Now I know what Andrew's problem is -- he's experiencing side effects from the Republicen (TM). Thanks, War Liberal, for clearing that up. 3:59:23 AM ![]() |
It's One Thing to Bash Gays, But Derb Went Over the Line When He Bashed Goatees! Here's an angry Andrew Sullivan to explain it all to you:
We feel for you Andrew. It's almost enough to make us abandon the whole "social conservative" movement. Wait, we already did -- too bad it's not enough to make YOU abandon it. FYI, Derb was replying to a post by Rod Dreher, who, writing about an article in GQ which disparages goatees, said, "At last, Andrew Sullivan and I are united on something." So, Derb was presumably casting aspersions on fellow Cornerite Rod's sexual orientation with his "jocular" little remark. That Derb: what fun he must be at parties. 2:37:25 AM ![]() |
I Was an Undercover Bush Hater for Bill O'Reilly! Well, not ME -- Steve Young of "Jewish World Review." Here are snippets of his report, taken from the transcripts of Bill's show:
So, case closed. No hate. Except you can't get ratings from that kind of a non-story. Watch Bill show his fairness and balance a little later in the program:
Damn Democrats, trying to get people to vote against the Republicans. And using celebrities and money to do it! How much lower could they sink! Thank God we have Bill O'Reilly looking out for us, alerting us to this kind of conspiracy! As his radio show slogan reminds us: who knows what Bush-loathing lurks in the hearts of men? The O'Reilly knows! 2:21:41 AM ![]() |
Everything I Didn't Need to Know About Life, I Learned at TOWN HALL Here's the recap of today's best -- it features hair envy, scary dolls, and more about selling your kidneys. Plus, everybody is persecuting David Limbaugh. Maybe George Bush really DOESN'T have super powers. Damn!
Everybody is picking on Christianity -- hey, maybe somebody should write a book about that!
Jonah is jealous of John Kerry's hair. Plus, he doesn't think Kerry's reasons for not liking Bush are good enough.
Rich thinks his own hair is just as nice as John's.
Cliff, unlike DIANA WEST, got the name of that EU group right. It must have been that email from Sadly, No! that tipped him off.
George Bush has driven Howard Dean crazy, just as he has so many other people. Oddly enough, Charles doesn't see this as a sign that something may be wrong with Bush.
Well, Adam Smith would let people sell their kidneys!
We join Mike in the middle of an ongoing crusade against the UNC-Wilmington administration for withdrawing university support from the campus chapter of the College Republicans (and just because they wouldn't admit non-Republicans into the club). Mike claimed previously that if Dems were allowed to join the group, they could have engineered a hostile takeover of the College Republicans! A university administrator said that the kids should just have learned how to keep their foes from doing that. Mike does not agree.
Well, there are no federal laws barring Democrats from joining the Old Republicans, but they haven't engineered any coups yet, as far as I know. Anyway, you'd think that a grown man would have better things to do than worry about this stupid "controversy," but then you read his bio and you realize he doesn't. John has a new dolly.
Eeek! If the doll actually does have a human brain in that tiny head, no wonder liberals run away from it. Of course, the doll's brain would be about the same size as the real Ann's brain, but it just wouldn't rattle around so much. 2:05:28 AM |
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