". . .And the girls were immersed in a kind of foamy gray Love Canal that made me want to avert my eyes" Yay, it's Friday, and we can hardly wait for our regular Friday fix of TBOGG stories about America's Worst Mother (TM Tbogg corp). As you will recall, last time young Gunsel, inspired by Mummy's reading of Treasure Island, hired some pirates to off his father. Let's see how long it takes for anyone to notice that Daddy is missing. This time it's another adventure in squalor, as Meghan copes with a broken dishwasher and vacuum by refusing to wash dishes or clean the carpets. Oh, and the desperate children are adding food coloring to their bath water and drinking it, pretending that it's soup, or juice, or some other form of food. Sure, the water contains unhealthy levels of lead, but as Meghan cheerfully tells Specious and Jerobeam, at least it's better for them than ricin. Well, she doesn't actually say it, because the stupid twits don't even know what the Senate is, but she THINKS it, and gathers some more castor beans. Now, back to Meghan, who is the REAL victim here, because she's suffering from a whole bunch o' papercuts from mailing out all those ricin-filled letters to the Senate. Well, she claims it was from stuffing envelopes for the children's private school, but that's just in case the FBI is reading. While the children drown in the bathtub, Meghan shares with us her deviously clever revenge on the neighbors who sport "Regime Change Begins at Home" or "Attack Iraq? No!" bumper stickers: she uses those USPS Purple Heart stamps on their envelopes. Meghan laughs fiendishly as she imagines the liberal bastards writhing in agony as the ricin spreads throughout their systems . . . Um, that was probably just a joke on Meghan's part. What she meant was that she imagines the libs recoiling in horror from patriotic stamps. Somewhere in that fantasy, Meghan hears the voice of "the invisible wife," who reminds her that John Kerry actually won 3 Purple Hearts in Vietham, while Bush was AWOL. Her bloodthirsty smile fades. Damn that invisible wife, always spoiling Meghan's fun! Son NASCAR wants turquoise bath water. Fine, whatever. Just don't bother Mummy when she's plotting unspeakable horrors to visit on the neighbors. And that's the last we ever hear of NASCAR. The kid who hasn't drowned (eldest daughter Passion) demands that her bedtime story be about Howard Dean's special interests. Mummy explains that special interests are "groups that support the other guy." So, says Meghan, when Democrats talk about special interests, they mean Christians, Patriots, and Uncle Oil Industry. For Republicans, it means adulterers, baby-killers, and sodomites. Passion stuns her mother by ratting out her teachers. Then she sleepily asks what sodomites are. And that concludes this week's heartwarming story of life in the Fever Swamp. Next time: the FBI closes in on the "PTA Ricin Killer," and life is much less hectic for Meghan, now that all of the household applicances are broken, and she only has one living child. At least, that was my interpretation of it all. We have to wait for TBOGG to give us the official version. 7:52:15 AM ![]() |
And a couple more shocking things you should be aware of: Washing the Blog has photos of the REAL Kerry scandal (and it involves grassy knolls, fiery deaths in the sky, and the destruction of Tokyo). I accuse Chelsea Clinton of somehow getting the media focused on it. And in case you don't have a sweetheart this Valentine's Day and are feeling blue, read Thrilling Days of Yesteryear's expose of Pat Novak For Hire. It proves that dames are nothing but bad news, and a guy who trusts one will end up unconscious in an alley, framed for murder. Every time! It also has a cute photo of a young Jack Webb. 7:16:41 AM ![]() |
Extra! Kerry Scandal Edition No need to actually read Drudge or the National Enquirer to learn all the juicy Kerry details: Instapundit, Best of the Web Today, Mickey Kaus, and AndrewSullivan will tell you all you need to know from the comfort and respectability of their blogs. Well, they won't soil a lady's reputation by actually NAMING her (because they're gentlemen), and they refrain from detailing the sordid details, but they do HINT at a lot of stuff -- and thereby ingeniously manage to make the story seem worse than what the tabloids are actually serving up. (All while scrupulously reminding you that Drudge is "only 80% accurate," but he WAS right about Monica, after all, so . . .) Oh, and hasten to assure us that it's nobody's business but those involved if Kerry is cheating on his wife, but it does show a lack of character that's even worse than skipping out on Guard service -- and, like Lileks said, while most politicians cheat, we can't have a horndog in the