None Dare Call It Schizophrenia
A volunteer for a Christian activist group in Massachusetts is accusing militant homosexuals of breaking into her house and stealing and then using her credit cards. Article 8 Allianceis a pro-family group which promotes the biblical view of marriage.
Well, actually Article 8 Alliance is an anti-gay group which promotes unchristian hatred of homosexuals, but let's move on.
Recently a long-time female volunteer for Article 8 whose name is Amy was featured in a derogatory article in a local homosexual newspaper. After the article was published, she arrived home one day to find her house had been broken into and her credit cards stolen.
That volunteer would be Amy Contrada, a long-time wingnut and anti-gay crusader. (She has been quoted in pieces at USA Today, the Chalcedon Foundation, the Concerned Women for America, and in her local paper, the Lowell Sun.) She blogs at Massresistance under the nom de Internet "A. Mann."
Brian Camenker, executive director of Article 8, says the break-in followed a pattern of harassment.
Ah, yes, our old friend Brian Camenker, the former radical socialist who now dedicates his life to denouncing homosexuals. Just for fun, let me repeat my favorite bit from his Boston Globe profile:
But the experience that spurred Camenker's current crusade was yet to come. While working as a computer consultant at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the early 1980s, Camenker says, he became friends with a group of gay men. He said that they ''hung around constantly,'' often going together to gay clubs on Cambridge Street.
But rather than make Camenker tolerant of homosexuality, the experience had the opposite effect. Camenker says he was appalled by his friends' promiscuity, and deeply affected by how they appeared to wrestle with their identities.
Camenker says he cannot remember any of his friends' names, so his assertions are impossible to verify.
Not that Brian has any credibility problem with us!
Now, back to Amy's persecution at the hands of militant homosexuals.
"She started getting a series of very threatening e-mails here at the office starting last winter -- threatening her family, saying they knew where she lived, her telephone number, describing her kids," he explains.
We can read excerpts from the very threatening emails here. The "threats" are stuff like "Unfortunately, your two children will bear the emotional scar that you have burdened them with. Oh the harm you are causing them, they should be taken away from your for preaching such hate to young minds." So, you can see why Amy would find them so alarming.
"Unfortunately, she just wouldn't be silenced -- she continued to work for us, and they stepped up their threats."
Even Brian thinks it's unfortunate that she wouldn't be silenced???
And really, the gay activists have got to work out some better threats, because stealing credit card really doesn't instill the same terror as, say, throwing a horse head in somebody's bed. It's no wonder that Amy won't shut the hell up, if this is the best the gays can threaten her with!
The pro-family advocate laments that Massachusetts is "in many ways becoming sort of like almost a reign of terror against anyone who stands up to the homosexual agenda." According to Camenker, local police have been reluctant to investigate the break-in.
We find this story very compelling -- and since the police are apparently part of the militant homosexual conspiracy, we'll use our investigative skills (honed by watching years of "Law & Order" and those true crime shows on A&E) to see if we can shed more light on this incident. So, let's review what Brian has told us, and then see what else we can learn via Google.
1. Amy's name was "featured in a derogatory article in a local homosexual newspaper."
The paper would be Bay Windows (Article 8 Alliance has had a running vendetta against them for months). The article in question seems to be one from Nov. 10 entitled "Daily Show zaps Brian Camenker" -- it discusses how Brian apparently failed to realize that his interviewer was not being entirely serious when he asked Brian if gay marriage had caused a spike in the rate of homelessness or a decline in the air quality in Massachusetts.
(Amy was also briefly mentioned in the Nov. 3 Bay Windows article,"More lies from Article 8," but the one about the "Daily Show" is funnier.)
2. "After the article was published, she arrived home one day to find her house had been broken into and her credit cards stolen."
Amy's blog entry of Nov. 19 (updated on the 20th) says in part:
The letter below was posted last night in the hopes that the criminals who broke into my home, stealing my privacy and credit card, would feel some remorse for their vile act.Dear "Gay" Activist Friends,
We thought liberals believed in the right of privacy. So I'm very puzzled by your recent behavior.
Instead of breaking and entering into my home, going through my personal belongings, and taking who knows what private information and photographs, why not just give me a call and arrange to meet for coffee or lunch?
Um, because then they would have to have lunch with her?
