blow their cover, that's why! 
The biggest puzzle in all this is why the Bush administration has not shouted this story from the rooftops, especially since it puts the lie to the "Bush lied-People died" propaganda. [...]
General Shaw put it this way to his audience: "The question is not only how badly we got snookered by the Russkis, but why it is in the U.S. interest to continue the cover-up of the real story. It has been suggested that our knowledge of the movement of these weapons is not helpful as we cannot prove what happened without expanding the war. There is also the old intelligence rationale of not blowing your cover, so you can continue to mine your intelligence sources without compromising them."
Sure, the White House doesn't mind blowing the cover of CIA officers, but then Ms. Plame wasn't telling the Vice President what he wanted to hear, now was she?

But this brings up a question: hasn't General Shaw now compromised those intelligence sources?  So, shouldn't he investigated for treason or something?

And speaking of FBI investigations, here are a few snippets from an interesting LA Times story from July 2004: Pentagon Official Steered Lucrative Deals to His Pals (it's not part of Wes's conspiracy story, though):
A senior Defense Department official conducted unauthorized investigations of Iraq reconstruction efforts and used their results to push for lucrative contracts for friends and their business clients, according to current and former Pentagon officials and documents.

John A. "Jack" Shaw, deputy undersecretary for international technology security, represented himself as an agent of the Pentagon's inspector general in conducting the investigations, sources said.
Shaw's actions are the latest to raise concerns that senior Republican officials working in Washington and Iraq have used the rebuilding effort in Iraq to reward associates and political allies. One of Shaw's close friends, the former top U.S. transportation official in Iraq, is under investigation for his role in promoting an Iraqi national airline with a company linked to the Saddam Hussein regime.

The inspector general's office — which investigates waste, fraud and abuse at the Pentagon — has turned over its inquiry into Shaw's actions to the FBI to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, the sources said.

The FBI also is looking into allegations, first reported by the Los Angeles Times, that Shaw tried to steer a contract to create an emergency phone network for Iraq's security forces to a company whose board of directors included a friend and one of Shaw's employees.
But some claim that this was all a big lie on the part of the LA Times and Shaw's enemies.  In August 2004, the DoD issued a statement which said that Shaw hadn't done anything wrong, was never investigated by the DoD Inspector General, and that "attempts to discredit Shaw" had been referred to the FBI.  Case closed!

Except that the news release has since been removed "because information has become available that indicates it may not have been accurate at the time it was issued. The matter is under review."  (Per the LA Times, the IG's staff found clear evidence of wrongdoing on Shaw's part, but the Inspector General, another long-time Republican and Bush supporter, referred the matter to the FBI over his staff's objections -- and then forbade them from assisting the FBI.  Sadly, the IG resigned last year, in part due to the Shaw debacle.) 

Shaw was reportedly fired by the Pentagon in Dec. 2004, after he refused to resign.  But he claimed that Douglas Feith and Ahmed Chalabi were the REAL bad guys, having arranged their own conspiracy to get big cell phone contracts for THEIR friends.  But I can't find where the results of the FBI investigation of Shaw have ever been anounced -- but since he's not in prison, I guess he makes a perfectly credible speaker for the Intelligence Summit

And anyway, even if Shaw did engage in fraud and war profiteering, it doesn't mean that he isn't right about the Russians being behind the disappearance of Saddam's WMDs.  However, it does raise some questions about why the Intelligence Summit paid him to speak about his claims.

After all, reportedly two former CIA directors resigned from IS's board of directors when they learned that one of the group's biggest donors had ties to the Russian mafia (and allegedly had been involved in crimes, including political assassinations). 

So, is the IS being used by the Russian mafia to spread trouble for their rivals, the Commies?  Personally, I think that's a better conspiracy theory than any that Wes and his friends have raised.  If you just add some evil bureaucrats who are trying to buy up LA's water rights, a plot to frame the Vice President for shooting a guy, and a murky plot by aliens to conquer Earth (at the behest of Satan), then you have a theory that explains a LOT!.

But back to Wes for one last theory:
There's much more to be told. One of the main conference participants — Bill Tierney, a onetime former translator — told conferees the cases involving the first (1993) World Trade Center bombing and the (1995) Oklahoma City bombing should be re-opened so as to bring to a closure the glaring inconsistencies and unanswered questions in the accepted versions of those mysteries.

But we'll get to that later. For now, the Russian connection is enough to ponder.
Yeah, the Russian connection is great and all, but I think that we should blame Saddam (and his best friends, the commies) for the first World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing. 
Say, what if Timothy McVeigh had been brainwashed by the Russians (and the ChiComs) at the behest of Saddam into doing the bombing -- perhaps the trigger was when he was shown a certain playing card by his cold and scheming mother, Ann Coulter?  Now THAT would be a good conspiracy.

