The Magic Ends Too Soon We wrap up our Saddam Day (the most magical day of the year) coverage with a couple of words from Andrew Sullivan:
Yes. Yes, we will. That's usually how it works. (Unless we buy our memories from a Philip K. Dick novella or something.) But OUR memories won't be as grand and brilliant and cool as Andrew's, for we didn't broaden the possibilities of liberty and restrain violent men and evil ideologies, like Andrew and his bestest buddy George Bush did. But I'm sure that Andrew will let us share HIS memories over the course of the coming weeks and years, assuming he can ever take time away from his grueling schedule of cutting and pasting to write them down. For even if he can give us just 25 original words a day, in the course of a year, that's, like, a zillion words, and well worth a donation of $50! Or something like that. Go read Sadly, No! for the truth. I'm bitter 'cause I didn't get no Pornographic Stick Figure Captioning prize. 7:42:14 AM ![]() |
Society Beat: Saddam Edition While December 14, 2002 will be a Day Which Will Live in Ickiness for those on the right (or so says Rush Limbaugh, et. al.), it was a combination High Holy Day and Mardi Gras for the right. Let's hear how Al D'Amato celebrated, per the NY Daily News:
Al too was found in a spider-hole, and checked for lice and other vermin before being taken away for DNA testing. From the same source we bring you The Most Ridiculous Item of Tomorrow:
Well, expect Ann to remark that the only problem with serial bomber Eric Robert Rudolph is that he didn't blow up the "Saturday Night Live" studio (preferably while Al Sharpton was doing the show). Bill will just have the daydream where he's Clint Eastwood (smoking a cigar, wearing a shawl), and Tina is Lee Van Cleef, and Bill shoot her right between the head, and then he doesn't invite her to his birthday party, causing her to break down in tears and beg for forgiveness. And after that fantasy, Bill segues into the one where he tortures Saddam into telling where the weapons of mass destruction are, and then is able to trust the Bush Administration again with his head held high. 7:30:55 AM ![]() |
The Worst Day of Our Lives And what could Rush "I take Full Responsibility for My Actions, But the Bank Made Me Launder Money" Limbaugh have to say about Saddam's capture? Well, mostly a lot of crap: Rush
Grandiosity: one of the symptoms of the abuse of a certain class of drugs (along with "euphoria, incoherent thoughts, hostility, disorientation, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts"). Just FYI. Now, back to Rush, explaining how he's not gloating because Saddam's capture ruined the lives of everyone on the left:
Of course you're not gloating, Rush. That would mean that you abandoned all that good stuff you learned in rehab (just because the crowds just didn't find it appealing), and were back to your old ways and old vices. So, let's look at some of that in-depth political analysis: Angry White Liberals (also titled "Average Democrats Spew Hatred on Kook Websites," per Rush's home page) (But first -- you know how Rod Dreher said he was "surfing the blogosphere for hours now, gathering commentary for publication in a Saddam-capture blog roundup for my newspaper"? Could it be that his "newspaper" is RUSH?) Okay, now the in-depth analysis:
That concludes Rush's analysis of that item. (Well, if you listen to the audio file, Rush does admit that he found the post at Beast, er, Best of the Web -- so his spy didn't have to actually get dirty by GOING to a liberal site. And Rush does actually read the post. So, EXTREME in-depth analysis.) Our own shallow analysis indicates that Lance didn't say anything about "Joe Six-Pack" being "drug-addled." Instead, Lance mentioned that "Joe" has had "numerous jobs because of lack of education, unreliability, failed drug tests, missing work, etc." I guess this struck a little too close to home for Rush, because he too has failed drug tests, and there's nothing wrong with that! And when Lance mentions Joe's lack of education and unspectacular job history, why, it's Rush's life story, and the reason why HE turned to right-wing talk radio (and made it his career). Except that it's really not, because Rush has never been "drug-addled." Stupid liberal! Anyway, Rush discusses three or four more extreme and/or wacky reader comments from "Buzz Flash" and "DemocratUnderground" (while a bit extreme and a tad wacky, these comments are NOTHING like the horrors to be found at Free Republic or Rush's conclusion? "Anything good for America is bad for Democrats." So, thanks, Rush. And best of luck regarding that next stint in rehab. 6:13:07 AM ![]() |
Lies, Damned Lies, and Sean Hannity Now, let's check in with Hannity and Nonentity. Why, it seems that Sean is asking Al D'Amato and Geraldine Ferraro how the Democratic candidates can be stupid enough to stay in the race, now that 59% of Americans say that we should have gone to war with Iraq. (Well, it's actually it was 62% on Sunday -- that 3% increase is the big news which Sean is trying to exploit; but we should give him a break, because he was born too early for for Bush's "No Sean Left Behind" program, which would ensure that all Fox hosts learn reading and math.) Anyway, while that Gallup poll also found that Saddam's capture "had virtually no effect on the public's perceptions about the Iraqi war or whether Bush deserved re-election," and "'does not look like a seismic event, despite the banner headlines,'" per Frank Newport, head of the Gallup Poll, let's see what Sean has to say. Take it away, Sean
Jane, you miserable slut. We're just here to talk about that one poll question that Sean wants to talk about, even if it's meaningless and he got it wrong anyway. And don't you forget it! And who cares what Geraldine has to say anyway. Let's just talk to Al from now on, and hear what he has to say about peace through war:
Hey, good for you, Alan! And I think the Republicans could use Al's point as a slogan in the upcoming election: "Vote for George. He invited the terrorists to Iraq so they wouldn't come to YOUR house." And actually, Geraldine is sounding pretty good too. I vote that she get all of Lieberman's money and supporters! 4:07:07 AM ![]() |
Burn the Not-Ecstatic-Enough Witch! Well, all of our favorite talking heads (or yelling head, in the case of Bill O'Reilly; or talking-out-of-his-butt, in the case of Rush Limbaugh) were back to work after a momentous weekend. Let's check in with them and see what they had to say. First, here's Bill, looking out for the nation with his famous Talking Points Memo; lets skip to the last part, where he disposes of the problem of what to do with Saddam, and then gives us a preview of what St. Peter will be asking at the Pearly Gates:
Um, doesn't it sound like Bill is advocating torture in the first pagraph? Gee, I can hardly wait for Ann Coulter to weigh in with the wacko-extremist view. And in the second paragraph, Bill is flat-out saying that the U.S. should offer Saddam a deal (no death penalty in exchange for full disclosure), and then tell him, "Well, WE won't kill you, but you committed crimes in another jurisdiction, and you don't have a deal with them. Hope they hang you, sucker!" Just like on that "Law and Order" ep. Saddam had better hire Shambala Green ASAP! And as for Bill's question for measuring worth your your soul: well, I was glad that Saddam was caught, but undoubtedly not glad enough to suit Bill (since I still won't be voting for Bush come 2004). And I don't consider Saddam's capture "another great victory" for America (Come on -- it's not like we took Normandy Beach today!) So, I guess this means that I'm going to hell. Oh, well, at least I'll have some non-human pod people from outer space to keep me company. 2:39:12 AM |
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