But it seems that it wasn't until at least a week after the Bay Windows article appeared that the gay activists decided to break into Amy's house. And since the article didn't include Amy's address (and the activists already knew where she lived -- or so they said in their very threatening emails), it's difficult to see a link between the mention of Amy in Bay Windows and the later alleged burglary, and I believe that Brian just alluded to the article so that we'd get curious about it, and learn that he appeared on "The Daily Show."
However, it's obvious the break-in (if there was one) was the work of militant homosexuals, because FBI crime statistics show that they commit virtually all of the B&E jobs in the New England area.
We can learn more about the incident at Free Dominion (Canada's answer to FreeRepublic) in the post "Lawsuits, Intimidation Tactics against free speech in Mass." which consists of a reposted bulletin sent out by Article 8 Org.
11/ 18/ 05 12:03 pm
Over the last few months, homosexual activists have been waging a particularly disgusting campaign to harass and intimidate the Article 8 office.
[...] On two recent occasions, they've stolen Amy's credit card numbers and charged bizarre (i.e., not expensive -- just weird) things to her accounts. This is the kind of depraved, dangerous people we are up against.
So, per Brian's article of circa Nov. 18, the Militant Homosexual Activists just stole Amy's credit card numbers. And from this account, it doesn't sound like anybody broke into Amy's place to accomplish the thefts. Interesting.
Oh, and the MHAs stole her card numbers twice, and those depraved, dangerous people used the credit card numbers to charge bizarre stuff (presumably weird gay items, like, um, The Pocket Fisherman and Chia Pet Dick Cheney penis), apparently just to embarrass Amy.
Investigator Note: Could it have been one of Amy's teenage children who used her credit card number to purchase weird stuff on the Internet?
While this may seem like a logical deduction, Amy's offspring are undoubtedly good, conservative, Christian children, so there is no way they would buy a Chia Pet Dick Cheney penis. The only explanation for her credit card number reportedly being used to buy strange stuff is that militant gays broke into her house, stole the number, and then went to town on eBay, as gay activists are wont to do.
You know, this case seems to be too lurid for "Law & Order," but maybe we can use it on "Special Victims Unit."
But back to our investigation, and the REST of the story, courtesy of Christian Underground based on the latest Article 8 Alliance bulletin.
2005-11-23 09:04:59[...] Someday, this could -- and probably will -- happen to you (if YOU don't get involved NOW).Amy works in our office as a volunteer. She does research, works with other volunteers, opens mail, occasionally answers the phone, and contributes to our MassResistance blog. She's also been targeted for some time by homosexual activists. Criminally harassing emails with personal references to family members were sent to her at the office. Her credit card was fraudulently used in July for harassment purchases with implied "messages".
So I guess the MHAs really did use Amy's card to buy a Chia Pet Dick Cheney penis.
Then on Wednesday, Amy came home early and found her front door wide open (she clearly remembered locking it before she left that day). Her pet cats were scared and acting frantic. As she walked in, she saw that someone had written the word "leave" on a dusty table in big letters. (She was in the process of moving furniture and is sure nothing had been written on it earlier that day.)
If you click either of the links to this story you can see a photo of the horrifying dusty table, with the caption "How would you like to come home, find your front door wide open, and walk in and see this?"
As investigators, we must ask ourselves, "Could it be that one of her kids left the door open? Is is possible that one of them left the message in the dust to indicate to the people moving the furniture that the table should be left in place?"
And then we must reply,"Heck no! This was clearly the work of gay activists!" Because nothing else explains the evidence of the cats.
It wasn't like a normal housebreak. Only some odd things around the house were out of place. The garbage in her kitchen had been rifled through. An attic insulator door panel was moved. She suspects that her filing cabinet and other personal information was accessed. Outside, her garbage can was tipped over and it appeared that garbage was taken. But her valuables were NOT taken, as far as she knows. (A private security consultant Amy brought in said that this appeared to be "an information hunt" both to find out vulnerabilities and also information that could be used against her.)
When I worked for the government, we would often get letters from people who claimed that we were breaking into their houses, rifling through their personal items, subtly rearranging their stuff, spying on them, beaming intrusive thoughts into their brains via satellites, etc. We considered these people to be "kooks," but I guess they could have actually been the victims of dangerous militant homosexual activists. I probably owe those kooks an apology.
