She's Baa-ack! It appears that Sadly, No!'s sacrifices to the god Ba'al (and general acting out of the Sodom and Gomorra scenes from those '50s Biblical epics) has paid off, for his dream girl, Amber, is back at Men's News Daily(sure, she said that they were misogynists and meanies and she would never have anything to do with them again, but apparently it was just one of those lover's spats that end in wild passion and a renewed dedication to feminism bashing). I'll leave it to Seb to report fully on Amber's piece about how The Vagina Monologues furthers the feminist agenda of turning all women into lesbians, but I did want to share a couple of favorite passages:
Clearly Amber comes to us from a century in which maidens got the vapors when racy subjects such as "holding hands" were discussed. She further claims that young people absorb their enviroment like sponges, so if you expose them to material like the Vagina Monologues (which apparently actually SHOWS handholding), they will become "non-sensual, hardened, feminist-minded, thuggish creatures for the rest of their lives." So, make sure your daughter never hears anything about the subject of rape, unless you WANT her to become thuggish.
I'm glad we have THAT settled!
They're just hitting on you Amber! Avoid their temptations and remain pure and chaste for when your Roarkian Prince arrives. Just don't be wearing that "Enjoy Cock" t-shirt when he shows up, because HE'S looking for a girl with undamaged goods. Over to you, Sadly, No! 8:27:42 PM ![]() |
A Paid Non-Political Announcement And speaking of mystery bloggers, you really should check out Sadly, No! today. Several important and serious matters are covered, but I have to say that my tastes run to items like Seb's coverage of the WorldNetDaily piece about "youth culture" (its the one titled "Never Mind the Pandas of Mass Destruction"). And Sadly, No! also gives us the latest manifestation of the "Besides That" Syndrome, an "Are You a NeoCon?" Quiz, "Living La Vida Pawlik (a search for meaning in an Amberless world), and a photo of a cool pretend car. Disclaimer: I won my own cool car from Sadly, No! enterprises. It's flame red with black contrast, and best of all, has a kind of moon roof thing that covers the entire top of the car -- yes, the front windshield, the back windshield, and the roof in between is all one piece, and you can take it off and the car becomes a convertible (I'm not sure if you're supposed to do that, but you can). It's about an inch long by a half inch wide, so a little too small to actually drive, but you can race it across your computer desk and imagine that you are running down your enemies. If you're me, that it is. The moral of my story: if Sadly, No! offers contests with prizes, you should enter. And if you don't win, you should cry and stuff, and maybe you'll get something anyway. So, yes, I was bought off and now must do the bidding of Sadly, No! enterprises. But you should still check out his site. 3:56:20 AM ![]() |
Blogger Mystery Date Here's a fun new game I just invented. It's called Blogger Mystery Date. If you can match each of these quotes from the past couple of days to the blogger who wrote it, you get to open the door to your Mystery Date. So, let's start matching! Quotes
[My comment: Well, if Fox News says that a Dutch recycling company says that a Jordanian metal dealer told them that 2 pounds of purported yellowcake, which experts cited in the article say is not enough to be useful for a bomb or fuel, came from Iraq, then there really is no innocent explanation possible.]
[My Comment: Who in the hell ridiculed Bush for not knowing what "Sex in the City" was? I sure never heard about it. Is is possible that he was actually ridiculed for not knowing what sex is? Or cities?]
Bloggers Okay, time is up: put down your pencils. You can grade your own paper -- but remember, God is watching. Answers 1 -- D (Jonah) 2 -- F (Insta) 3 -- B (Derb) 4 -- G (K.Lo) 5 -- E (Kaus) 6 -- A (Gnat's Dad) 7 -- C (Drudge) That was pretty easy, wasn't it? So, are you ready for your Blogger Mystery Date? Will he or she be a dream (ahhh!) or a dud (doh!)? Well, let me give you a hint about your date. He's not just a WorldNetDaily columnist and the author of a book, but he has a blog (not updated since the end of the year, alas) called Oklahoma Conservative. Here's a quote from it from about a month ago:
Yes, your Blogger Mystery Date is none other than young Kyle Williams! ![]() Have a nice time doing wholesome things together, like listening to Rush Limbaugh. But remember, he hasn't had any sex ed, so don't bring him back pregnant or anything. 3:25:13 AM ![]() |
Andrew Sullivan: Underachiever, and Damned Proud of It Latest example:
SIGH. Andrew, I realize that O'Neill's analogy requires a dab of intelligence to figure out, but is it really O'Neill's fault that you don't have any? And while Kinsley's little exercise in deliberately missing the point is amusing, it didn't really teach you what O'Neill was trying to say, did it? But maybe a dramatization will help you understand:
I hope that helped, Andrew. 12:03:11 AM |
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