Some Musings on Today's Daily Dish The Last Plea for Donations
It's not cheap, eh? Just how much COULD it cost to electronically reach a monthly readership of over 400,000? (Or something like that; as Sadly, No! points out, numbers really aren't Andrew's strong suit). Well, unless Andrew's bandwidth is made from gold, I'd guess his various technical expenses came to considerably less than the $80,000 he said he took in last year. Thus, the crux of the matter seems to be the charges for "time and energy." So, what are these commodities going for these days? (While "labor" usually accounts for the bulk of car repair or plumbing bills, at least mechanics and plumbers just charge you for their time and throw the energy in for free.) I know my time and energy ARE cheap; when I add in my time and energy costs to what I have to spend for software and hosting, my blog costs me less than $50 a year. But then, Andrew's time and energy are worth more than mine, because he's a professional.
See, Andrew isn't getting as much paid work these days, and it's because he spends all that expensive time and energy on the blog; he feels he should be compensated for the articles he didn't write. [Note to my readers: I was so busy with this blog, I didn't write that script for The Cat in the Cat which would have paid me $6 million dollars (or something like that -- I'm not good with figures either). You therefore owe me $6 million. Pay up!] And if you want "professional blogging" to continue to be a viable career for Andrew, and want to be a part of it (in the capacity of "sucker'), you should give him money. But if you care about the viability of blogging as a professional enterprise for YOU, and want to be part of this exciting new career field as a paid participant, then you're out of luck, because the viablility seems to be limited to Andrew and Mickey Kaus (who doesn't have to beg, since he's underwritten by Microsoft). But since being a professional blogger seems to lead to laziness, slopiness, and fuzzy thinking, then you're better off becoming something honest, like a professional wrestler, or a paid escort. Dean's Faith
The story from which Sully is gleaning messages about Godless Dean's abandoned WASP origins is Jay Nordlinger's retelling of the incident where Dean leaves the Episcopal Church due to a dispute over a bike path. Anyway, per Sullivan, your presidential choices might come down to Howard Dean, the kind of guy who would abandon God due to a bike path, or George Bush, who is unashamed of his WASP origins. So, this is the kind of question which will only trouble you if you are really worried about your president being properly WASPy. But let's look at that whole Episcopal story from the Woodruff transcripts because we don't really trust Sully (or Nordlinger): Judy Woodruff interview of Howard Dean
So, in reality your choices are Howard Dean, who was so committed to his community that he left his Episcopal diocese because he thought it was acting against public interests -- but who is hardly without religion, because he joined a Congregationalist denomination, which, while not exactly WASPish, doesn't promote atheism either. Or you can vote for Righteous George, the guy who brags about his Texas upbringing and culture ("To understand my wife Laura and me, you must understand Midland. All that we are, all the things we believe in, come from that one place), but who managed to stay true to his WASP roots by being a total screw-up while attending Phillips Academy, Yale, and Harvard (where he used drugs and drank like a fish, in proper WASP style). While Righteous George also left the Episcopal Church of his WASP youth for another faith, um, at least he's not a Congregationalist! So, which one will YOU pick? Take it away, Pharisees. Boomers Respond
Well, what it proves is that you're an idiot who doesn't think before he posts. But that's why your time and energy are so valuable, right, Andrew? Okay, I'm quitting now. Even my cheap time and energy are worth more than reading more of this tripe. 7:29:22 AM ![]() |
Operation Turkey Just Keeps Getting Better! The Wash Post's Dana Milbank has a nice little article about how the President's visit to Iraq to serve dinner and take pictures keeps coming back to bite the White House on the butt, this time thanks to that commie rag, Stars and Stripes:
So, if you weren't one of the pre-selected "Probably won't go beserk and shoot the President" soldiers, you didn't get to eat Thanksgiving dinner until after 9:00 p.m. It's nice to see Bush boost the soldiers' morale this way. Milibank also has some news about the British air traffic controllers' reaction to that "Let's file a false flight plan and take Air Force One on a super-cool secret trip to Iraq!" part of the mission.
Instead of feeding the press corps that anecdote about the British Air pilot who guessed their manly secret and could have scuttled the mission, the White House should have just mentioned how Air Force One could have knocked a smaller plane out of the air with its wake, because everybody thought they were a Gulfstream V. That would have made a colorful story for the hacks to recount to the rubes! 5:24:49 AM ![]() |
Thank God It's Friday's TownHall And to celebrate Friday, here are a peck of pickled pundits. The themes (or memes or screams) that seem to be bubbling up from the collective unconscious of the right are: "Democratic Rage" (as seen on such popular compaign websites as BushGore2004); "Help, I'm being repressed by the McCain-Feingold Act," "Bob Bartley is still dead," and "Al Gore's endorsement of Howard Dean is highly significant in that it means you shouldn't vote for any of the Democratic candidates." We also have Ann Coulter demonstrating how to win friends and influence people, and Ollie North, this week's "Ann Coulter Runner-Up" (if Miss Congeniality is unable to fufill her duties, then Ollie will be tapped to take her place). And the usual gang of idiots. NBC should not have rewarded a charlatan like Al Sharpton by letting him host "Saturday Night Live." [NOTES: A. We thought SNL was dead; B. We thought Al Sharpton was dead; and C. We consider hosting the current version of SNL more in the nature of a punishment than a reward.]
