Perfect for Your Happy Holidays Shopping
Today I thought it would be fun to see what's new with our old friend Randall Terry. (Your fun may vary.)
Randall Terry for Florida State Senate -- a True Ronald Reagan Republican!
Because what we all love best about Ronnie is how he used to pray for the death of abortion providers, and how he was always getting arrested for harassing women at Planned Parenthood clinics.
Randall Terry is a Republican candidate for the Florida State Senate, eighth District.
Mr. Terry's race is already bringing national media attention as well as funds from around the nation.
Mr. Terry's opponent is a liberal, left wing Republican who is responsible for the death of… Read more
Sadly for those who want to read more, the link takes you back to the same page you were on -- so, we may never learn just whom Joe's liberal opponent is responsible for the death of. (Possibly Terri Schiavo, or womb babies, but maybe just some legislation or something.)
And that's the info we get about Randall's state senate campaign, because the pages with the info about "The Issues" is "coming soon." Interestingly enough, the info on how you can contribute to the campaign is up and working. (I think it's telling that Randall appears to believe that the most important thing about his bid to become a state senator is that he's getting "national media attention" from it, as well as "funds from around the nation." My suspicion is that he's running an "Alan Keyes" campaign, where you raise funds, pay yourself a big salary from the donations, lose big time, and then sell the names of your contributors to other wingnut outfits.)
And if you don't want to donate to Randall's senate campaign, you can donate to his Society for Truth and Justice and get free gifts!:
Special offer:
You can support The Society for Truth and Justice and receive a beautiful ring or watch to give to a loved one (or yourself!) this Christmas.View All Offers
Wow, I can support Terry's efforts to, um ... well, whatever self-aggrandizing activities he has going on now that he got kicked out of Operation Rescue (he hasn't updated the SFTJ Home Page since May). And not only that, but I can also get a watch to give to a loved one for Christmas! Sounds like a deal, doesn't it? So, let's learn more:
Hello friend,
I have supported Randall Terry in his work for many years. Some of you may have received gifts like this in the past. We are doing it again, with a new selection! This is a way that people can give large contributions, and receive exquisite jewelry as a thank you. Every penny will go to The Society for Truth and Justice. I am happy to join you in standing with this man of God. Have a Merry Christmas!
Joe Costello, President, Costello Jewelry
The merchandise ranges from a diamond and sapphire band for a donation of $1,100, to a clunky-looking Concord La Scala watch, which can be yours if you just give Randall $10,900.
Now, Randall will tell you how to order your bling:
A note from Randall Terry...How To Order
Hello friend,
We are so thankful to Joe Costello for his generosity in this offer. Let me explain how it works... Pick a watch that you want for yourself or loved one, and then give a contribution to The Society for Truth and Justice for the amount of the watch. You will receive the watch you have chosen, and every penny of the profit will go to The Society for Truth and Justice.
Okay, maybe I'm reading more into this than I should, but why did Joe say that every penny of your large contribution will go to Randall's organization, but when we get to Randall, it's now "every penny of the profit" -- is Randall paying himself for fundraising or something? Does Joe know?
But back to Randall, who will explain why he's doing this.
Why we doing this? Because we want to be a blessing to you. When someone gives a $1000 or $2000 or $3000 contribution to an organization, they will receive a polite thank you letter, as well they should.
But we wanted to give you something of real value in for your generosity. Hopefully, this will inspire more people to give.
Yeah, since the donations aren't tax deductible, and Randall's organization doesn't seem to have done anything for months, bribery seems to be about the only thing that would inspire people to give to it.
And no offense, but I can't see how Randall could ever be a blessing to me, even when offering me diamond watches. And if I had $10,900 that I wanted to use for charitable work, I'd use it to help the Katrina victims or something, and then look to God for spiritual blessings. (And if I wanted a Concord La Scala watch, I'd just buy this even gaudier one from for only $6500.)
But anyway, this all made me curious about Joe Costello, jeweler to the anti-abortion fanatics, so I did some Googling. Here's what I learned from the About Us page of "Heart to Heart," Costello Jewelry's abstinence jewelry web site:
Joe Costello is a successful businessman who got his start in the jewelry trade with an investment of just $160 and four gold chains. Building on his early success, Joe foundedCostello Jewelry Company in 1979. Today the multi-million dollar company has two beautiful stores in the Chicagoland area and an online web site at
So, he can apparently afford to donate watches to Randall -- I wonder if he deducts them from his taxes as a business expenses?
Joe places a tremendous emphasis on family integrity, enduring legacy, and genuine faith. These priorities were first modeled for him by his own father, Joe Sr. "My father nurtured all seven of his children in faith and love. And that is the greatest accomplishment any man can make. I praise God for him everyday."
Joe Sr. is apparently the founder of Kylea Health and Energy, which produces faith-based nutritional supplements. And as we learn from Hot Products for Christian Television!, he also has a radio program, and has been endorsed by many popular wingnuts.
