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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 6, 2003 by s.z.

Bush Hating: It's Fun Until Somebody Dies!

And to learn of the ultimate result of all of the "bush loathing" which Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly have been warning us about, go here: Sadly,No! After you read it you will never choose Eminem as DNC Chairman again!

And Liberal Hating Pays a Lot Better

And speaking of alleged racist misogynistics, we see that Ann Coulter hasn't updated her blog (you know, the blog that has ONE entry in it).  I guess she's still resting up from all the effort of copying that entire NY Times article, adding a sentence, and titling it "Carter's Brain."  But hey, she doesn't NEED to blog, because, per a Newsmax article about Ed Koch snubbing her, she's making a mint from her upcoming book:
Earlier, the author of the runaway best sellers "Treason" and "Slander" confided that her next book, which got her a reported $3 million advance, is about - natch - left-wingers.
$3 million.  Not a bad advance for a book by a really thin, annoying blonde woman who can't read, write, or use Google.  And since Paris Hilton has the same qualifications and is more decorative to boot, if I were Ann, I'd watch my back.

11:35:47 PM    

Hannity Defends Commander-in-Chief Against Barely Clad Models

The Fox News Hannity & Colmes page advises us that Friday's show featured some old demi-naked friends:
Babes Against BushAnti-Bush organizers found a new way to drum up support -- a calendar featuring scantly clad women who oppose the president. Things heated up as one calendar organizer accused Sean of being a liar ... and even worse ...  transcript
Oooh, somebody accused Sean of being a liar . . .and even worse!  Like, being a necrophiliac, maybe?  Or a homicidal maniac?  Or a CLOSET LIBERAL?  This could be fun!

And next to this promo is the photo from the home page of, but somebody (probably Sean) has drawn a rather tatty red bra on the model's large . . .tracts of land.  But still, trust Hannity and Colmes to always be first on the scene to bring you stories about semi-clad women opposing the president. 

So, let's read the transcript. 
SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: The Bush bashing left, they found a new way to drum up support to oust our commander-in-chief. A group of women from Michigan have put together a calendar called Babes Against Bush featuring scantly clad women who oppose President Bush. 
Since the calendar is nothing more than good, old-fashioned American entrepreneurship in action (linking cheesecake photography with the popular sport of "Bush bashing" sounds like a surefire money maker to me), Sean's left-baiting intro is deliciously over-the top.  Wow, the whole "Bush bashing left" is behind this outrage!  And these models don't want to just defeat Bush in 2004, they want to "oust our commander-in-chief" on the fields of war, probably in some kind of nude Communist insurrection.  We can hardly wait to meet these pugnacious and militant barely-clad beauties.

But it seems that there will be no Naked Leftist Guerillas on the show, just two of the people behind Babes Against Bush (although Sean does get it wrong and introduces the female organizer, Jessica Domain, as "one of the women featured in the calendar"). 

Sean starts by asking the guests "So, you loathe the president?" which is always a good icebreaker.  Domain says she doesn't, and Sean gets in her face with, "But it says 'Babes Against Bush.  How do we loathe him? Let us count the ways.'"  (You know, the Hannity & Fox site says, "Mortgage Rates Hit Record Lows," so if Sean is ever on my show, I'm gonna ask him, "So, you believe in violence against lows?")
And then Hannity brings up more stuff it says on the Babes website:
HANNITY: And also, you say that he's an election hijacking, economy wrecking, warmongering chimp and a bozo president. Is that the kind of language you want to be associated with?
LOL!  Way to go, David Livingstone, calendar promoter.

Then Sean crows about having outed one of the calendar models on his radio show -- it seems she's not really "social conscious," as claimed by the Babe site, in that she purportedly didn't know the name of the Vice President.  As if that proves something really significant -- heck, I bet there are days when Lynne forgets what his name is.

And that's where the "liar" accusation comes in, as Livingstone says that the model, Melanie, really is socially conscious and does know the name of the VP, and that Sean's pants are on fire.  Although Sean claims to have a tape revealing Melanie's ignorance, I don't really care.  Bottom line: she's a model and Sean's not.

While I remain committed to deploring the degradation of the level of debate in this country, I have to laugh at this next exchange, because Sean is so damned annoying that I (deplorably) enjoy hearing somebody give him a bit of his own in return.  Besides, TBOGG said the Freepers said that Sean will be the next conservative know-it-all investigated for drug use, so it must be true. 
HANNITY: I have the tape. She didn't have a clue who it was. Not a clue.

LIVINGSTONE: You're on drugs.
HANNITY: I'm on drugs?
LIVINGSTONE: Stop smoking crack.
HANNITY: I'm smoking crack? I can see you really worked hard at building up your ability to debate. You're doing really well.
LIVINGSTONE: I do do it very well. You unfortunately don't even ask the right questions. You make unfounded assertions and cast aspersions on people's character.
HANNITY: I'm not.  I'm not. I have the tape.  I told you that.
LIVINGSTON: She is politically active and she does know what she's talking about.
HANNITY: She didn't have a clue who the vice president was.
LIVINGSTONE: You ambushed her, man, and you know it.  That's what you do.  You take cheap shots, and that's what you do best.
HANNITY: That wasn't a tough question -- that wasn't a tough question for a socially politically conscious babe.
LIVINGSTONE: That was -- Let's hear you answer a question.
HANNITY: You get your own show, invite me on any day.
See, Sean doesn't know who the VP is either!  (Okay, he really does, but only because right before the show he asked Alan, "What's that guy's name -- you know, the one we keep hidden in an undisclosed location at all times because he holds the black box that controls the President?") 

