From today's Corner:
Yes, consider the plight of those poor pharmacists, fired for an act of conscience. Sure, "the morning-after pill" is basically nothing more than birth control pills, which the pharmacists had dispensed all the time without protest. But since in this case they "knew" that the rape victim intended to use the product to keep a possibly fertilized egg from implanting itself in her womb, it was, like Rod said the other day, the difference between legally selling a gun to someone who didn't say what they were going to use it for, and selling a gun to someone who said they were going to use it to kill their wife. Because a fertilized egg is like a wife, and hormone pills are like a gun. But what about pro-life cashiers, who might have to ring up a rape victim's purchase of a product intended to keep a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in her womb? Shouldn't such a cashier have the right of refusal too? Isn't she just as worthy of protection from workplace reprisals for an act of conscience? And what if a woman who might be pregnant came through the check-out line with a bottle of wine. Pregnant women shouldn't be drinking, because prenatal exposure to alcohol can cause damage to babies. That cashier should be protected, by law, from having to sell anything to women that might be bad for the unborn. And what if the cashier was a Mormon, who believed that alcohol is morally bad everybody? And what if that cashier took a job in a liquor store? Shouldn't she be allowed, by law, to keep her job while refusing to sell any alcoholic beverages to anybody, because said sales would go against her conscience? And what if that cashier was a vegan who felt "meat is murder"? And what if she took a job in a grocery store? Shouldn't she also be allowed to act on her conscience, and refuse to sell any animal-related product to anyone, without fear of being fired? So, Texas should pass a law saying that it's illegal to fire any employee for refusing to sell any legal product, if selling said product somehow goes against their conscience. And that the customers, who might have real and pressing needs for said products, should just move to a less moral state if they want meat, cigarettes, or birth control pills. I look forward to the day that one passes. 1:11:51 PM ![]() |
TownHall: The Anti-Kerry Edition Poor Howard Dean. Not a single TownHaller feels he's the anti-Christ this week. But Kerry once lived at the same time Jane Fonda did, which is even WORSE than the way Mrs. Dean dresses. Oh, and thanks to Rebecca Hagelin, we have a new item to add to our list of "The Greatest Threats to Civilization." Bush did just fine on "Meet the Press," and even if he didn't, we can't say anything bad about Daddy or we won't have anyone to protect us from the boogieman.
And when Bush lies, Kathleen reminds herself that Jimmy Carter was known for his honesty, and yet he did absolutely nothing to protect us from Mad Cow Disease or SARS.
Kathleen leaks the official conclusion of Bush's panel to investigate intelligence failures. But if anyone could be blamed, it would be that CIA official who sent Joe Wilson to Africa. Slavery reparations would just lead to W.W.II. So, let's just let people sell their kidneys if they want a cash windfall.
Per Michelle, "New York City Mayor Michael 'Nanny' Bloomberg, he of the smooth hands and Nurse Ratched smirk," said that carrying guns in the city is bad. But since Howard Stern and Don Imus have permits for concealed weapons, it's obvious that Bloomberg hates legal immigrants.
Investigative reporter Ben reports that John Kerry helped the Viet Cong by testifying about American war atrocities. And Kerry left American POWs to die in Vietnam! Ben knows, because a guy told him this over the phone.
The stupid liberals want Bush to prove that he actually "showed up" while in the National Guard! But we don't see THEM pulling strings to help their kids avoid the draft by learning to fly F-102s, which is actually more dangerous wartime combat.
Sure, Kerry was a war hero and Bush was AWOL from the cushy National Guard assignment he obtained through family connections. But Kerry didn't vote for pro-war policies through the years, while Bush LIKES taking the country to war, so Kerry is the fake military man, and Bush is the real deal!
It's the end of the world as we know it, and it's because of gay marriage.
All those societies which used a different kind of familiar system? Uncivilized. Because only brutes would choose something other than the nuclear family. Your "God-given reason" tells you that. And why would everything fall apart if we allowed same-sex marriage? Well, ask your gay-loving, marriage-hating friends, the Europeans! They now have a negative birth rate, meaning that in tens of thousands of years, if the trend stays the same, they won't exist anymore.
And Rebecca, as you will recall, makes good refreshments, so we should trust her when she informs us of other people's real goals. Terence tells us that the media showed that videotape of Carlie Brucia "for days," and that DOJ stats show that 115 "stereotypical kidnappings" occurred in the U.S. in 1999, with half of those resulting in the death of the child. Parents are scared, and vow not to let their children ever leave the house again. So, is Jeffrey's point that the media is causing unreasonable fears in parents? Hell, no! He says that media doesn't care about most kidnappings, and that the reason that parents are scared is because the justice system doesn't allow the police to execute suspected kidnappers on the spot!
Allow me to go a bit off topic here. Records show that 436 children aged 0-14 were killed by firearms in the year 2000 (110 suicide, 227 homicide, 86 accidents, and 10 undetermined). So, I suggest that Terence have a talk with Perfect Mom Michelle Malkin about her advocacy of guns, and recommend that parents should start worrying about Michelle as much as they do about that deadly stranger-kidnapper.
Um, yeah. Because the reason it takes so long to bring a capitol case to execution is because we keep trying to rehabilitate the condemned along the way. The fact that Paul experienced a couple of incidents where the military screwed up his records proves that Bush was where he was supposed to be all the time (and not that he got paid when he didn't show up, like some cynics may maintain). And while the White House still can't find any of Bush's fellow Guardsmen who recall drilling with Bush, that only means that John Kerry had them killed.
Well, it's a better idea than having him campaign on character, the issues, or his track record. So, TownHall. Late, but worth waiting for, right? 11:58:12 AM |
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