Joe Costello is an active voice for the pro-life movement and hosts a nationally syndicated radio program. Kylea has been active in the Christian marketplace and has been endorsed by Jay Sekulow, Sandy Rios, Beverly LaHaye, Dick Staub, Jerry Rose and more.
Joe Costello of Kylea Heath and Energy was one of the people (Alan Keyes was another) who signed that fundraising appeal which asked the pro-life faithful to "help equip Randall for the battles that lie ahead" after he lost lawsuits filed by Planned Parenthood and other groups, and so declared bankruptcy. (As you will recall, Randall used the money to buy himself a $432,000 home in a gated community in Florida, and he set up housekeeping there with his new young bride, while his former wife and kids had to make do without any child support or maintenance from him.)
So, I guess supporting Randall in his questionable and morally-suspect ventures is a family tradition.
But back to Joe, Jr., and his creepy jewelry designed to symbolize your ownership of your kids' sexuality. Here's some info from the Heart to Heart (AKA home page:
Our media really makes you feel that “safe sex” is now the relevant issue. That is a lie from the pit of Hell and Lucifer himself is the author of said lie. Many of our government schools have turned “health education” into sex education at a young age when they still should be playing children’s games, learning the 3 Rs, and learning God’s laws. ACCORDING TO THEIR VIEWS, YOUR CHILD MUST LEARN ABOUT “SAFE SEX” WITHOUT ANY REGARDS FOR THE WORD OF GOD OR HIS LAWS.
Yes, it's a sign of the deplorable moral decline of our nation that many of our government schools will not teach your children about God's laws during health class. (BTW, that "separation of church and state" thing is a lie from the pit of Hell, and Lucifer himself is the author of it.)
And that's why you must take control of your daughter's sexuality yourself -- and jewelry can help!
The Heart to Heart™ program, created by jeweler Joe Costello, differs from other abstinence programs in some important, unique ways. [...]First, the “key to her heart.” This beautiful heart has a smaller heart in the front. Behind that heart is a keyhole. When making the covenant with your daughter, you explain that the covenant is between her, you and God. Since God has placed her in your care as a parent, you and only you can hold the “key to her heart.”
God not trusting her enough to let her be responsible for her own heart.
You then explain to the child that you will hold the key to her precious heart until the day of her wedding. On that day, you will give her away like at all weddings, BUT in doing so you will also “give away” the key to her heart to her now husband. The key and lock are actually functional and your son-in-law will place the key in the heart to open it.
Nothing at all Freudian going on here!
Inside will be a small note that had been placed in the heart on the day you made the covenant. That note can say something like, “I do not know your name or what you even look like, but this is my promise to save myself for you this day. Love, Melanie.”
Or, the note could say something like, "I've been saving myself for you for many horny years, so the sex tonight had really better be worth it!. Oh, and make sure my Dad gives you the key to my chastity belt too. Love, Melanie."
Aspiring Women endorses Joe's Heart to Heart program, and gives you some tips on how to present the locket to your daughter:
One couple took their daughter to a restaurant. When they got to the restaurant they said they had reservations for four. The child of course asked who was joining them. "The extra place setting is for your future husband, our future son-in-law," her parents replied. They proceeded from there, but it really drove home the point that this evening was to be special and that the implications of this covenant had very practical implications beyond what they could see or imagine at that particular moment.
And when the waiter asked when the fourth member of their party would be arriving, the parents said, "It may not be for years -- in fact, he may never show up. But please keep this place setting unused until he arrives, to make some kind of a point to our daughter."
How do I present the locket?
Start by explaining the "covenant" part of the equation. Begin with, "Sue, thank you for this evening. It is one we both will always treasure. I want to commemorate this day and our covenant with this." Then open the jewelry box and let the gold do the talking for just a moment.
Any girl would be delighted to exchange the control of her own sexuality for gold!
Then say, "This locket is handmade from precious metal - just the way God made you."
God handmade daughters from metal?
"This locket and what it stands for is the sentinel of your heart. Here's why: from this day forward you will wear this locket as often as you wish. It will send the statement that you are waiting for your husband. It is more than that though, Sue. It has a lock on it. It can only be opened with this key. I will guard the key until your wedding. On that day, I will present the key to my little girl's heart to your husband. He will take the key and open the locket, the only one ever to do so."
"And by 'locket,' I mean 'vagina.'"
What Do You Say if She Asks...?
Q. Did you remain pure?
A. Always tell the truth. If the answer is "no," do not expound as it can only serve to defile her mind and undermine her resolve to remain pure herself.
And whatever you do, don't show her the video!
Some Final Tips:[...]Tell others about your quest. Mutual encouragement, the exchange of ideas, and the testimony of others who have attempted to live out patterns of faithfulness in other ways can only enhance your efforts.
Discuss your daughter's virginity with anyone who might be interested.
God bless you and yours. Thank you for participating in this program. It is people like you who will help reclaim and restore our culture by not caving in to the pressures of this poor fallen world. May God keep your daughter in purity all of her days.
Um, thanks.
1:41:20 AM
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