And speaking of Mr."I Hate Al Franken SO MUCH!" O'Reilly, here's today's
The bastards! Saying pretty much whatever they want to say! What kind of a country would allow this kind of thing?
Then I think we should require Oprah and Katie to stop being so sympathetic to the leftist point of view. Otherwise, they just aren't being fair and balanced, like Bill is.
I don't know about that -- Rambo did single-handedly blow up the entire nation of Afghanistan, so I doubt he'd be all a-scared of a belligerant-er Alan Colmes. But meaner liberals would make BILL tremble. Can you imagine an even MORE defamatory Al Franken? What kind of stuff would he say? Maybe remind Bill that he never apologized to the nation nor made good on his vow to never trust the Bush administration again when no evidence of WMDs were found? Oh, and then he'd probably tell Bill to shut up, shut up! Wow, it makes me go pale just to think about it.
For those of you who are new to Bill's world, "smear book" = Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Oh, and Bill has to sell more books by the end of the year than Hillary does, or Santa Claus is cancelling Christmas and God is going to destroy the Earth in a fit of pique. So, Bill is naturally peeved that the evil DNC would be helping Bill's sworn enemies by buying their books.
Yes, I realize that it might seem odd that Bill was giving a vote of confidence to the DNC/Hollywood Left/George Soros plan to change the America, but to Bill, that's a BAD thing.
So you can join up now! Want more money and power? Sure, we all do! Then sign up today to become a liberal, the group that is quickly gathering wealth and influence, and all the really hot chicks.
Thanks, Bill. But now I have a question: when I was sick with the killer flu that developed into bronchitis, who was looking out for me? My mother brought me juice, soup, and cough drops. My friend called to check on me. Ivan and Poetisa posted get will wishes. That was about it. So, Bill, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? And now for
Behind Dude, Where's My Country?, by Michael Moore, a liberal tome if I ever heard of one. But that doesn't matter, because Bill is ahead of Lying Liars for the first time in weeks, proving that if this were the Old West, Bill would indeed plug Al Franken in a shoot-out at high noon at the OK Corral. Unless his Mommy wouldn't let him, of course.
You mean "A National Party No More, by Zell Miller (+)" didn't make the list the old-fashioned way??? That Zell is such a slut! So, what ideological organization is buying his book, do you think? Anyway, Bill, I'm glad to hear that the people who buy your book are regular. Personally, I prefer prune juice, but whatever works to clean out the colon is good, I guess.
Because if Hillary sells more books than Bill, then Sauron will use the one-ring to rule the earth forever! Just keep that in mind when you're book shopping. 10:04:37 PM ![]() |
Better Health Through Lunacy And speaking of Newsmax, check out Washing the Blog's coverage of the best Medical Ads of the conservative demi-news world! Washing does a fine job with perhaps my favorite wacko ad of all time, the "Is Your Doctor Turning You Into Hillary?" one. Oh, and if you want to scare the children by showing them what happens to bullies, go here: Bill O'Blotchy 9:12:30 PM ![]() |
Wow, it seems like all of blogdom is off-line right now. This is my chance to RULE THE WORLD! Well, actually I wanted to link to some very good pieces from TBOGG and Atrios that I read earlier, but now I can't. But if the blogs are back up now, I'm sure they have some new creamy goodness to read when you visit them. But gladly, you can visit Sadly, No right now and learn about "fair and balanced" Bush. It does make you wonder what he's listening too when Condi is telling him about intelligence. Oh, and I can use this opportunity to share with you this urgent appeal I got from Newsmax (along with 2 other spam emails today, and 3 pop-ups when I opened this alert):
Because if there's one thing the President and Congress are focused on right now, it's Mel Gibson.
And even others have said that the film is not commercially viable, and that genning up a big "Jews and secularists are trying to stop you from seeing this movie" controversy is the only way Mel is going to get anybody into the theaters come Easter.
Well, I can't say I'm not flatterered. I've long thought that Mel and the media could benefit greatly from knowing what I think, but I was beginning to lose hope that they would ever ask.
I feel pretty much the same way about it as I do about most movie productions: I don't really care one way or the other. I mean, this is America and I think that anybody (even Coleman Francis) should be allowed to pursue his or her dream of making movies. But they just shouldn't expect ME to support them. I have enough on my plate, suporting my cats and that imaginary daughter I picked up from Maggie Gallagher. And when was the last time movie people supported me in MY efforts to make a movie in a dead language? So, my answer for question #1 has to be: NA.
Gee, this is a toughie. While Mel's father is reportedly a big-time Holocaust denier, and Mel's church is said to have retained all the cherished anti-Semitism of the good old days, I know of nothing that Mel has done which would make me think he's anti-Semitic. But then, I've never hung out with him when he was opening up his heart about Jewish people. See, I've been around long enough to know that even though Mel seemed so nice on that Simpsons ep, that could just be acting (and animation). So, he COULD be the biggest anti-Semite since Ann Coulter, for all I know. But still, this is America, and I'm going to have to go with "innocent until proven guilty" and say he's not an anti-Semite.
Hmm, I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know how Mel portrayed Jesus's death. And I wasn't there when Christ was cruxified, so I really couldn't comment on the movie's accuracy. Another NA.