The next morning (Nov. 17) Amy got a call from her credit card company. Unusual charges had been made to her card, over the Internet on the day of the break-in. Not particularly expensive things, but strange things.
Amy must have a really vigilant credit card company to call her every time something strange (but not expensive) is purchased with her card on the Internet. They should use her story in one of those Capital One commercials!
And it's interesting how the tale gets more and more detailed in each iteration (the Agape Press version being the exception), even though you'd expect there to be more information in the versions written right after the incident occurred.
3. "Local police have been reluctant to investigate the break-in."
Hmm, I wonder why that could be? (Besides the fact that Amy's story seems kinda, well, crazy?)
Here's a possible clue from that Bay Windows article:
I saw [Amy Contrada] again at the Love Won Out ex-gay conference Oct. 29, during which she snapped photos of demonstrators and argued with police officers
FYI, one should try to avoid arguing with the police at demonstrations if you expect to need their services a couple of weeks later. That's just common sense.
But here's more about the police reluctance from the item posted at Christian Underground. (CU captioned it "Local policeman taunts her, threatens HER with arrest at police station when she tried to file a report. Mass. Attorney General reviews case, refuses to act.")
When the police came [on the 16th], she explained that this might have some connection to a pattern of harassment by homosexual activists, and the cops were uninterested, but kept asking about neighbors who might dislike her and if family members agreed with her beliefs. They took a few fingerprints and left.
I can't believe that the police would think that the neighbors might dislike Amy (or that her family members might disagree with her beliefs). And anyway, it's obvious that this was the work of gays!
On Sunday she went to the police station to file a report on the stolen credit card number, so they could add this to their report on the break-in. The officer she spoke with became very hostile. He was angry, rude, and wouldn't let Amy finish a sentence without interrupting. When she asked to be treated better, he yelled at her and threatened to arrest her!
I would love to read the police officer's account of their interaction.
At that point, she had her lawyer call the station and talk to a superior officer, but she ended up leaving, extremely distraught. .
Amy has a cadre of lawyers, security consultants, a "Harvard-trained psychologist specializing in anger management," etc. at her beck and call for just these types of situations.
Amy didn't realize she should have had a witness to protect her in her own police station.And since then, the police haven't done any further investigation as far as she knows. And calls by her attorney to the Attorney General's office, to reopen the investigation of the earlier criminal harassment, have not been returned.
Her case probably got misfiled under "nut job."
And once again, I have to wonder why Brian didn't tell Agape Press about the police threatening to arrest Amy, since it would fit in so well with their editorial policy of spotlighting stories of Christian persecution by PC government officials. Or perhaps he did, and Agape thought that it might make people question Amy's stability or something.
(Unfortunately, this kind of treatment is no longer uncommon. And worse, we were recently told that the police in Bedford in a conversation to a parent made reference to an "enemies list" of conservative parents who challenge the homosexual agenda in the school system.)
We were told by somebody who once knew somebody from Bedford that the police have standing orders to fail to respond to calls from the conservative parents on that "enemies list." They also routinely frame these upright citizens for various crimes, and try to make them look crazy. So keep in mind, folks, that you challenge the mighty homosexual agenda at your own peril!
Anyway, this piece has lots of allegations (and what might be legally considered libel) about Amy's arch-enemy, the guy who runs the blog "MassResistance Watch." There are also insinuations that the reason that the Attorney General's office won't do anything to help Amy fight her tormenters is that one of the AG's "top staff members" is a gay man who is married to another man. So, lots of stuff to make Amy seem entirely reliable.
Amy continues to live in fear of being terrorized by these sick, depraved animals. And Amy's local Acton, MA police department (978-264-xxxx) and Denise Barton at the Mass. Attorney General's office (617-727-xxxx) continue to avoid this like the plague. In fact, Denise Barton actually told Amy that Amy's now prohibited from phoning her -- only Amy's lawyer (if she has one) is allowed to communicate with Barton's office! Your tax dollars at work.
Thanks heavens! If my tax dollars are helping to keep Amy from annoying innocent state employees, then they are being well spent!
Anyway, we now have a much more detailed understanding of the crime than we did when we started. And while we can't make an arrest, I think we know enough to close the books on this matter. Shall I tell Agape Press, or will you?
1:04:19 AM
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