Anyway, another devastating attack on the left, delivered as only Sean Hannity can.

10:15:00 PM    

Hey, Thrilling Days of Yesteryear is now in an easy-reading, classy "discreet purple" theme.  Check it out for some fun and educational old time radio/vintage comedy/cool old stuff reading (and viewing).
5:14:53 AM    

Bill O'Reilly Says Letterman a Threat to Bush 

As Bill promised yesterday in his segment about those "Hollywood Bush Haters" (who turned out to just be "People Who Want a Different President in 2004"), he did come up with an article blowing the lid off their evil plan to use the two-party system.  
Here's what's going on.  Right now, only about half of the voting age population in America actually votes.  And for Americans under the age of 30, the percentage is far less than that.  The anti-Bush forces believe if they can reach young Americans, they can boot the President out.  But the only way to connect with many of those people is through entertainment vehicles.  And that's where the celebrities come in.
Yes, per Bill, these celebrities use their remarks between song sets and on talk shows to "drop anti-Bush grenades that millions of people hear."  Doesn't that seem un-American to you?  Celebrities being able to voice political opinions where young people may hear them?

Bill claims that this really isn't fair and balanced, because most TV shows censor conservative voices.  Well, they won't invite Bill O'Reilly to be a guest, which is the same thing.  He then rates various programs as to their political spin:

Jay Leno is very fair, in that he's conservative.  
David Letterman is a different story.  Since Labor Day, for example, his guest list has included far more liberal thinkers than right-leaning people.  The anti-Bush people will have support on this program.
Oprah isn't into partisan politics, but she doesn't gag the celebrities who appear on her show.  "Advantage: Hollywood liberals."

The morning talk show people are all liberals.  While some of them will let conservatives on their shows, they ask the right-wingers the hard questions, but let the Al Frankens skate.  "The democrats have an advantage in the morning."

The View hosts are all liberals, but if you yell loud enough, you can talk over them. 
Jon Stewart's Daily Show is liberal, but since funny conservatives are welcome, Bill calls this one "a political wash." 

And talk shows like Conan O'Brien's play up to the young people who are the only ones who can stay up late enough to watch them, "which means the mean, old Republicans don't have a chance there."
We are living in a time where perception is reality, and impressions are formed from rank propaganda and outright deception.  A flood of anti-Bush celebrities on the chat shows could help the Democratic candidate bigtime, and the GOP really has no answer.  Can you imagine Dick Cheney dishing with Star Jones?
No.  No I can't.  But is that the media's fault?  Should talk shows be forced to book boring guests and MAKE them interesting in order to "balance the playing field," as it were?  Isn't that the sort of social engineering that Bill deplores? 
The left-wing sharpies see an electoral potential in the young vote and they believe they've found a way to tap into it.  Seven hundred votes decided the last presidential election.  This time Letterman is good for at least that.
Bill offers no solution to this problem, but I think the implication is clear: conservatives must organize boycotts of David Letterman, Oprah, The ViewGood Morning, AmericaCelebrity Fear Factor, and any other show which includes celebrity guests -- remember the glorious victory achieved over The Reagans miniseries!  Only this way does George Bush stand a chance in 2004.

And Why Bill Hates David Letterman

Bill, who is going to make an appearance in Pennsylvania on the 10th, answered some questions for the local newspaper.  Here he explains why he might be a tad biased against David Letterman:
You're one of the most discussed public figures in America. Do you like the attention or has some of the criticism bothered you?
"I don't like the attacks and particularly the hate books. I was just stunned by a bunch of people from the far left and far right trying to hurt me.  But they're allowed to get away with it.  When you get Al Franken saying things about where I grew up and then you have a historian from Levittown where I grew up correcting it, nothing gets done about it.  And what about David Letterman?  He won't put me on his show.  Even though Franken was on there saying all kinds of things about me."
So, Bill O'Reilly.  A fair and balanced guy, on a fair and balanced network, offering a fair and balanced take on the rest of the elite media.

2:35:55 AM    

Poor Derb

He's feeling bad because he was left off of's "20 Most Annoying Conservatives" list: 
 WORMWOOD AND GALL [John Derbyshire]
I am devastated to see that once again I did not make the annual list of "Twenty Most Annoying Conservatives." Even more infuriating, Jonah is on it. Grrrr. What do I have to do to be more annoying?
I knew this would happen.  Like my mother always said, "If you put one person from the NRO Corner on your list, you have to put them all on, or there will be hurt feelings, and somebody will spit into somebody else's coffee when nobody is looking." 