On the one hand, theaters can offer a great movie-watching experience, since you have that large screen and a good sound system, plus the added excitement that comes with seeing a film with an appreciative crowd. But then again, if you get a bunch of crying children and people with cell phones in the audience, you can end up so aggravated that you miss most of the movie while plotting hideous acts of vengeance. So, I have to say that if movie theaters want to show it, then it should be shown in theaters, but only if the AC isn't on full blast in the middle of winter, and only if there's a real projectionist on hand to focus it properly. But since this is America, no theaters should be forced to show it if they don't want to, unless it's Sunday and it's their Mom who is making them do it, and it's so that they'll have enough religious knowledge that they can make their own choices about what movies to show when they grow up.
My local movie theater leaves the AC on in winter, and doesn't remove crying babies or people with cell phones, so no, I don't want to see Mel's movie there. But then, I don't particularly want to see it anywhere. I'm just not that into Aramaic, and I read the book so I know how it ends anyway. Sorry, Mel. Anyway, I hope that my answers have helped Congress, the President, Mel, and the media, and they will use my words for good, and not for evil. 5:04:39 AM ![]() |
Short Attention Span Townhall As Read by Rush, Sean, and Bennie Okay, I have to admit that I got a bit bored reading today's Town Hall columns. They have that, "Been there, did that, got the 'Bush for Jesus in 2004' T-shirt" feel to them. But then I accidentally clicked on the "editor's appeal for money" page, and learned that some of the top names in evil swear by Townhall: What They're Saying
And if anybody would know about pulsing, throbbing, thrusting movements, it would be young Ben. So, I recapped the articles for today. But, except for Joel's, they're really SHORT recaps, 'cause that's all they deserve. Well, the one about the lady with three kidneys was cool, but the last two about social security reform were kind of dry, lacking even the Victoria's Secret models of Cal Thomas's piece. So, the Saudis get special treatment? Don't blame Bush, blame the State Department (the President it no match for the mighty power of a GS-15 career bureaucrat).
Though it cannot be said, Joel will say it anyway. He's just that kind of guy. You know, the kind who thinks it's cool for Pat Robertson to talk about nuking goverment buildings. All about that top-rated CBS comedy, "Everybody Hates Bush."
The fact that colleges are secular, Marxist, Feminist-preaching, Evolution-teaching, dens of iniquity helps restore Dennis's faith.
We should let people sell their kidneys if they want to. Damned liberal nanny state!
You know what would be really cool? If the Libertarians could somehow replace the Democrats, like how the Republicans replaced the Whigs because of slavery.
Everybody was up in arms about that Reagan TV miniseries, but it was just a trashy TV show that no right-minded kids would have watched anyway. What we should be censoring is text books, which "depict the Reagan administration as responsible for a period of unbridled greed and class warfare. "
Bah, humbug!
A whole column about Al Sharpton, our next President.
See Pandagon for a full and bitingly funny discussion of this column.
Yummy chocolate eclair backbones! Oh, and quit wasting tax-payer money on drugs for the elderly!
If we let everybody invest their social security deductions, we'd live in a world of universal wealth.
If we let everybody invest their social security deductions, we'd live in a world of universal wealth. And that's Town Hall for today. Keep listening to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh for more highlights from columns by the greatest minds of our generation. 3:35:12 AM ![]() |
Bush as Tough-Guy-in-Chief Charles Krauthammer has a new piece that explains Why bush Stays Away (it's only available on AOL right now, but I imagine it will be in Time soon). In it, Charles claims that Bush doesn't attend the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq because if he attended one, he'd have to attend them all, and heck, they're dying every day, and so he wouldn't have time to do anything else. But more importantly, Bush can't show that he cares that our people are dying, or the terrorists win:
So, this war is a contest of wills between Bush and the evil doers, who only respect callousness. And if our President seems to care that our people are dying, the ordinary Iraqis won't help us, because real men don't attend funerals. Got it.
Well, he has SIGNED letters to every family. But I'm sure that the staff members who actually address, write, and mail the letters care too. And personally, I think defiance (as in, "So, evil doers, you have killed more of my men. But it will avail you nothing, for I have thousands more, and will sacrifice them all, if needs be, to demonstrate that I am tougher than you.") comes across as immature rather than intimidating. (But I admit I am not up on macho fighting strategy.)
Okay, I'm imagining. We had the election last week. Bush won. (Must ignore overwhelming desire to get into bed and not crawl out for your more years.) Anyway, he's a lame duck. Can't be President again, although he will do whatever he can to ensure the Republican candidate (Arnold Schwarzenegger? Sean Hannity? Brother Jeb?) wins the White House in, um, 2007, and that his party continues to rule Congress. Anyway, would Bush continue to fail to acknowledge the deaths of soldiers? Yeah, probably he would continue this policy. Mostly because having to take responsibility for anything that goes wrong (and as President, he is in some measure responsible for these deaths, even if the invasion of Iraq WAS the right thing to do, which increasingly seems not to be the case) is not in character for him. So, maybe distancing himself from these dead soldiers in not primarily about reelection. But it's still a sad indictment on his leadership, IMHO. But again, I'm not a macho warrior like Charles, and so probably just don't understand these manly war strategies. 1:05:47 AM ![]() |
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