TownHall on Parade I dedicate today's "Describe than TownHall in 50 words or less" to Sadly, No!, one of the Little People we met on our rise to the top. And since he's a clever, entertaining guy (despite being one of the "Folks"), we suggest you check out Besides That, It's Awesome, the new current events game that the common people seem to find so amusing. Now, here's today's Walk on the Wild Side: Some guys are studying Texas English, the new official language at the court of George the Lion Heart.
Ryan interviewed Bernard Goldberg, some guy who wrote a book about how the liberbal media is dissmissive of conservatives. Or something like that -- I wasn't really paying attention, and it sounded pretty unimportant anyway.
Dean has GOT to stop answering when reporters ask him about that rumor concering the President's foreknowledge of 9/11. Otherwise, Bush's boys are gonna fit him for cement overshoes.
George springs a pop-quiz on the Democratic candidates -- and unless they get at least a "C" on it, they can't run for President. George Bush has a note from his Mom, excusing him from this and all future exams. And gym class too.
Part 2: and if those 215,000 steel workers are now out of jobs, but the CEO is a lot richer, do Republicans consider this a good thing or a bad thing? It's none of your damned business if Wal-Mart is bad for the country! How DARE you even ask the question! While we econominsts know that Wal-Mart's extremely large market share and labor policies may hurt some people, hurting people is just part of how the free market works. If the other stores get run out of business, they can always sell their organs to sports stars to get by.
Al Gore is the new Richard Nixon: ruthless, cold, creepy, and paranoid. But the downside is, Gore now finds Bush "unpleasant to be around" and "strange."
But Bush is the new Abraham Lincoln: honest, brave, heroic; always freeing slaves and being misunderstood by liberals, such as John Wilkes Booth.
Well, that concludes today's Town Hall Wrap-Up. Thanks for stopping by. You all come back now, hear? 7:36:40 AM ![]() |
Texas Governor Takes Handicapped Space While Putting Bush on Ballot Texas Governor Rick Perry's black Suburban sat in a handicapped spot for about 40 minutes Wednesday while he filed the paperwork to get President Bush on the ballot for the state Republican primary. Reporters called the Liberty Bank, where the Republican Party of Texas is located, and got this report from a woman who answered the phone (but refused to give her name):
The governor's people have said admitted it was a handicapped spot, but claimed they didn't see the sign. They volunteered to donate some money to a charity for people with disabilities. However, under Texas's strict code of justice, parking in a handicapped space is a crime which counts under the "three strikes" rule, and since the staffer who parked the car already has two prior offenses (jaywalking, and second-degree murder), she faces the death penalty. The governor said he'd like to pardon the staffer who parked the car illegally, but it "wouldn't look good in an election year." He denied having told the meter maid to "look the other way," as he was "undertaking a mission of the gravest import at the behest of the President," which might involve "taking out Saddam Hussein," who had been seen in the vicinity. President Bush said he's just glad to be on the ballot, and thinks his stunning victory in the primary will make the staffer's death worthwhile. (The Star-Telegram contributed to this story) 6:40:49 AM ![]() |
Thanks! Wow, thanks to you all for visiting my low-rent blog. And thanks to Pandagon, Atrios, and TBOGG for luring you here as part of a vast left-wing scheme to push forward an amendment of the Declaration of Independence adding Christopher Hitchens, John Derbyshire, and Andrew Sullivan to the list of abuses which England has committed against us. Anyway, now that I have achieved blogging success (as measured by traffic) beyond my wildest dreams, I feel unable to cope with it all, and plan to crash 'n burn, Behind the Music style. But before I do, here are a few things you might find of interest: Fried Green al-Qaedas, reporting on Ronny Spector, character witness. Mark also brings you the shocking story of the inevitable result of Canada taking that first step on the slippery slope of depravity by permitting gay marriages: yes, consensual cannibalism in Germany! Washing the Blog has a very funny piece featuring Bill O'Reilly discussing the current hit movie, The Last Samurai Vs the Forces of Secularism (and the Elite Media. Bill also chastises Canada, our Bad Example to the North. And A Perfectly Cromulent Blog offers his mandatory Christmas viewing, to include "A Charlie Brown Christmas," "Mister McGoo's Christmas," and Invasion U.S.A. So, if I crash my convertible while high on scotch and pills, despondent because I blew all my money on shoes, hookers, and worthless stock in a company trying to market Beta tapes as the next retro fad, then read the above until I make a comeback. 2:42:08 AM |
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