Visiting Iraq, Feeding the Multitude, Not Accepting Money and Hookers From China: George is NOTHING Like His Brother Neil Mark Steyn joins in the universal mocking of Neil Bush, but not because it's so much fun. No, Mark does it to make the point George is probably the finest man who ever lived; well, at least, way better than Bill Clinton. But what do you make of this part of the compare/contrast fest-o-rama:
The old Bush house is now worth less than $15,000?? Did the family live in a refrigerator box or a tool shed or something? Or did the fact that George used to live in it cause the cause to depreciate that badly? Or, is Mark possibly WRONG once again? (You know, they finished the trial of Beltway Sniper John Allen Muhammad without once mentioning that he was linked to al Queda, like Mark claimed a couple of months ago.) Anyway, here's a paragraph from Elizabeth Mitchell's Revenge of the Bush Dynasty:
So, somebody should buy that house for less than $15,000 and check for hidden swimming pools and squash courts. (Okay, the Bushes did live in a relatively modest suburban tract home from 1950-51, while waiting for the mansion to be built; it cost $7500 back then. If it hasn't doubled in price in 50 years, then there is something seriously wrong with the real estate market in Midland. But maybe Mark was referring to CANADIAN dollars . . .meaning the house is worth about $50 U.S. money.) Mark also says, after commenting on Neil's fantastic luck with women while doing business in Asia (he just opened his hotel door, and women came in and had sex with him), that it's hard to imagine George availing himself of free hookers. Yes, it IS hard, because the thought of a naked George Bush makes one kind of queasy.
It's good to know that even though George HAS spent many nights away from Laura while doing fundraising this fall, he goes to bed before the prostitutes start work, and so could never get into trouble. No wonder Mark considers him a Christ-figure. 2:23:31 AM ![]() |
A Mindless Walk Into a Cul-de-Sac Thanks to this article ("Bush's Go-To Guy") about Bill Frist, we know who that "Senate Slumber Party" was designed for:
So, the Bloviathon was a celebration in honor of Rush's return from rehab. Makes sense to me. 1:23:03 AM ![]() |
And Nicholas D. Kristof has the winners in his "Name That War" contest. My favorites were "The Empire Strikes Out," "Trek 2: Wrath of Neo-Khan," and "Blood, Baath and Beyond." 1:13:44 AM ![]() |
This was my favorite bit in Tim Greening's article titled Avoid these bad holiday specials:
1:08:03 AM ![]() |
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