The Survey Says ..."Exhiliration?"
I find this response to 9/11, well, abnormal. Hitchens can feel whatever he feels, but when viewed in conjunction with his recent actions, they seem to point to a larger problem, and I think he should seek help. Maybe from a former psychiatrist like Charles Krauthammer. I think Chuck would diagnose Hitchens as somebody who has always sought to engulf himself in causes larger than himself in order to compensate for his own perceived inadequacies. It's no wonder that, after the anti-Clinton crusade (which allowed him to project all of his disappointments about his life onto somebody else) had pretty much been tapped out, he was delighted to be presented with a new cause, and one in which HE PERSONALLY was a victim. It allows him to externalize all the evil which he senses within himself onto a socially acceptable outside target, and to feel self-righteously "good" for fighting it -- even though his "fight" only involves putting words to paper. I'm sure Charles could name this disorder, find that it has reached plague-status in this land, and get a whole column out of it. But he's probably too busy psychoanalyzing the Al Gore's endorsement of Howard Dean (indubitably due to too-early toilet training, which caused a deeply-repressed resentment of his mother, which feelings he transferred to Hillary Clinton, and backed Dean just to spite her). But the scariest thing is, in this email interview conducted by Front Page, Hitchens comes across as saner than the interviewer, who asks questions such as:
To this latter question, Hitchens replies,
So, Hitchens isn't totally out of touch with reality, which leads to hope that he could be cured, if he seeks treatment in time. And later Hitchens tell the insufferable twerp of an interviewer, "So don’t be so goddam cocky about who was, or was not “pro-American." Which shows just how annoying this interviewer is, in that he can outshine Hitchens in the annoying, pretentious, preachy, twit department. Anyway, I thought that the interviewer was one of Horowitz's pet college students until I read the attribution at the bottom of the page:
So, I guess I can't blame the kids for all the blather coming out of campuses these days. P.S. I also noted with amusement David Horowitz's blog entry for this week, in which he writes that he didn't like Angels in America because the characters are all whiney, and never learn anything from their suffering. Projection again? Anyway, the main reason I found it amusing it that it shows that David doesn't spell or proofread any better than I do. 7:55:04 AM ![]() |
Kids! TBOGG reminds us of some of the previous winners of his College Conservative Talent Search contest, and reintroduces us to Joe Sabia, a young man who has a thing or two to say to his slutty female classmates! (Mostly "Why, oh why won't you throw your bra and panties over the headboard of MY bed?") And Roger Ailes has some fascinating info about Adam Yosida's work with Schizophrenics for Dean. Yes, Adam is well on his way to career with New Republic! So, for my contribution to the effort to spotlight wordy know-it-alls who can't yet legally drink, let me share the latest thoughts from Judson Cox, a previous discovery of Roger's (Roger called him the "Hillbilly Virgin Ben.") Young Judson is a student at Liberty University "who aspires to be a journalist and a columnist" when he grows up. As he modestly described himself in the third-person for his bio, "He is quickly gaining recognition as one of the most popular and influential voices of his generation." And better yet, "With a humor akin to P.J. O'Rourke and Dave Barry, and a plain spoken southern wisdom that matches Charlie Daniels, his confrontational style lies somewhere between Ann Coulter and Merle Haggard." And to show us his Ann Coulter-like humor and his Merle Haggard-esque wisdom, here's Judson, talking about the "second greatest threat to humanity" in this piece which I found at Young Conservatives called:
See, Judson is a fervent Darwinist, but he covers himself with his creationist conservative fellow-travelers by adding that evolution can't explain HOW life was created, only why we shouldn't try to help sucky animals who can't survive after man destroys their environment. God himself has no sympathy for loser species.
Cloning is what killed the dinosaurs, after all. And if you once clone something, all natural selection is forever stopped, just like how identical twins caused the extinction of life on the moon. Anyway, even though helping stupid pandas who are too lazy to grow their own bamboo is the second greatest threat to humanity, Judson's real target is goverment programs that help inferior human beings to live and pass on their unfit genes.
Just like in that Kafka novel.
If you want to read more about saving yourself from the fate of the panda, see the work of Josef Mengele. Or better yet, just refuse to breed with the stupid. You know, I think that might be why Joe Sabia isn't getting any action. 6:12:27 AM ![]() |
The TownHall Review! Now With Iodine! Today's themes are "Give us less goverment, or give us tax cuts!", and "Al Gore's endorsement of Dean shows he's turned his back on all he belives in, in that now he wants to be on the winning side." Also, some Hillary Clinton bashing and Howard Dean bashing for good measure. Plus, Little Ben Shapiro tries his hand at parodying the most parodied poem of all time, and Michelle Malkin copies a bunch of stuff from the internet and pastes it into her column. Demand less from government, not more! Stick your head out of the window and yell, "I'm mad as hell at getting a tax break for having children, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
Government should only help out big business, not actual people. If you disagree, you're dissing the founding fathers.
Sowell is going to go out on a limb and say that the Wright brothers were important inventors! (But what we want to know is, did they ever sell their kidneys?)
Winner of the "Most Annoying TownHall Column of the Day." (And while it's probably illegal to give my endorsement this early in the campaign, Kathleen is my nominee for inclusion's "20 Most Annoying Conservatives" list for next year. Well, one of my nominees.) The basic message of this piece, titled "Howard Dean's Search for the South's Poor 'n Oppressed," seems to be that Dean is reaching out to Southern blacks, Southern whites, and to Democrats, and somehow this is bogus and Kathleen hates him for it.
We should be nice to those Republican legislators who voted against the Medicare bill, because while they did the right thing, Bush and his thugs promised to rough them up after school for not showing their gang colors.
Al Gore is rude and unprincipled. (Added bonus: a Simpsons ref and a slam against people who think life is a cartoon.)
Al Gore is rude, unprincipled, and Machiavellian. But at least he hates Hillary!
Hillary Clinton was on three network TV programs Sunday morning, and nobody tarred and feathered her! This proves that something is deeply wrong with the media.
Iraq's constitution won't be exactly the same as OUR constitution, in that it won't allow the Iraqis the freedom to convert to our fine American religions. Hey, maybe this ISN'T a victory for Christianity!
It's rap master Ben!
Michelle KNEW that the Beltway sniper killings were the work of al-Queda terrorists, but you elite media-ists just wouldn't believe Mark Steyn! Well, maybe the snipers weren't Al-Qaeda terrorists, but they were Muslims, and that's basically the same thing! And the proof is that Lee Malvo drew pictures in jail such as "Exhibit 65-056: A self-portrait of Malvo as sniper, lying in wait, with his rifle. 'JIHAD' written in bold letters." Plus many, many more, which Michelle lists.
The editor emeritus of the Wall Street Journal got the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is a great moment for conservatism, Reaganism, anti-communism, free marketism, and anti-Hillaryism.
No peace is possible between Israel and the Arabs, and the Israelis are wise enough to know this and say "Fie!" on your peace plans.
So, TownHall. Making the world safe for "Casey at the Bat" parodies and Simpsons references. 3:02:58 AM |
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