Another 'War on Christmas' Soldier StoryOur soldier o' the day is, of course, General Bill O'Reilly, and we are honoring him for bringing horror. (Don't you hate when you have a Christmas potluck and you end up with 10 plates of deviled eggs, 5 Jello salads, but nobody brings the horror?)
What a nice gift for baby Jesus's birthday.
Yeah, if you stop Bill from celebrating Christmas by saying "Happy Holidays" to him, then he'll shoot you right between the head! But Bill does have the right idea. For instance, there's no reason on the earth that all of us can not celebrate a holiday devoted to "joyful and reverent fellowship with family and friends" -- and so everyone out there should damned well better celebrate it, no matter what their religious background, or else! (Bill will be bringing falafel for this holiday celebration -- and that will be horror enough. Our Runner-Up Soldier o' the Day is James Lileks, who brings us the news that the war is over. (Apparently Brad R won, and Christmas lost.) But it seems that Lileks hasn't been invited to any of the high-powered, hush-hush War on Christmas strategy meetings, and so he doesn't know how well the war is actually going. I blame the media for failing to report the good news from the malls.
Geez, we have Bill O'Reilly promising to bring horror to the enemy's world -- how intense of a War do you want, Mr. Lileks?.
See, "atheist filmmaker Brian Flemming" has officially declared war on Christmas -- although admittedly in a "tongue-in-cheek" manner. And Lileks is not amused.
Sure, he will, Lileks. Um, aren't you the one who said that people should be forget about all this War on Christmas nonsense and instead devote some serious worrying-time to "the possibility of a flu pandemic or a nuclear-armed Iran, either of which might make you feel, um, dead"? So, how can you spare any panic for rogue atheists and their possible plan to someday wound the feelings of mourners? But on to the second possible explanation for why Lileks has seen so many fewer Santa causalities in this year's anti-Christmas skirmishes.
Once again, we see that Lileks has failed to hear the good news from the War on Christmas front. He seems to have missed the report about how the Religiously Minded sent gray-haired mothers to infiltrate the Postal Service, and were thus able to thwart the post office's secret plan to kill the Virgin Mary stamps. The Religiously Minded also started boycotts of businesses where the sales clerks fail to wish one a "Merry Christmas" with enough emphasis on the third syllable of the phrase. Plus, the RMs won the Battle of Candy Canes, and so now your religiously minded tots can pass out sweets flavored with Jesus blood in the public schools. As for the secularists, they have ceded all of their "Holiday Trees" to the superior numbers of the RM
James is obviously one of those damned defeatists who are looking at the war through a soda straw (or a PixyStix, or something), and so are failing to see that the schools and hospitals are continuing to get rebuilt day after day, meaning that the war is going great.
Can't ... or won't?!
So, the Chi-Coms are behind the War on Christmas after all! Now you know the REST of the story! Well, the actual rest of the story is that the evil elites of the overclass have ceased to pretend that they are people like us (they are actually the minions of Poor Lileks -- the shopgirls never give him quite the response that he wants. Do you think it's something personal, or just the fact that Target is firmly under the control of the anti-Christmas forces? UPDATE: I deeply regret the misspelling of the name of the elder god 3:52:28 PM |
'Do Some Soul Searching' and Some DiagnosingWhile Rummy may or may not be Mad As a Hatter, he undoubtedly has an odd way of looking at things. So, just for fun, let's look at some sections of the speech he gave to the Johns Hopkins School of International Study on Monday (text provided by the Wall Street Journal), and see what you think of his thought processes.
So, when we look at the "bad" perspective of this war, we see that people on our side keep getting killed. Plus, Iran is allegedly trying to build nuclear bombs, and Syria continues to sponsor terrorism. Sure, these things are difficulties, but hey, let's stop focusing on all the negative stuff!
Yes, on the plus side, innocent people were killed at a wedding reception in Jordan. Oh, and this caused some of our enemies in Iraq to disagree with some of our other enemies -- which is good!.
It's a good thing if the other nations in the region are trying to bribe the Iraqi powers that be.
And while this media may have been bought and paid for by the Pentagon (via the Lincoln Group), it is emerging -- and it's providing jobs (via the Lincoln Group) for some of the bright, young, conservative journalists for whom the Heritage Foundation couldn't find work. Another positive development!
