Okay, I think I gained some insight into our new troll friend Larry (the guy who denounced us for being a PETA member under that item which commended Pandagon on their popularity). See, Dave at How to Save the World just posted a rather harrowing short story (called Myron's Tale) about a pig used for human organ transplants. I suspect ol' Larry just got my blog mixed up with Dave's (even though Dave isn't a member of PETA either). It's that "World" in the title that confused him.
4:53:06 AM
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The Weekend TownHall: Frosty's Revenge!
William F. Buckley
Bill claims that Rush Limbaugh is a heterosexual. He also says that Sean Hannity is a churchgoer, but doesn't commit himself to an opinion about Sean's sexual orientation
Playboy of course publishes much material (I have written extensively for it) unrelated to sexual matters, and although it is emphatically heterosexual, Rush Limbaugh would be correct if he guessed that it would endorse gay marriage.
Rich Tucker
Help, Rich is STILL being repressed by the McCain-Feingold Act. But at least he's managed to keep his sense of humor.
The First Amendment is dead. Repealed. History.
Do I still have the right to still say that? Better check with the Supreme Court.
Debra Saunders
Deb wants Dennis Kucinich to be the Democratic nominee for president, because his supporters seem to believe that she's a journalist.
I don't want to lose those special moments when the candidate tells an audience he is tanking in the polls because of the Rotten Media, and all the true believers turn around and stare at me and my rotten media buddies. We're slouched taking notes, and they're wondering what shame-faced thoughts we must be thinking, when in fact we are thinking, "Loser." Yawn.
Deb, the True Believers told me that when they turn around and stare at you, they're actually thinking, "Look at that woman who apparently thinks she's Lorraine Newman and this is 1978. What a loser!"
Jay Bryant
Jay is working hard to disseminate that "the Democrats are crazy conspiracy theorists" line, so he can get his GOPoints.
In case you missed the story, it goes something like this: while waiting in the "green room" for an appearance on Fox News, Madeleine was chatting with Mort Kondracke and suggested that Osama bin Laden has already been captured and President Bush is waiting for the right political moment to announce it.
Sure the incident makes her look stupid. You think Terry McAuliffe gives a fig about that? But here's what I'll bet the farm on: she didn't come up with the idea herself.
Yeah, people who would spread ideas that they didn't come up with by themselves are, um . . .I can't read what is says next, Mr. Gillespie.
Anyway, Jay does contribute a thought that weren't in our lastest issue of Team Leader Weekly; namely, that the reason that the Democrats are spreading these wacky ideas is so that if Bush DOES announce Osama's capture right about election time, then they can say it was all part of the conspiracy. But it wouldn't be. Certainly not. And they're just jealous because THEY didn't think of a brilliant stunt like Operation Turkey.
The Democrats have many fears as they contemplate the 2004 election, led by the fact that their list of candidates for president is weaker than dime beer. One of their other fears grows out of the fact that President Bush has a real knack for the dramatic – like going to Baghdad for Thanksgiving, for example.
So they're using the rumor mill to discount any dramatic pro-Bush events that may happen between now and You Know When.
So what happens if the good guys in Afghanistan – maybe even some of the fine Canadian troops serving there – root Osama out of his spider hole sometime next year, heaven forbid at a key moment in the US political calendar?
Neil Cavuto
The French, Germans, and Canadians just want to suck up to us now that we've captured Saddam. Yup, everybody pretty much thinks we're great now. And capturing Saddam in a hole proved that there really WERE WMDs in Iraq.
The bigger issue for the global community is recognizing the wisdom of the war itself. It's beginning to strike more and more people, even critics of this war, that we were right to topple this government, that nabbing Saddam in a ditch all but ditched any argument against our being there in the first place.
Robert Novak
Bob Novak (who is NOT anybody's pawn or dupe; no, people tell him things because they think he's sexy) has learned that Geoge Soros is thinking of dumping Dean and supporting Clark instead.
Left-wing billionaire investor George Soros, who appeared to support Howard Dean for president, now is privately expressing doubts about the Democratic Party's front-runner.In conversations with political friends, Soros confided he has become alarmed by Dean's recent performance and wonders whether the former Vermont governor is capable of defeating George W. Bush. In one such chat, Soros suggested he is interested in retired Gen. Wesley Clark.
Kathleen Parker
Thurmond impregnated his family's young black maid, never acknowledged the child, and then based his political career on the practice of keeping people like his daughter from obtaining full civil rights . . .which was the style at the time.
So that when a 22-year-old white man named Thurmond takes a 16-year-old black girl named Carrie Butler to his bed, well, things happen. Or they used to. What today would be statutory rape was perfectly legal in 1925 when the black family maid gave birth to Thurmond's daughter. The cutoff for consent in those days was age 14.