Anyway, speaking of our friend Bill (the "onetime former translator"), Byron York googled Bill for a National Review Online piece (way to go, Byron -- Google is your friend).  Bryon then asked Bill some questions about what he said on "Coast to Coast" -- and it seems that Bill regrets nothing.  Yes, Bill DID get targeting information from God and from a friend's clairvoyant dream, and he's glad, GLAD that he said so on a radio show that usually deals with UFOs, flat Earth theories, and the Secret Societies that Are Controlling the World For Satan.

Here's part of Byron's report:
In his presentation at the so-called "Intelligence Summit," Tierney, an Arabic speaker, described how he received the "Saddam Tapes" from federal authorities last year as part of his job as a contract translator. It was supposed to be a routine assignment, but Tierney said he soon realized the tapes had special significance and decided to make them public.
Um, haven't President Bush and VP Cheney called for the execution of people who do stuff like that (or is it only information about the administration's failure to follow the law that shouldn't be made public)?
Tierney said he believes other tapes, which have not yet been heard, will eventually reveal that Iraq was behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
I told you so!
Tierney also said that he believes Iraq orchestrated the 2001 anthrax attacks, with Saddam Hussein using American scientist Steven Hatfill as a "proxy" to carry out the mission.
Is it slander if you just say that you believe that a private individual committed murder and terrorist acts?  (I'll defer to Hatfill's lawyer on this one.)

But on to what Bill said on "Coast to Coast" about how he identified an Iraqi uranium enrichement facility through supernatural means:
Tierney told NRO that he appeared on the program because he wanted to reach a large audience. "I don't believe a lot of the stuff that goes on on 'Coast to Coast,'" he said. "It's a forum to speak to people who are searching for answers, and that's why I went on."
And the guests who appear on "Coast to Coast" are so highly respected by society in general, and have such a great effect on our country, that Bill knew that his appearance on the program would make the Iraqis stop their evil nuclear activities.
Tierney said he applied that inspiration [from God] to a particular site, a facility that might have been part of an Iraqi nuclear program. [...] But the people in charge of searching for WMD didn't take Tierney seriously. When he brought it up with his superiors, he said, "People basically rolled their eyes, they didn't follow up on it."
Imagine that!
After leaving his position as an inspector, he still had the information, and was still frustrated by his inability to get it out. "I'm in a position of what do I do with this?" Tierney said. "Do I go public? Because then I could get in trouble for revealing classified information....I wanted to get it to UNMOVIC so they could check it out, and I didn't know what to do." (UNMOVIC was the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission, the body that took over the work of UNSCOM.)
That's where his friend's dream came in. "I got on the phone with a good friend I haven't talked to in 15 years. And I just told her what was going on, and she cut me off and said, 'You know, I had a dream about two years ago.' And then she described a location. She didn't know what it was, she just knew it was important to somebody. She drew a picture of this, and it was the exact angle of this location, as a power generation station on the Tigris River. It had two inlets and two outlets, exactly in her picture, and she said, 'There was water flowing into this house, and there was something going on downstairs, and I was standing there and no one knew I was there' — this is in her dream — 'and there was a lot of activity going on, but they didn't know I was there.' And she had no idea, I didn't tell her anything. And right as I was trying to decide what to do with this, she gives me this."
In the end, it all seemed to fit a Biblical pattern. "So the dream — look in the Bible," Tierney said. "There were dreams." Tierney gave the information to UNMOVIC, which, he said, did not adequately pursue it.
Yes, there WERE dreams in the Bible.  So, Bill can't be a kook, can he?

Anyway, after the UN group failed to do anything with Bill's info, he went public with it on "Coast to Coast," but apparently he didn't get in trouble for revealing classified information after all.  And somehow it made all the difference, and the world was saved from the atomic bomb that the Iraqis were making at that plant (and which the commies were planning to move into Syria as soon as our backs were turned), all thanks to Bill, Bill's clairvoyant friend, and God!

 Now that's what I call a conspiracy theory!

9:33:12 PM    

Wingnut Weekly World News

Right-wing conspiracy theories so wacky that they have to be true!  (Because otherwise, life will be meaningless and drab for a lot of people.)

