Condensed Ann Coulter Here's an edited version of Ann's latest column, What Happened To Your Queer Party Friends? At the behest of the Democratic Party establishment, the media. . . Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna . . . Ted Kennedy . . . Bill Clinton. . . Hillary's socialist health care plan . . . Ted Kennedy . . . If they could just figure out a way to abort babies using solar power, that's all we'd ever hear about. . . Barbra Streisand. . . .Bill Clinton. . . .Democrats aren't even man enough to run a genuine coward for president. 7:29:19 AM ![]() |
And Speaking of Peggy . . . Our corporate master Sadly, No! quoted everbody's favorite NRO Corner Church Lady, Kathryn Jean Lopez, saying she doesn't like it when the President says "sexually." Because, you know, children (such as little two or ten-year-old Ashley) might be listening to the State of the Union address (although THAT seems awfully unlikely). K.Lo apparently thinks it would be better if Bush said "when-a-man-and-woman-love-each-other-very-much transmitted diseases" instead. Roger Ailes (the smart and non-evil one) also liked this part of the Sadly, No! report, and followed up with the Peggy Put-Down of the Month:
You know, if little Ashley isn't doing anything, maybe she could write Peggy's next column for her, freeing Peg to continue her investigation of The Case of the Counterfeit Christ Movie Blurb. Oh, and speaking of Sadly, No!, check out his exploration of the myth we call Mr. Meghan Cox Gurdon. Michelle Malkin's name comes up -- might she be the other woman in the picture? [Note: deleted and reposted without links to specific blog entries because the other way screwed up the line-wrap formatting. I blame Satan. And Peggy.] 6:48:38 AM ![]() |
Those Who Would Question the Patriot Act Working along the same lines as Lumpy, here's Bill West, defending the Patriot Act in Front Page Magazine:
Yup. Nobody but terrorists would question the Patriot Act. It just stand to reason. For instance, Syracuse University is clearly a front for radical Islamic terrorist groups, because it conducted that study showing that most of those guilty of "international terrorism" in DOJ stats (stats trumpeted by Bush and Ashcroft as proof we need to expand the Patriot act) turned out to be mostly convicted of immigration violation, document fraud, etc. Why else would it study DOJ stats if it wasn't to help the radical Islamic/ left-wing cause? The mainstream media is just as bad, because it picked up the story. As am I. Goes to show you can't trust anybody these days. 6:29:53 AM ![]() |
Lumpy Does Ann Coulter (But only in a "stealing her act" kind of way. As far as we know.) French pastry-resembling James Taranto , the Pillsbury D'oh! Boy*, shares his favorite "Democrats are Traitors" moment from the State of the Union Address:
Yeah! Because once those provisions expire, Osama can, without fear, bribe Las Vegas officials to change Topless Dancer regulations. And then his victory over the West will be complete! But back to Tick Smug*:
Or maybe they were just peeved about how Bush framed the War on Terror issue. ("We have faced serious challenges together -- and now we face a choice. We can go forward with confidence and resolve, and invade other nations which might have weapons of mass destruction-related programs and other souvenirs. Or we can turn back to the dangerous illusion that terrorists are not plotting and outlaw regimes are no threat to us, as advocated by THOSE GUYS SITTING OVER THERE, who may themselves be terrorists. Your choice.") But let us give the mic back to "Malcolm in the Middle's" Craig*:
And then the Republican side of the chamber applauded. They applauded the fact that the terrorist threat will not expire on schedule! So, which is the REAL al Qaeda cheering section? Over to you, Bobby 'Bacala' Baccalieri*:
So, the President has been working on a comeback to Kerry's remark since October? Slow thinker, isn't he? I bet the thought process went something like this: "'Your MOTHER is less of a military operation and far more of an intelligence-gathering ...' No, that won't work. Okay, how about, 'You may have served in Vietnam, but I reached the third level of Battle for Europe on my Gameboy, so I think I know how to run a war.' No, no, no. What about: 'By the Power of the Patriot Act, I order you dead!' Just once I wish they'd let me say that. Geez, this is hard. I'll just make Karen Hughes think of something when she writes the SOTU address for me.") But seriously, other than the military operations in Afghanistan which disrupted al Qaeda activities two years ago, what real successes in the war on terror HAVE come by methods other than intelligence-gathering and law enforcement operations? I'll give you three months to think of an answer, Polyester Boy.* But back to Hackmaster James*:
So, Raging Potsie's* argument can be summarized as: The Dems applauded when the Prez said that portions of the Patriot Act are due to expire, thus proving they support terrorism. But the President sure showed them when he said that "Its not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers, because we're at war and we don't need no stinkin' laws." Which is where the Patriot Act comes in: abridging the rule of law, to keep you safe from those who would allow topless dancers in gambling establishments. Good job of sticking to those traitorous Dems who had the audacity to applaud in the wrong place, Lumpy. Now back to selling shoes*. *We wish to thank Peanut, Scott, David Niewert, Dr. Omed, Poetisa, Steve, Rob, CJ, and Chris Vosburg for today's Taranto Descriptors. We'll use more of your suggestions next time. 5:43:47 AM ![]() |
Peggy Drew Noonan and The Case of the Mysterious Papal Quote As we mentioned a couple of days ago, there are conflicting accounts about whether or not the Pope gave a thumbs-up to Mel Gibson's Jesus movie. Peggy Noonan, quoting the movie's producer, Steve McEveety, quoting the Pope's aide, said the Holy Father said "It is as it was." But then two senior Vatican official claimed the Pope didn't say anything at all. And then Frank Rich wrote an article accusing Gibson's people of trying to drag the frail, old pope into their marketing scheme, and pointed out the contridictory stories about the quote. And the latest developments involve lying, deceit, forged email, and a plot to kill the pope when he attends a performance of The Mikado in San Francisco! And girl detective Peggy Drew Noonan! We'll let her fill you in:
Jeepers, fabricated Vatican emails! So Peggy Drew and non-threatening boyfriend Rod Nickerson compared his message from Navarro-Valls with the one Peggy had received from him in December, telling her he had no comment on the purported Papal quote. They came from the same email address! And hers was "sent via an e-mail server in the Vatican's domain, and the IP address belongs to a Vatican computer." Holy computer hacking or something worse? Peggy emailed Navarro-Valls again and told him she was "flummoxed," but has as yet to receive a reply. McEveety won't talk to her on the record about "the controversy." But she vows to crack the case and solve the mystery.
Has Peggy been made the innocent victim of a Vatican power struggle? Is the janitor using Navarro-Valls' computer while he's at lunch? Is the Pope being impersonated by his evil twin? Did a movie producer LIE? Can YOU solve the case before Peggy does? Can her arch rival TBOGG? I await further details. 3:06:50 AM |
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