And when a black girl gives birth to a baby whose daddy happens to be the son of her wealthy white employer, well, those things happen, too. And life goes on.
For, as Rick Brookhiser reminded us over at The Corner :
We are confident that we are better people than he was, because we were born later. But let us scrutinize our lives and our social arrangements for our own iniquities.
I can confidently say that haven't knocked up any 16-year-old maids and then demanded that they and my offspring not be allowed to sit in the same movie theaters as white people, but I'll let the rest of you examine your own consciences.
4:31:42 AM
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A Damsel in Distress
TBOGG. Sadly, No! Roger Ailes. Ayn Randian princess Amber Pawlik is the darling of EACH of them. In my day, we'd have called her a cheap flirt, a two-bit floozy, and possibly a scheming hussy. Oh, and a flibberty-gibbet. Those truly were the good, old days.
Anyway, I'm sure Amber's fans are happy to know that her latest column is up at Men's News Daily. It's about how Feminist.org (for reasons unknown to Amber, but probably because they fancy her) keep sending her updates. The lastest is a plea to help send copies of Ms. Magazine to women in prisons and women's shelters. Of course, Amber sees right through the vile feminist plot: "Feminists know that angry criminals who hate society are exactly the kind of thugs that will do feminist grunt work for them." You know, work like breaking fingers, knee-capping, and lawyering. The ugly stuff that feminism is dependent upon.
Feminists will also create angry, victim-minded women. Breaking down the family structure so unstable children are being formed or telling women to gorge themselves with food are other ways to create women without self-esteem – women who will join the hate movement known as feminism.
Wow, somehow Amber got a hold of the feminist Master Plan: (a) send copies of Ms. Magazine to prisons; (b) break down marriage and create unstable children; (c) constantly air commercials for Dominos pizza and Carl's Jr. hamburgers so women get fat; (d) rule the world. Those feminists are indeed the enemy of all that is right and good in the world -- people like Amber.
But sadly (no!), the masculinists are also evil. The guys on the Men's News Forum (mostly bitter divorced males) don't take kindly to Amber's message of "REAL men respect delicate flowers such as myself, and happily agree to not taste my milk until they have bought the cow, the barn, and everything else my bovine heart desires." These people want Amber gone from Men's News Daily.
Sweet Amber, too gently-reared to enter a smelly, uncouth, tobacco-stained establishment like the Men's News Daily Forum, answers her detractors at the Stand Your Ground forum. She says in part:
One of my more recent articles called "Experience Means Baggage" sparked quite a thread on the mensnewsdaily.com forums.
Their problem is not that I am a supposed feminist, a young person who doesn't know anything, or anything of the sort. Their problem is that I advocated marriage.
Don't worry, men's rights activists. I would never hold any of your feet to the fire as I would never be interested in dating any of you. I can't think of a woman of self esteem who would.
So, nyah, nyah! Amber has REAL men, like TBOGG, Sadly, No! and Roger Ailes, to admire her, and she would not marry you ugly masculinists even if you begged her! Well, maybe if you were rich and handsome, and treated her like a queen, but otherwise, no way!
Besides, Amber is a good Christian girl, despite being an atheist:
The position that I advocated in my EMB piece is also a Christian belief. It is something that the Bible has advocated for 2000 years. Yet, somehow, my position is naive based on the ad hominem that I am young, therefore what I say has no truth at all.
By all means, start a boycott at MND to get my columns off. It doesn't really matter. Within a year, I'll have bigger, better publications. I'll still send my articles to Mike if he wants them. I have a large fan base, including the very editor at MND, much to the MRA chagrin, I'm sure.
Yeah, Amber doesn't need Mens News Daily -- soon she will be writing for BETTER publications, like, um, TownHall, because she has such a large fan base. Sure, most of it is people like TBOGG, Sadly, No! and Roger Ailes, who only love her for her (lack of) mind, but they won't let their little cupcake be silenced.
Oh, one other thing, that piece called EMB has MASSIVE APPEAL to people under 30, as evidenced by the fact that people on this board under 30 all liked it. Mike has said before he wants to attract the under 30 crowd, and a young person like me can do just that.
And that's the crux of it: the MNW readers just don't like Amber because she's young and cute, and they're jealous of her. If only they would remember the wisdom offered in that shampoo commercial and not hate her because she's beautiful, then maybe we could learn from this young women's words and make this world a better place. Or at least create a new demand for that dirty historical novel about a royal mistress who actually knew something about sex.
3:13:44 AM
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