1.  Today's lead story at WorldNetDaily is Wildlife group claims proof of Bigfoot colony!
'Nuff said.

2.  Our next exciting conspiracy also comes from WorldNetDaily:
Yes!  That's the only theory that makes sense!
How powerful are groups like the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers and others seldom ever mentioned?
Really, really powerful!  You have to especially watch out for the groups that are seldom mentioned, such as "The Pleasant Grove Town Council" and "The Nebraska Library Commission."
Is there a grand conspiracy at work to move the world toward global government and a universal religion?
Sure!  And, as we all know, it's headed by Damien Thorne.
Dr. Stanley Monteith, a medical doctor by training, set out on a mission to answer those questions some 40 years ago. The results of his startling research is found in the book,"Brotherhood of Darkness," a shocking expose that shines the light of day on the secret societies – some of which have been at work on the world stage for centuries.
"Most people don't realize they exist because their minds have been conditioned to reject any thought of such organizations," explains Monteith.
So, if you don't believe that these secret societies control the world, it's because they've conditioned your mind not to believe it, thus proving that they DO control the world!
This hard-hitting book names names, places, dates and full citations from primary sources.
Prescott Bush. Wall Street. 1942. Memorandum to the Executive Committee of the Office of Alien Property Custodian, stamped CONFIDENTIAL, from the Division of Investigation and Research, Homer Jones, Chief. ( Bush book: Chapter -2-) 
Monteith reveals the identity of the mysterious forces behind the men who rule the world, and why some U.S. leaders have dedicated their lives to destroying their own nation.
For the Halliburton stock?
Are they all working together?
Well, I don't think Harry Whittington is working with them any more.
Who are they ultimately serving?
Is there a grand architect?
Yes.  (See above)
You will be shocked and disturbed at the answers.
I'm sure I will, but I don't want to have to pay $13.95 for them.  So, I did some Googling, and found many of the answers FOR FREE!

First, from COAST TO COAST AM WITH GEORGE NOORY (where Dr. Monteith was a guest in 2004) I learned about the "Secret Societies' Agendas."
Host of Radio LibertyDr. Stanley Monteith shared his research about secret societies and their agendas. Referring to such groups as the Project for the New American Century and the Council on Foreign Relations, he said their plan is to greatly depopulate the planet via fostering events such as World War III (which he believes has already begun).

Fueled by a "dark and sinister spiritual force," these groups are basically worshipping Satan, Monteith argued, even if they don't realize it. Going all the way back to the writings of Plato for inspiration, their ultimate goal is to create a one world government, a "fascist state," that civilians will be more prone to accept after experiencing the ravages of war, he suggested. The secret societies' agenda also includes a "new world religion" which will eliminate Christianity and other faiths, he believes
Yup, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Project for the New American Century get together to worship Satan and to depopulate the world, just like that bastard Plato advocated.  Are you as shocked and disturbed by this as I am?

From Amazon, we learn more disturbing answers:
This book came to being after 39 years of research. We reveal the secrets that the sages have passed down through the ages. If the secrets were discovered these men would have been killed. This book explains why the Supreme Court took prayer out of schools.
Yes, the sages would have been killed if anybody knew that they were saying that the Supreme Court took prayer out of the schools because Satan told them to!

But wait, there's more!  If you go to Dr. Monteith's "Radio Liberty" site, you will discover even more shocking facts.  For instance, in "The Population Control Agenda" we learn that Margaret Sanger, Hitler, Rachel Carson, Madeline Albright, Yoko Ono (really!), Planned Parenthood, the American Medical Association, and everybody who doesn't follow Dr. Monteith's suggestions on how to stop AIDS, either serve Satan or have fallen under the influence of "occultic population controllers."  ("Both Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler were energized by the same 'dark, spiritual forces'" of Satan worshipping, but the others may have just been duped by new-age philosophies and "the covert forces which control the reality of the American public today.")  

See, nobody is curing AIDS because "they" want the Africans to get wiped out.  DDT got banned because "they" want large segments of the world's population to be eliminated.  You don't hear about how Hitler killed Christians because "they" don't want you to know that Hitler was a Satan worshipper.  And the AMA doesn't tell you about the risk of breast cancer caused by abortion because "they" want women to be slutty, get pregnant, abort their babies, and then DIE!  It all makes sense now!  And Satan is behind it!

Hey, the truth is out there!  You just have to want to believe!

We'll be back a little later with some more horrifying, shadowy conspiracy theories, but we think that the NSA may be onto us, and we have to ...  

12:56:41 PM    

Presented, For Your Approval ...

... A new blog out of Texas, Bildungblog.  It features photos and amusing captions.  I especially liked the one of Condi demonstrating the size of the brain of a Bushosaurus Rex  

Oh, and if you're one of the first 10,000 to visit the site, you get free insurance against Dick Cheney peppering. 

12:47:34 AM    

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