White House, because he'll spend all his time worrying about getting some tail instead of continuing the war on foreign evil doers. Anyway, in case you don't want to bother even reading the above sources, the gist of the Drudge report is that "a claimed two-year relationship" (2001 to just before Kerry announced his candidacy in fall 2002) between Kerry and a young woman is being investigated by Time, ABC News, The Wash Post, The Hill, etc. The woman is hinted to have been a former Kerry intern. After being approached by a TV news producer (presumably ABC) for her story, the woman fled to Africa, possibly at the direction of Kerry. The story of the relationship was peddled to the media by a "friend of the woman" a few months ago, but nobody wanted to hear about it until recently. The "20-year-old" "intern" once worked for Associated Press. Kerry is going to address the relationship this morning on the Don Imus radio program. For further details, we go to The Sun, which reveals the woman's name (we'll just call her Alex) and indicates that, "There is no evidence the pair had an affair." The woman is now 24. The Sun interviews her parents, who claim that Kerry invited her to Washington two or three years ago, and asked her to be on his reelection committee, which she declined. They accuse Kerry of "chasing" their daughter, call him a "sleazeball," and think their daughter probably thought of him the same way. The story concludes with the info that "Journalist Alex was in Kenya last night refusing to comment." So, not much of a scandal so far. Thus, everybody is saying that the REAL news is who is pushing this story and trying to slime Kerry (who is, they all remind you, slimy, but wouldn't it be cool if this "scandal" could kill two birds with one intern). Maybe it was Howard Dean's people! Or possibly Wes Clark! Most likely one of them, because that's the kind of thing they might do, possibly. Of course, it could have been the RNC, or the White House, but probably not, because they would have slimed him later in the race. Sullivan mentions that the whole thing sounds pretty Lucianne Goldbergian, but Jonah says "nuh uh!" (And then Lucianne emails Sully to assure him it wasn't her -- probably Clark or Dean.) Could it just be the press following up on a juicy rumor because they know how much the public loves intern scandals? No, that's just what they WANT you to think! And then we get to wacky theories like this, courtesy of Sullivan:
Andy, the reason that McAuliffe "raised" the Bush AWOL story now, is that the media attacked Clark for not slapping down his supporter Michael Moore when Moore raised the issue a few days ago. And thus the helpful press brought the matter to everyone's attention "now." It's too bad nobody ever tells you these kind of things, Andrew. But I like your faith in the powers of the DNC to elicit precise reactions from the White House spokesman (I guess McClellan is some kind of Manchurian Candidate controlled by McAuliffe; the White House should probably follow up on this). And, yes, the idea that the Clintons are the secret masterminds behind the "Kerry intern scandal," is indeed "paranoid," but there are drugs that can help with this kind of thing. But lets move on to ANOTHER Kerry scandal, which I first learned of from Sullivan: And when we go to Kaus, we get THIS important story (provided here exactly as "published" on Slate):
What a prince Mick is, to thoughtfully refrain from mentioning the girl's name (which a check of the Boston Herald archives easily reveals -- as does Roger Ailes, who wants to know what happened to Mick's stones). Anyway, we'll just call the woman "Maria." But Google shows that Freepers posted this story in January of this year, effectively scooping Mick with their "unearthing" abilities. And what's more, they didn't cut the exculpatory portions (and since they used the later edition of the Herald story, they protected the woman's privacy too, and without being ostentatious about it). Here's what Kaus didn't feel was relevant to his "everything is on the table" item, courtesy of Free Republic:
So, Mickey has the distinction of being more sleazy and less responsible than the Freepers. Way to go, Mick! (Is it possible that Mickey's "unaligned feminist Democrat" is actually a Freeper? Sounds that way to me.) And what should be the lesson to you from all of this? That the Sun and Free Republic are more open about their interest in sleaze (and about their partisanship), and they also provide better, more complete stories than any of the bloggers mentioned in the first paragraph. So, I'd suggest they are the more honest, moral sources for your scandal news . . .and possibly for all of your news. 6:05:39 AM |
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