Verrry Interesting ... But STUPID! A new feature in which we briefly comment on some of the ideas floating around in the blogosphere, so we can make fun of them. (We plan to run another "You Asked For It! feature as soon as somebody asks for something, but until then make do with this homage to a '60s catch phrase.) 1. So, Ayn Randian Princess (and Sadly, No!'s best gal pal) Amber Pawlik has written a new column in which she exhorts us all to try to live out the drama of Atlas Shrugged in the only way practical: by reverting to primitive agrarian self-sufficiency. This is so we won't have any income, and therefore won't have to pay taxes. The idea is this: if you can fix your own leaky faucet, heal your child’s cuts and bruises, paint your own house, perhaps even grow your own food and make your own clothes, how can they loot that?
And if you conduct your own national defense (and presumably invade Iraq on your own, since Amber is very hip on that), then you don't have to fill guilty about taking without giving anything back, a thing which Ayn would have frowned upon. The main problem in what I said is that we would revert backwards – when men cannot trade, this is primitivism.
Hey, if it means we don't have to pay taxes, a slight inconvenience like the end of modern civilization is nothing!
So, thanks Amber, for a very interesting (but stupid) idea.
2. In an item titled "NOW THIS IS TROUBLING," Glen Reynolds links to the story about William Krar, the guy in Texas whose storage locker was found to contain cyanide compound and other chemicals which could be used to create poisonous gas, as well as "nearly half a million rounds of ammunition; more than 60 pipe bombs, machine guns, silencers and remote-controlled bombs disguised as briefcases; plus pamphlets on how to make chemical weapons, and anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-government books." Glen says: What's not clear from the investigation is what, exactly, they planned to do with this stuff. One thing that's troubling is the potential for cooperation between Arab terrorists and domestic extremists.
Yeah, because the possibility of terrorism isn't REALLY troubling unless swarthy foreigners are involved.
Glenn updated this item a couple of times, first in response to a reader who indicated it was scary that Krar was investigated and this cache discovered only because of a fluke (a misdirected package), and then to point you to someone who went even further with Glenn's ideas: UPDATE: [snip] Though domestic extremists are a different breed, and often seem to view the accretion of huge arsenals as an end in itself -- they're waiting for some future date when war breaks out against the "Zionist Occupation Government." That provides only limited comfort, however, as one can never be sure when they'll decide that the time has arrived.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Justin Katz has more worries.
And what are Justin's worries?
He quotes Glenn's bit about the domestic extremists just waiting for the war against the "Zionist Occupation Goverment" to be anounced, and says The scary thought to which this led me is that these extremists will realize that the Z.O.G. has already reached the highest tiers of our government (hint: the name with which they disguise themselves starts with "neo"). When they figure that out, the right-wing nuts will find that they have common cause with the left-wing nuts, who have common cause with the "diverse" "third-world" nuts, who already have common cause with the sort of people who have maps to bomb shelters and weapons caches tattooed on the soles of their feet.
Yeah, because, as we all know, "neocon" is code for "Jew," and the left-wing nuts hate the neocons. So, as soon as the white-supremacist/militiaist nuts like Krar (who already hate the government and the non-Aryans, but never realized that Jews were running things) figure this out, they will join up with the left-wing nuts who denounce Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, etc., for being too warlike -- and then both groups will team up with the Arabs (who also hate the Jews), and their combined forces will DESTROY AMERICA.
A worrisome idea. But STUPID!
3. God is Pro-War. At least, per Jerry Falwell. Jer concedes that Jesus did preach peace, but reminds us that the Old Testament if full of stories where God called upon the Children of Israel to wipe out various groups. Throughout the book of Judges, God calls the Israelites to go to war against the Midianites and Philistines. Why? Because these nations were trying to conquer Israel, and God's people were called to defend themselves. President Bush declared war in Iraq to defend innocent people. This is a worthy pursuit. In fact, Proverbs 21:15 tells us: "It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity." One of the primary purposes of the church is to stop the spread of evil, even at the cost of human lives. If we do not stop the spread of evil, many innocent lives will be lost and the kingdom of God suffers.
See, the Midianites and Philistines were trying to conquer Israel, and so the Israelites had to smite them in self-defense. And while it wasn't self-defense for America to invade Iraq (now that those pesky WMDs never existed), it was WORTHY to smite Saddam (God cares not about violations of international law ), for we were helping to advance His kingdom.
Another interesting idea. Oh, but very, very stupid.
And that concludes this edition of "Verry interesting, but stupid. Tune in tomorrow when we're sure to introduce yet another new feature. We'll keep doing it until one of them catches on.
4:17:09 AM |
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