As the ancient prophecy foretold, who'ere shall pull this sword from Al Gore is rightways born the Democratic nominee. Also, Doc. Krauthammer sees some of that Democratic rage.
I don't hate George Bush because he's illegitimate (the sins of the father shouldn't necessarily be visited on the bastard, you know). I don't actually hate him at all. But around here, we believe that if you're going to steal the presidency, you have a duty to not suck at BEING the President. That's what accounts for my, um, peevishness about George. The mainstream (and therefore, liberal) media cares more about ratings that enlightening its viewers! They are, like, big phonies! David also covers the "Democratic rage" meme.
See, even though democracy WAS undermined, the social contract IS being shredded, international alliances ARE being shattered, the President DID lie, and the Bush administration DOES act with authoritarian impunity, the Dems are the jerks for being, you know, so negative. America needs leadership that is FACING challenges, even though it's the same leadership that caused most of the challenges in the first place. As Jeff says, we might as well have elected Gore. (Well, we did, but . . .)
The McCain-Feingold Act is the bad kind of censorship, in that it prohibits attack ads bought with "soft money" from being aired or published during the month before an election. But keeping hardcore-porn off of network TV is the GOOD kind of censorship, in that it keeps the price of porn high, and allows porn kings to make a profit; just as keeping Nazis away from Career Day is good, because it gives the Young Republicans a monopoly on recruiting fascist youths.
While it's difficult to find an overriding theme in Ollie's collection of lies, misstatements, and liberal bashing, I think his basic message is: Bill Clinton had sex! (See, I TOLD you he was poaching on Ann Coulter's territory.)
I guess an article using one "F-word" can be considered "profanity-laced," but only by someone whose background is felony-laced. And note the skill in which Ollie brings in Kerry's nice hair and rich wife (while also dissing Mike Tyson for no apparent reason), to make the point that people who use bad language are classless. You know, like that guy, I mean, "that president" who said, "F--- Saddam" while a lady was trying to conduct a meeting, and who also called a reporter an "asshole."
I'm finding it hard to parse that last sentence, but I think Ollie is saying that since Al had "bodyguards" while serving in Vietnam, he is not qualified to call this quamire a "quagmire," just as Bush is not qualified to get us into one, since he was never in Vietnam at all.
So, kids, remember that referring to the president as "this guy" is a vulgar pejorative. (Calling him "That Girl" is okay, though.) And never say he doesn't understand defense! He's led this war BRILLIANTLY, and his groupie Ollie will shred anyone who says differently. "On Dec. 10, 2003, freedom took two body blows": the McCain-Feingold censoring act, and the death of Robert Bartley. Will society ever recover? And more importantly, where is Mona buying her metaphors?
This week's column is one of Ann's typical screeds against almost everybody, but the gist of it seems to be: even though Howard Dean is a spineless coward and his supporters are "nosepickers," he will get 40% of the vote, because all of the lazy, grasping people on the "government payroll" (shiftless state and federal employees, incompetent teachers, the spongers getting food stamps, "greedy geezers" (i.e, members of the "Greatest Generation'), those parasites who get government contracts, etc.) will vote for the Democratic candidate. But George Bush will still win the election, because the military will vote for him (which is why Bush "flew halfway around the globe to serve them turkey"). Their ballots will be augmented by those cast by Americans who vote against their own self-interests (these fine individuals, mostly Republicans, happen to think that voting for an idiot who acts against their interests is a noble act of self-sacrifice), and he'll capture 60% of the vote. And then the liberal media will say that he didn't do as well as predicted. Oh, and liberals kill babies and hate Boy Scouts, while George Bush makes Ann get moist because he served his country in war time by "taking off in jets that fly at the speed of sound while training to be a fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard."
Bob Barlett is Emmett's most unforgettable character.
Al Gore hurt Joe Lieberman's feelings, and so nobody should vote for the candidate he endorsed. And Gore's rudeness shows why the court had to intervene in the 2000 election -- the damned peasants would have made an ungracious man like that our President!
Those wacky Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc., and their failure to celebrate Christmas!
CAIR is denouncing fine Americans like Paul Harvey and Dr. Laura for bashing Islam, and yet they had a suspected terrorist who belonged to a group under investigation for possibly being terrorist within their very organization, and they never denounced him!
Well, to be fair, not that many people CAN take Instapundit. And that concludes this edition of "TownHall's Greatest Hits From This Date in History." We hope you have found it edifying, in that you will watch your language when referring to the President, and will be more upbeat and cheerful about his bungling, deception, and efforts to usher in Armageddon. |
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