Just When You Thought You'd Met Weird . . . Elizabeth (see comments for the wingnuts piece) and Julia of Sisyphus Shrugged have uncovered a shocking secret about our new favorite nut, Jen Shroder: yes it seems that she is the wacko formerly known as Jennifer Schroeder! Mrs. Schroeder came to public attention in 2002 when she complained about how her son's junior high was using a social studies book which taught the kids about Islam. She was mentioned (favorably) in articles in such venues as GOP USA and News for Christians. Daniel Pipes wrote about her cause for The New York Post; Rod Dreher did likewise for National Review Online. She appeared on Fox News. And she cut off the end of her pinkie finger. And now she's back, but with a new name (which is curiously similar to the old one -- I guess she just couldn't think of anything). As she says at WWW.BlessedCause.com:
So, later today I'll bring you the story of how she was accused of having started the CA governor recall and then FRAMED FOR MURDER! (Well, of sending a virus -- or having a self-mailing virus in her computer) by the Democratic Party. And then, just for fun, we'll contrast that with the story of how the Democratic Party framed Rush Limbaugh for Doctor Shopping! We'll give you the background on how Jen was instrumental in the resolution of the John Walker Lindh trial! And we will recount the chilling tale of how the International Atomic Energy Agency linked to her site, thus showing that she was the innocent prey of murderous Muslims world wide! Frankly, we expect to get a Pulitzer for this story. 10:18:12 PM ![]() |
American Daily: Furthering the Conservative Cause By Giving WingNuts a Forum We found a fun new site called American Daily. It's like TownHall, but without the professionalism or any pretense of sanity. Of course, a few pundits write for both outlets, such as Gary Aldrich, former FBI agent and professional Clintons hater. He has an new American Daily piece (written with Ashley Varner) called 2004: Predictions for the Presidential Election Cycle, which gives us some ideas of what the tricksy Hard-Left is going to do in order to try to take the focus off President Bush's "successful foreign policy." For example:
Yeah, I can see how attacking smoking will meet the Hard-Left goals of deflecting attention from the excellent job Bush is doing in rebuilding Iraq, while also keeping Aldrich from participating in the only pleasure he left, now that sex is out of the question. Those wily Hard-Lefters are criminal geniuses! American Daily also features this example of the fine, old American tradition of "smearing one's opponents." In NJ Governor Endorses ‘Socialist Loser’ Dean For President, Gordon Bishop, "a national award-winning author, historian and syndicated columnist," boldly asserts, (without actually using the words) that James McGreevey, Governor of New Jersey, is gay. Bishop's evidence: not only did McGreevey's first wife divorce him and move to Canada ("Significantly, the divorce papers are sealed"), but he just clinched things by endorsing Howard Dean, "the first Governor in America to endorse legislation permitting same-sex marriage in Vermont."
Yup, Bush is the "real deal," "a breath of fresh air,"and a bunch of other cliches. He's also Popeye. So Dean is practically committing treason by maligning such a man while he is busy leading the free world (whether they want him to or not) in a war against terror. And the fact that McGreevey, a HOMOSEXUAL, would endorse Dean, speaks for itself. So, let's move on to . . . One Teri O'Brien, who apparently has a radio show. She offers a column called Dumb Things Proponents Say About Gay Marriage. And the main dumb thing they say is that homosexuality isn't deviant. So O'Brien cites Deviant Expert Rick Santorum, and proves them wrong ("It may make some unhappy to think of their behavior being equated with behavior that they consider deviant, but the senator's logic is air-tight. Accept it or not, gay rights advocates"!!!) Teri also offers this scientific justification for restricting marriage to heterosexuals:
You'd think that a gay marriage, which would bind two of those violent testosterone-laden men into community-building activity, would be especially sanctioned by the state, but apparently it takes estrogen to make the binding effective. You learn something new about sex hormones every day. And to conclude today's selection, we offer Accused Terrorist Drafted America’s Public School Guidelines, probably the most insane piece I've read for some time. It's by Jen Shroder, the "founder of BlessedCause, an organization dedicated to restoring sanity to our public schools and exposing the Islamic indoctrination of American textbooks." Jen's bio also informs us that
It's hard to follow Jen's latest claims (something about how some guy who used to meet with the Clintons is now being detained for suspected terrorist ties; and while Clinton was President, public school text books started including information about Islam; and since the Muslims are trying to brainwash our youth into abandoning Christianity, Clinton betrayed our kids to Islam, presumably because the Saudis bought him off.) Anyway, here's one of the more accessible paragraphs:
Since Jen "claims God's leading as the only explanation for the success of her website, BlessedCause.org, " I guess I will have to check that website out. Wouldn't want to offend God or anything. I'll report back later. 6:38:00 AM ![]() |
Well, This is Disturbing
So, the only link Cheney can cite to 9/11 is the story about Mohammed Atta meeting an Iraqi intel officer in Prague, a claim discounted by the FBI. And his evidence of the general relationship between Iraq and al Qaida is that Weekly Standard article based on the leaked document with cherry picked "data points" of intelligence designed to bolster Doug Feith's claim that there was an ongoing relationship between the two. As you will recall, the Department of Defense decried the leak, and said that leaked document was "not an analysis of the substantive issue of the relationship between Iraq and al Qaida, and it drew no conclusions." And the idea of recent dealings between Saddam and al Qaida was reportedly contradicted by a high-level Iraqi official, who said that Saddam wanted to distance himself from the terrorist group. Don't the DOD and the FBI talk to Cheney? Doesn't he read the newspapers? Or is it that he's just so invested in proving that he was right about everything that some kind of cognitive dissonance is going on? Anyway, despite the flimsy-to-nonexistant evidence, Cheney stands by his statements linking Iraq with 9/11, and feels that going to war with Iraq was totally justified:
No qualms at all. Maybe that's the scariest thing at all. P.S. You know, Cheney urging people to read that Weekly Standard article makes me wonder anew who leaked the classified document it was based on? If this leak is ever investigated by the FBI (a crimes report was forwarded to the DOJ by the CIA in November, but I haven't heard anything about it since), I'd advise the Bureau to focus on Feith and Scooter. They might even solve the Plame leak while they were at it! 3:46:21 AM |
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