Tonight... The O'Reilly Factor Features Girl-on-Girl Action! Jan 13: Lesbian Sexcapes?
But sadly, I DID miss it. And since I did, I guess I'll have to just imagine what it what it would have been like, using the Fox News site's promo page for guidance:
The only article in the NY Times about a child pornographer is this one. It concerns a guy who was found guilty of swapping child porn photos online. He was only 18. The judge was frustrated, because mandatory sentencing guidelines required him to sentence the teen to a minimum ten-year term in prison (and the defendant wouldn't be eligible for sex-offender therapy for 7-years).
So, what we actually have is a story about a judge being sympathetic to a teen caught sharing child porn via the web, not an instance of the NY Times sympathizing with somebody who took photos of naked kids and sold them. And I'm going to guess that Bill didn't want to hear what the "mercy" side had to say, since child pornography is BAD (and because he hates the NY Times). Yes, while some liberal elite newspapers may side with perverts, Bill just happens to think that molesting innocent children is WRONG, despite what Al Franken may believe.
My after-the-fact predictions: Sherri Annis said that Dean's campaign in unraveling because Dean seems so angry all the time, and that turns off voters, who don't want a Mr. Grumpy for their President. Dean also seems all crazy and stuff. Bill chimed in with a reference to Dean abandoning his church for a bike path, and believing that President Bush, the Masons, and the reptilian space aliens were behind 9/11. Mary Anne didn't get a chance to say much.
Why? Bill probably said, "Because it's unfair to legal immigrants, rewards law breaking, encourages terrorism, and doesn't provide for an electric fence on our borders set to 'kill' strength."
Yes. Yes he is. And billionaires shouldn't be allowed to donate their money to various causes, because they only do it to try to change things!
Since I don't know much about which new trends are filtering down these days, I did a Google News search for "same-sex kissing schools" and came up with this Wash Post story that is probably the basis of Bill's "shocking expose." Here's part of it:
Shocking! Shocking! I blame Madonna, rap music, the public schools, and the liberal media for these naughty, titillating sex capades (or "sexcapes," depending on which O'Reilly promo you believe). Or rather, I bet Bill blamed the usual suspects. And I bet he thought that photo of Madonna and Britney kissing was so disgusting that he had to study it for a really long time to fully appreciate just how bad lesbian eroticism can be.
Well, yesterday's famous TPM was about how Wesley Clark wouldn't appear on the O'Reilly Factor, even though Bill has "done everything short of going to his house to try to convince him to come on here." And don't give Bill that crap about unfairness, because Bill is always very fair when he interviews commie pinkos like Clark. Bill speculated that the reason Clark wouldn't do the show is that Clark is a yellow-bellied coward who doesn't want people to know who he is. Which is probably crazy and/or a big hypocrite. But the door is always open if Clark changes his mind and gets some courage from the Wizard. So, I'm gonna guess that today's Talking Points Memo was about how Britney Spears wouldn't appear on Bill's show, even though he broke into her house to invite her. And it would be to her advantage to appear on the O'Reilly Factor, since Bill could yell at her for that Vegas marriage, which demeaned a sacred institution. But she's young and cute, and so allowances must be made. And Bill could bring her back from her flirtation with lesbianism by showing her what a tongue kiss from a REAL man is like. Yeah, Bill would look out for Britney. Look out for her real good. And that leads us to The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day, which today was probably about how people on the internet are allowed to make fun of famous people, to say whatever they want, and there's nothing these famous people can do, because we don't have laws to protect celebrities in this country. Oh, and the book race with Hillary is now neck-and-neck, if you use sales figures for her book from a couple of month ago, and then take off the several hundred thousand copies which were sold in blue states. So, buy several copies of Bill's book today, because if Hillary's book sells more copies, then your daughters will become lesbians. 5:43:30 AM ![]() |
TownHall Recap -- From Mordor, Where the Shadows Lie Hooray, it's Hump Day! And what do we think of when we think of humping? Yes, our favorite TownHall columnists, like the Virgin Ben Shapiro! Anyway, the meme today is "What's the difference?" as in, "Before 9/11? After 9/11? What's the difference? And who the hell cares what a former Treasury Secretary and member of the National Security Council says anyway?" The recurrent theme is "Bush's Immigration Reform Plan stinks." The secret phrase is "liberal media." So what if the White House wanted to invade Iraq all along?
No, Kathleen, you were supposed to writhe like a salted slug for that Gay marriage: A trip to the moon on Gossamer wings? piece from a couple of months ago. A New Jersey Assemblywoman is proposing a bill requiring home-schooled kids to have an annual medical test; she says one impetus for the bill is those foster kids who were found severely underweight and malnourished. So, is Michelle in favor of a law which would provide a slight safety net for home-schooled kids who might have no other contact with the outside world? Heavens no! Because it's more important to save them from socialism!
There IS TOO a liberal bias to journalism, and Tom Brokaw is just scared of Brent's mighty Media Research Center.
So, Brent is using all those Scaife donations for GAMBLING? Next, we'll find him in a Vegas S&M dungeon with Bill Bennett, doing research on the MRC's dime. Sure, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer in America, but it's a GOOD kind of poor here!
Poor Thomas really shouldn't have sold that kidney (even though the price was so good that it would have invalidated his entire economic theory not to), because now the high levels of uric acid in his blood are causing incoherence.
Linda got nominated for the Bush cabinet too, and while she didn't get a job (what with that extensive criminal record and all), SHE didn't think George was like a blind man in a room full of deaf people. No, he was more like a blind man in the kingdom of the one-eyed.
So, let that be a lesson to you -- disrespect the President and you too may be in a heap of trouble with the Feds, whether or not you actually did anything wrong. Paying workers a "living wage" encourages illegal aliens to come to America, since businesses, who can't afford to pay people munificent sums like $8.00 an hour and still give their CEOs 7-figure bonuses, have no choice but to hire people off the books and pay them crap. So, John Kerry and the unions should just stay out of it, and let the market regulate itself -- the illegals will stay home once they learn that American jobs only pay 25 cents an hour.
Howard Dean says stuff that, when reduced to sound bites, sounds goofy. And then Dean tries to explain what he meant, which is even worse! Sure, Jonah once derided Ed Koch's "academic pedicure," but at least he wasn't fooled by Dennis Prager's clunky "parody." Oh, wait, he was!
Back in 2002, Wes Clark said there was "a connection" between Iraq and al-Qaeda. And now he says there that Iraq wasn't responsible for 9/11. What a big hypocrite! Except that saying that there is a connection between George Bush and Neil Bush isn't the same thing as saying that George is responsible for giving Neil's wife herpes. So, maybe he's not a hypocrite, is he, Debra?
Back in the good, old days, immigrants assimilated! They learned English, got jobs, and became white. Of course, we allowed them to celebrate a foreign holiday and cook a foreign dish or two (if they did it on the sly), but they never used their ethnicity to get preferential treatment over REAL Americans. And we liked it that way!
The Democrats have teamed up with the liberal media to misrepresent the Labor Department's advice on how employers could comply with the new regulations about mandatory overtime for low-income workers, while actually not paying them more money. Joel admits that the facts the liberal media presented are "technically correct," but it's the FRAMING that's wrong, in that these tips weren't actually faxed to employers by "Bush operatives," as far as Joel knows.
See, the media misled the public, for, as Joel pointed out, while most workers would make "as much as before" for working more hours, some would actually end up making LESS. Damned hippie reporters! Bonus TownHall Quiz: Which is the real Dennis Prager, and which is the parody? ![]() Answer: they are BOTH the real Dennis Prager, in a fictional but not false way. 2:44:31 AM |
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