Won't Somebody Think of the Gerbils? Okay, I was at WorldNetDaily, reading such headlines as "Saudi Osama Backers Plan Christmas in U.S." and "What if Mary, Joseph Were Pro-choice?", and I came across this intriguing promo:
So, I checked it out. And yes, Dr. Brian J. Kopp, DPM (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine) writes how Father John Nesbella tried to tell the truth about the "gay lifestyle," but was slapped down by Catholic officialdom! See, Father Nesbella organized the "Catholic Crusade to Defend Marriage and the Family," and this holy mission included distributing several thousand copies of the booklet The Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do to Catholic parishes in Pennsylvania. But the Father's diocese ordered him to stop distributing the pamphlet, claiming it borders on being discriminatory, pornographic and defamatory -- and if Father Nesbella continued to pass it out, he could get the diocese sued. Kopp thinks this is a disgrace. He says that since showing graphic photos of aborted babies helped get "partial-birth abortion" banned, Christian activists need to publicize the icky stuff homosexuals do, in order to protect marriage. He urges lay Christians to keep distributing the pamphlet in order to preserve marriages and to compassionately show gays how their sex is disgusting. And besides, the booklet is NOT all those bad things the diocese said it was. Kopp quotes the author of the pamphlet, Dr. Paul Cameron (not a medical doctor -- he claims to be a psychologist with a Ph.D.), who dismisses the diocese's charges regarding his compassionate booklet:
So, I read the pamphlet. Well, passed my eyes over it really quickly -- while it may not be pornographic, it's really gross. Here's a relatively tame paragraph, just to give you the flavor (and once you have it, you can go rinse your mouth out with rubbing alcohol):
Anyway, the pamphlet sure seems to be all the diocese claimed. And more, in that it's also a crock of that stuff which stupid people confuse with Shinola. My favorite part:
And when you check out footnote 8, you see it's
Well, Cecil indeed writes authoritatively, but not so much on counter-culture material as on popular misconceptions and urban legends. Let's see what he actually had to say when a reader wrote in, stating that a nurse friend claimed that a patient in her hospital has been admitted suffering from a rodentyrectum.
Keep in mind, this is the "scientific study" which Cameron is referring to in his pamphlet, and Adams is one of the "scientific authorities" he claims to be quoting in his throughly documented piece of work. So, let me conclude with Kopp's message of cheer at the end of his column:
11:38:28 PM ![]() |
Red Leader, this is Team Leader And speaking of people who infiltrate the GOP in order to do nefarious things, I am a Team Leader for the RNC. Well, I didn't MEAN to be one -- I just gave them my email address so they could send me their "Democratic Candidate Bingo" card (which they never did, BTW), and now I am provided with the following Benefits:
![]() Wow, cool! Being bribed is no longer just for congressmen! And since my duties as Team Leader include recruiting people to join my cell . . . I mean, encouraging "participation in the political process by building your own Team of activists who you can share information with," I will now share with you the special message from the latest "Weekly Team Leader":
Okay, I'm taking a stand: Bush SHOULDN'T release the pre-9/11 intelligence to SSCI in order to disprove rumors that he knew about the attack in advance! There, I said it, and I challenge you to do the same. And if you happen to see this topic mentioned on talk shows, editors to the letter, and in five or more TownHall columns this week, well, everybody is just eager to earn that great Team Leader baseball cap. 1:51:44 AM ![]() |
Old Young Conservatives I'd like to present my latest Young Conservatives find, one Jan Ireland. ![]() Okay, so she doesn't seem all that young. I guess that's why they called her a "Special Guest Contributor," meaning that the youngsters had finals this week, so the editor had to recruit some Old Conservatives to contribute articles to fill up the space. But she's just as much fun as any 18-year-old pundit. Here, let me share with you a bit of her Young Conservatives column, which deals with those individuals who look like you and I, but are pure evil inside. No, not, Commies or pod people. . .
They look like us, they're pleasant, they join in, they always show up -- man, could they BE any more evil? Yes, yes they could. For they will encourage BIPARTISANSHIP!!!
I'm with Jan. The GOP must conduct thorough and searching background checks of all its members, and expel anyone who doesn't seem properly rabid about the cause. Names must be named. Family members must be turned in. In fact, nobody should even by allowed to VOTE Republican unless they can prove they're 100% loyal to the cause. Otherwise, the Democrats win. [Tune in tomorrow for some more wisdom by Jan, from that other site of cool. hip, young political thought, Renew America, which is "Alan Keyes' grassroots headquarters. Its purpose is to faithfully and courageously advance the cause of our nation's Founders. The site is for ALL people who consider themselves loyal Americans." 1:19:15 AM ![]() |
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