K.Lo tried to cheer up Derb by telling him that some of the people on the list weren't even all that conservative (I guess she means Bill O'Reilly, because he always says that only people with agendas call him a conservative -- impartial people, like his fans and his network, call him "balanced").  And then Derb found comfort in the fact that Jesse mentioned Scrooge McDuck in passing, and since Derb is JUST LIKE Scrooge McDuck, it was like Derb won too.  Derb now wants Corner merchandise featuring an image of McDuck and Derb's quotes.

Oh, and Derb has his own math geek sweat-shirt now, and that's even BETTER than making the crummy, old list!
issued specially by
to welcome John"

We're not going to comment on what John's prime obession is, but we will advise him that if he keeps harping on it, he will make the list of "Most Annoying People of All Time" for SURE.
1:38:03 AM    

Excellent!  The Conspiracy is Going Even Better Than We Planned!

Emulating our hero TBOGG we went to the asylum (, in our case) to read about Sean Hannity being next in line to be framed and ruined (as announced by evil genius Ed Asner a couple of months ago).  However, the Lucianne people got wind of an even larger plot, involving ALL the opinion shapers, to include Ann Coulter and the Bush twins.
I believe we are witnessing the opening shots in the liberal war to acquire the White House in 2004. Instead of debating and winning on the issues, which they cannot possibly do, they have worked out, Mafia-like, a schematic of hits and take-downs - and maybe, as someone else as said on this forum, we are seeing what happened to those missing FBI files.... Bringing down Rush won't be their last attempt at character assassination, in fact I think they are just warming up. They will probably go after other opinion shapers - Ann Coulter? Sean Hannity? - the Bush twins, Condi, conservative senators, etc. There is nothing new per se with liberals doing this, but I get the foreboding feeling that their desperation this time will lead to lawlessness (as it did in Florida 2000) on a scale we haven't seen yet. And of course, a willing media will play along. We'll need Rush's voice more than ever.
So, it sounds like we have a lot of Mafia-like scheming to do.  For Sean, I suggest a sex scandal of some sort.  Maybe we could leak one of Sean's love letters to Michael Jackson to the Senate Intelligence Committee.  I think that would be an appropriate payback (AND lots of fun too!)

Let's have Condi confess to having helped Scott Peterson kill his wife (she will tell all to The National Enquirer when she learns that Scott was having an affair with Laura Bush all while telling Condi that he loved her).
The Bush twins will do a Playboy centerfold with the Barbi twins, and thus will ruin their credability in political circles (but sell lots of calendars).

And as for the conservative senators, well, they're just going to have to assassinate their own characters.  They can't expect us to do EVERYTHING.

P.S.  While reading another Rush thread at Lucianne, I found a couple of posts that make me wish I had listened to Rush's show this week:
#45  Let's face it - Rush left the door open. When Limbaugh came back from rehab, he was painfully humble and apologetic.  Right before Thanksgiving he changed.  His bravado has reached reckless proportions.  He has discussed defecating turkeys and nonstop female orgasms.  It is becoming a huge turnoff.  I believe he is back on the drugs. There, have at me.
#48  Add me to your list of head shaking Rush fans. He wasted an entire hour of his show this week, acting like a tittering 14 yr old, discussing female orgasms, vibrators and vaginas.  An entire hour.  Thought he had become Dr Ruth. 
Wow, Rush Limbaugh as the new Dr. Ruth.  You can't make up this kind of stuff!

1:20:35 AM    

We Thought he Was Dead!

And speaking of WorldNetDaily, they report that the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim lobbyist group, is calling on Paul Harvey to apologize for saying that Islam encourages killing. 
In a news item in which Harvey described the bloody nature of cockfight gambling in Iraq, he said: "Add to the thirst for blood a religion which encourages killing, and it is entirely understandable if Americans came to this bloody party unprepared."  
In 1999, CAIR organized a campaign that led to Harvey issuing an on-air apology to Muslims for remarks that seemed to suggest Islam was a "fraudulent religion."
Poor Paul.   I guess he should go back to recounting those stories about how that little boy whom nobody liked and whom everybody predicted would come to a bad end . . . grew up to be Richard Nixon. 

12:38:07 AM    

"Miserable Failure" Finally Makes the Papers

Here's part of what Newsday had to say:
Users of the popular search engine Google who type in "miserable failure" will find the official White House biography of President George W. Bush pop up as the first entry.
Computer users rigged it by posting the phrase on Web pages and linking it to the Bush biography, the paper said, in a technique called Google bombing. A Weblog enthusiast said he spontaneously joined in the prank in late October.
"I thought it was absolutely one of the funniest ideas I've ever heard," Don Waller, owner a Web design company in New York, told the paper. "This is just one of those spontaneous things that a blogger will post something and other bloggers will say, 'This is a great idea.'" '
Newsday said White House spokesman Ken Lisaius had no comment, and Google did not return phone calls. Creating the association apparently required no more than 32 pages with the phrase "miserable failure" linking to the Bush bio.
WorldNetDaily just copies info from the Newsday story, but uses the attention-getting headline:
 "ELECTION 2004Google 'miserable failure': It's Bush Phrase typed into search engine brings up biography of president "
Anyway, good job, bloggers! 

12:14:18 AM   

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