What is the Corner Like?
Well, more like being on interminable bus ride with some heavily stoned members of the Young Conservatives Club; a couple of wargamers who insist on telling you every step of how they won the Battle of Stalingrad; the overly chatty president of the school's "Saving Yourself for Jesus" group; that annoying guy who won't stop playing the harmonica; and Cosmo, "the 'it' dog of the American right." [Note: Make sure to keep this analogy out of the hands of children who might experience nightmares after reading this graphic portrayal of the torments of hell.] IMPORTANT UPDATE: Be sure to read Sadly, No!'s amplification of this item, because it's the funniest thing I've read today (and I read "The Passion" today). You can access it via the handy "trackback" feature below, or through the normal "Sadly, No! Enterprises" outlet near you. 10:43:37 PM ![]() |
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No Child Left Behind Ben Shapiro (who has grown out of his sullen, moody phase, and so is back to using his 2002 photo), today brings us a column entitled O'Reilly vs. DNC: Who's Telling the Truth? Next week his topic will be "Flat or Round: What Shape is the World?" Anyway, young Ben, who is apparently bucking for the position of "Robin" to Bill O'Reilly's "Batman," reminds us of Bill's misguided "contest" to see who could sell more books in 2003, him or Hillary Clinton. (Since Hillary presumably doesn't even know Bill exists, it was kind of like if I challenged Bulgaria, via this blog, to a contest to see who could eat the most Doritos -- with the prize being total moral supremacy!) Ben then explains that, per Bill, Hillary has CHEATED in this contest in which she didn't know she was entered.
[Note that Ben has provided you with a link so YOU can buy a copy of Bill's book, and thus defeat Hillary and Satan. And keep track of the book sales figures presented here: Bill has sold 800,000 copies, and Hillary has apparently sold 1.1 million copies, but the DNC bought "thousands" of those copies, so they don't count.] Okay, back to Ben, now explaining how Al Franken is also outselling Bill, and so, per Bill, must also be cheating. On the "Today"show, Bill said that he had outsold "that guy" (Bill now uses clever pseudonyms like "that guy" when referring to Al, not wanting to give him any more publicity like he did with that lawsuit), and so people actually liked him best. But ol' "Threat to Democracy" Matt Drudge posted Nielsen BookScan sales figures contradicting O'Reilly's "assertions." And the war was on.
Thus, Bill tacitly admits that he lied, because even if BookScan isn't perfect, and even if Drudge did publish its stats without permission, and even it undercounts sales by as much as 35%, it does it accross the board, and so Al sold more books than Bill. End of story. Okay, back to those figures I told you to remember. Here's NewsMax (the online news service which rivals Fox News in its fairness and balance), trying to discredit a statement from Hillary's publisher claiming over 2 million book sales :
So, Bill gets that 1.1 million sales figures for Hillary's book from the end-of-the-year BookScan report (that same report which he sneers at when Drudge used it to report BILL'S book sales). Both he and NewsMax state that the figures probably capture only 65-80% of the actual sales, since they miss some outlets. NewsMax allows that Hillary's book has probably sold about 1.5 million copies. But did Bill use the same BookScan figures to come up with his report of 800,000 copies sold? No! Because the Drudge report which shows Hillary with 1.1 million sales (1,084,520, to be exact) shows Bill with 430,407 sales! So, without even hearing from the DNC, we know that Bill lied. Ben could have figured this out himself, instead of bugging us about it, if only he had been part of the President's program to make sure kids learn to read and write, and add and subtract. And if only he would make an effort to get his news from sources other than the O'Reilly Factor, his fellow TownHall pundits, and SpongeBob SquarePants. But let's delve further into Ben's column, so we can hear about his attempt to play investigative journalist and thus win his place as Bucky to Bill's Captain America:
So, we have a mystery. Bill, who seems really credible to us, has said that the DNC bought "tons of copies" of Hillary's book. Mr. Welch, whom we don't know at all, said they didn't buy any at all, but that they did buy copies of Lying Liars and some other "smear books." Who to believe?
Who is the liar? Can YOU solve this mystery, boys and girls? Well, obviously the DNC DID give away copies of Hilary's book in exchange for donations. It's right there on the infallible internet! (I can't see any current mention of book giveaways, so maybe it was a limited-time offer). And they presumably didn't shoplift those copies. So, how did they get them? Well, much as Richard Mellon Scaife buys crates of right-wing tomes and donates them to the Club 100, the homeless, the woodchipper, etc., some group or individual probably GAVE copies of Hillary's book the DNC. [The stories about Scaife et. al.bulk buying books is presumably news to young Ben, since he doesn't mention it in his piece, even though he does include this quote from Bill:
Well, maybe Ben did know about it, but doesn't consider Ann Coulter to be "dubious," since she's welcome in his orthodox synagogue anytime, unless his Mom finds out.] Anyway, while the DNC was most likely totally truthful when they told young Ben that they didn't buy any copies of Hillary's book, it's also probable that somebody else did buy a bunch. Does this mean that Bill was sorta telling the truth about something? No. Because what Bill said was that the DNC has purchased "thousands of copies" and "a ton of copies" -- enough copies that, if you subtracted them Hillary's book sales, it would make HIM the winner in this contest to determine the fate of the western world. Even if you do assume that the BookScan figures include bulk sales (which they probably don't, since any smart bulk purchaser would get them directly from the publisher), and we ignore the bulk sales of Bill's book to NewsMax and places like that, Bill is saying that the DNC bought (or, as we're postulating, were given) 400,000 copies of Hillary's book! 400,00! That's almost as many books as Bill as sold in total at all of the outlets BookScan covers! Does this seem even the tiniest bit credible? Or does it sound like Bill should be on anti-psychotic medication for even suggesting it? So, Ben, figuring out who lied in this instance is easy, once you know the secrets of reading and math. But I blame your schools and their bigotry of low expectations, just because you were a conservative. 5:30:00 AM |
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