Tuesday Town Hall Because Jesus told me to. All those Passion fans are Clinton's people, leading to speculation (by me) that Bush is planning on dumping Cheney and running with Mel Gibson this year.
Richard Shelby, Zell Miller, and some other cranks have sponsored a bill called the Constitution Restoration Act, which would make sure that no judges can prevent people from "acknowledging" God in public buildings (well, the God of those Bush supporters discussed by Rich Lowry -- I don't think you'd be allowed to put up an altar to Ba'al in the courthouse). And all the judges will have to base their rulings on what the legislators says the law is, since the judicial branch refuses to be Republican, like the executive and legislative branches, and this is the only way to keep them in line. See David Neiwert's excellent piece on this bill, if you haven't already.
Last week Dennis explained that women expose their breasts during half-time shows because (1) it's the only way they can "announce they are females," everyone tending to otherwise get confused about which ones the women are, except when they're actually in the process of giving birth. Also, (2) there just aren't any nice clothes for women that don't include rip-away bodices and metal pasties. This week Dennis provides even more reasons that women keep exposing their naked bodies to him in his fantasies. 3. Since women are not men, they find stripping more fulfilling than college teaching or corporate work. Oh, and they only get fulfillment from being somebody's wife and the mother to his children, but feminism is trying to take that away from them by killing all their role models, so they can't afford to buy clothes. Or something like that. 4. Because sexual harassment laws prevent men from raping women at work, the evil temptresses delight in taunting men with their bare breasts and g-strings, and insistn on putting on slutty peepshows during board meetings. 5. Women dress sexily to attract men. But that's WRONG, because Dennis is married and shouldn't be having sex with you. 6. Women today are highly educated, but still too stupid to know the difference between dressing "cute" and dressing "provocatively." (Dennis gives simple advice to the poor dears: showing skin means you're a whore.) And since all men only want one thing, if you show any skin, they will all think that you're going to put out, and then they'll get really confused when you call the police on them for shoving their tongues down your throats. "And that includes guys your age, your male teachers, your clergyman, your mailman, and the old man next door."
Mel Gibson's The Passion of Rambo is a going to do boffo box-office -- not because it's a good film, but so that the righteous can smite those atheistic Hollywood people who think they're better than everyone else.
Cal rarely buys tickets for films like Sexy Stewardesses Have a Layover, but instead sneaks into the theater through the fire exit, in order to make a social statement about not paying to witness his values mocked.
And if there is found to be a market for movies geared towards the excluded and despised in our society, watch for Mel Gibson's The Passion of Albert Einstein, geared towards nerds and math geeks. Gay marriage would result in pedophiles adopting children and abusing them, because, um, nothing would stop them from doing it.
There really aren't that many people who work and who are really poor for like, FOREVER, so we shouldn't worry our pretty little heads about them. If they need food for their children, they can always sell a kidney.
So, make sure to thank the Mel fans for giving us Bush by voting for somebody else this fall; smack Zell Miller around the next time you see him, for proposing such stupid legislation(and on general principle); outlaw gay marriage, because otherwise who knows what could happen; screw the poor; and wear a Burqa to work, so that Dennis doesn't have naughty thoughts. 8:11:39 AM ![]() |
Rush Update Here's an update to our post "Rush Helps a Crushed Student". As you may recall, it dealt with a young man who called Rush's radio program to ask for help in dealing with his sociology professor. The call began:
After sharing their joint indignation about the professor's underlining of a sentence on the blackboard, and her statement "don't call me Mrs.," Rush said:
And so on. Anyway, alert reader Chris Vosburg visited the NIU site and . . .
Chris felt that Professor Sullivan was entitled to know what was being said about her and her class, and sent her a link to the transcript. He later heard back from her: she indicated that the student in question ("Joe") gets lots of time in class to air his views "precisely because he is in the minority," and she so is astonished that he would "turn to Rush Limbaugh." Why would Joe whine to Rush about being oppressed in his sociology class? Well, an obvious possibility is that he wanted attention, and couldn't get any through positive acomplishments. So, Joe used the currently fashionable "consevatives are being crushed by liberal colleges" victim mentality meme -- and it worked for him, since he got to appear on a national radio show. The fact that Joe signed up for an elective class which the catalog says will "explore issues related to family life among diverse groups in the population, including variations in gender roles and behaviors" and then complained that it was exploring issues relating to family life among diverse groups in the population, seems to indicate that he took the class just so he could complain about it, and demand that the class not explore these issues any more. Hardly the acts of somebody seeking an education, but totally in keeping with somebody wanting to be a demagogue like Rush when he grows up. But maybe there's another reason that Joe called in to Rush's program . . . First, some background. Reader glenstonecottage commented that Professor Sullivan should consider giving Joe a special assignment:
And that encouraged me to explore Rush's biography. Here are some highlights from it: 1966-1969: Attends Cape Central High School, Cape Girardeau, MO. "Limbaugh was a chubby debating student in high school, and he didn't date much." 1970: Receives a military classification of 1-Y (fit for service only in time of war), thus avoiding the draft. Per Al Franken, brother David said that Rush "avoided the draft because of a pilonidal cyst at the base of the spinal cord in which excess tissue and hair may collect, causing discomfort and discharge." 1971: Moves to Pittsburgh to work for radio station KVQ, then is fired. There are allegations that he was fired after being arrested for soliticing sex from a man. Also, in 2003 a St. Louis man claimed that while a university student in 1971, he had an affair with Limbaugh that lasted for about 3 months. The man opines that Rush is still gay, and his marriages were all shams. Sep 1977: Marries Roxy McNeely, sales secretary at radio station WHB in Kansas City. Mar 1980: Roxy McNeely files for divorce, citing "incompatibility". No children were born from the marriage. 1983: Marries Michelle Sixta, a Kansas City Royals stadium usherette. Dec 1988: Michelle leaves him during Christmas weekend. No children were born from the marriage. May 1994: Marries third wife Marta Fitzgerald, a 35-year-old aerobics instructor who was taking classes at the University of North Florida; she sent him an e-mail note asking how to deal with a Reagan-bashing professor. The couple have no children. So, given that there are rumblings about trouble in the Rush/Marta marriage, I think we can see another possible reason why Joe might have asked Rush how he should deal with his traditional marriage-bashing professor . . . not that there's anything wrong with that. Oh, and from Roger Ailes we get news of Rush's latest assault on marriage. It seems that Rush read a story in a San Francisco paper about a lesbian couple who were recently wed. Here are the highlights fron the news article:
Luna had surgery two weeks ago, and is "doing better than either mother had allowed herself to hope for," but isn't out of danger yet. The two women have been spent the time since Luna's operation in the neo-natal ICU, and hadn't thought about getting married until the friend told him he had gotten them a number, and encouraged them to be part of the historic event.
So, a heart-warming story about two people with a seriously ill child getting the chance to get married. What does Rush say about ?
Well, you could if you were a nutcase, and were burdening the women with your own trauma about being a closeted gay man. Because no normal, sane person would ever say that a heterosexual couple who left the hospital for a couple of hours to get married was committing "child abuse." It's sad to see Rush back on the drugs. 2:37:37 AM |
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