While some Sunnis are opposing the legitimate Iraqi government by fighting as insurgents, others are taking part in the political process. Therefore, if you'd stop looking at things through a soda straw, you'd see that things are going well in Iraq. So, when we view the full picture, we see that there are only three "continuing difficulties" in Iraq, while there are five "positive developments." Proof that we're winning this war, which you would know if the damned media weren't so focused on the deaths and stuff. And besides, we fight them (Sunnis) there so we don't have to fight them here.
It's been over two years and we're STILL reopening Iraqi schools and hospitals? Damn, we must have bombed the hell out of them for it to take this long to get them back up to pre-war speed.
Imagine the world our children would face if an ill-conceived and faultily-executed war created a situation where these possibilities could exist. Oh, wait, we already live in that world.
Let's not talk about what Afghanistan is now, and how "Violence blamed on insurgents linked to al-Qaeda and the Taleban has left over 1,400 dead in Afghanistan this year," because that's not part of our topic, which is "The Good News From Iraq, Why the Media Won't Tell You About It, and Why We Can't Pull Out the Troops."
No, being greeted with sweets and flowers is a strategy.
And it will also send the message that if we won't defend ourselves against Iraqis (whom we pissed off by invading their country) in Iraq, then we won't defend ourselves against pissed-off Iraqis anywhere. Now, all you psychologists out there, it's time to evaluate Rumsfeld's mental health. Do you think he's mad as a hatter, gone off his trolley, is living in cloud cuckoo-cuckoo land, or is just using inappropriate defense mechanisms, such as denial, magical thinking, and stupidity. YOU make the call! 5:37:51 AM |
War On Christmas Soldier o' the DayToday we honor Renew America's Christian Hartsock, mostly because we love his name. (Seriously, isn't "Christian Hartsock" the perfect wingnut name?) His column is called "O Friendship Tree, O Friendship Tree." Christian Hartsock
Personally, when not committing ruthless infanticide against helpless infants, I like to relax by making up alternate names for Christmas trees -- today I came up with "Gay Marriage Trees," "Hillary Clinton Presidential Pines," and "Satan Sticks" (that last one is in honor of the Druids, whom we learned at Halloween used to go trick-or-treating from castle to castle to get virgins to sacrifice to the devil -- they also liked trees). Anyway, Christian goes on to recount those classic War On Christmas stories which have been retold for generations, such as the one about the four-year-old who painted a picture of a Kwanzaa menorah because there was no room at his preschool for the Christ child and his holiday. And about how, in three separate instances, Christmas trees were referred to as a "holiday trees" (not mentioned are the million times when they were called "Christmas trees"). And the story of how little Michaela and Jonathan of Plano, Texas weren't allowed to proselytize their classmates last Christmas. Yes, these stories always give me a warming glow too. And now, in true 19-year-old pundit fashion, Christian will explain the Constitution to us: The fundamentalist offshoots of Mormonism say that is their religious duty to take plural wives. So, I'm sure that Christian would argue that the government fascistically infringes upon these polygamists' first amendment rights whenever it arrests any of their patriarchs for bigamy (or child rape).
Because, when they were children, their parents were taken to debtors prison, and these Christmas-haters compensated by devoting themselves to earning money?
Because their hearts are two sizes too small?
Because they hate small children (as witnessed by how they are always committing ruthless infanticide on helpless infants)?
Christian, honey, there is compelling evidence that Jesus was indeed one of them.
Yeah, those damned liberals who support legal abortion, who decided that Terri Schiavo had voiced a wish not to be kept alive if in a persistent vegetative state, who favor allowing same-sex couples to marry, and who rename Christmas trees, and who commit murders -- when get convicted of those murders, they don't feel they should get the death penalty. It happens all the time.
They won't be enjoying any holidays, because they'll all be executed for those murders they committed.
While Brooks Institute of Photography doesn't seem to offer a Bachelor of Arts degree in Film and Video Production, we still wish Christian all the best in pursuing his ambition. We also hope that his student project about purging earns him a passing grade for his program. 3:36:52 AM |
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