Rush Back on the Air -- Still a Big Jerk Yes, Rush Limbaugh returned to take up his mic on Monday, after 5 weeks of drug rehab. While I didn't listen to his triumphant return to radio, I did read the various transcripts at Rush, and here's a loose summary of what he said (the direct quotes are in blue):
That was more or less what he said today, if you read between the lines a little bit. And to answer his question, I think the National Review Cruise of Death will probably conclude tomorrow. Be prepared for shocking horror, and lots more killing! 5:12:16 AM |
John Derbyshire And the Women Who Are Obsessed With Him John's latest NRO piece is about how America is The Last Christian Nation. He bases this conclusion largely on an Economist survey which showed that way more Americans said that religion played an important role in their lives than those scummy Europeans did. And to John, this explains why the Brits are organizing those big protests against George Bush: they hate him because he's pious. And because they think that "Britain is being dragged along in a moralistic crusade led by a dimwitted religious nut bent on converting the heathen at sword point." Silly Brits, with their ridiculous secular ideas! Besides protesting our President, the English further reveal their degeneracy in their tabloids:
Which makes the President's choice of The Sun as an interview forum rather odd, but maybe he just considered it missionary work. John fairmindedly adds:
So, only the people who are fixated on whether Charles was massaged "down there" by another male have some morality left? Well, yes, that's how it works in John's world. We are pretty sure that the story about the royal family he was planning to write (the one that required him to read all those tawdry, disgusting tabloids) was about Prince Charles and gay sex at the palace. John just seems to have an unholy interest in the topic of gay sex. He ends his piece with the following note:
But instead of listing all the people who might be offended by John's comments, let's move on to the subject of those obsessive Derbophobes alluded to in the link. John discusses them further in The Corner: it seems that Michael Bailey, a psychology professor whom John knows slightly, wrote a book about homosexuality and transexuality titled The Man Who Would Be Queen:
Since John gave a favorable review to Bailey's book, has the same publisher as Bailey, they share the same agent, John is on an email list with Bailey, and appeared at the same BookExpo as Bailey, "Lynn Conway and her pals" think that John Derbyshire is part of a right-wing, anti-gay conspiracy or something! Well, actually, per the info at the linked site, they think that Bailey and his publisher are trying to use Derbyshire to promote the book, and that John is promoting Bailey's book to "help him instigate controversy about transsexualism in right-wing circles and thus support an escalation of his railings about 'effeminate men' - by giving him 'science' with which to better defame them." When you visit the site, you find that the Derbophobes (or rather Lynn Conway, the website's author and a few friends) do seem rather obsessive. However, the obsession centers on Michael Bailey rather than Derbyshire. Lynn has one page on John, which includes a bio (which mistakenly and hilariously gives him credit for writing a book about yachting, and then mixes up the resume of this John Derbyshire -- a former gym teacher - -with OUR John's). She tells of the links between John and Bailey (which undoubtedly are overstated, but not by a whole lot). And then she provides a list of (and excerpts from) his various pieces which deal with homosexuality. That's it. Not exactly a full-fledged obsession on Mr. Derbyshire, in my estimation. However, looking through John's various writings about homosexuality IS rather unsettling, and brings to mind the words "obsession," and "creepy." His piece about "buggery," which include remarks like "There is a fundamental human contempt towards a man who permits himself to be penetrated"and "Women expect a certain amount of penetration as coming with the territory of femaleness," is especially distasteful. Reading this material, you can't help but conclude that Derbyshire has an unwholesome preoccupation with homosexuality in general, and the mechanics of gay sex specifically. But remember, it's not John who has the problem, its Lynn Conway!
Um, okay. You wouldn't want to site any proof for these claims, would you, John? In conclusion, while I don't know enough about the "Michael Bailey Controversy" to have an informed opinion about it, I do know that if I were John Derbyshire, I wouldn't be directing people to a page detailing my preocupation wtih homosexuality; I would be more careful about making potentially slanderous statements; and before saying that other people were "nuts", I would recall that saying about glass houses and stones. 3:40:41 AM |
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