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Friday, January 21, 2011

December 8, 2005 by s.z.

A War On Hanukah Story

 Okay, apparently the Secularist forces haven't really declared war on Hanukah (they know it has nuclear weapons, so the possibility of mutually assured destruction keeps them in line), but I didn't want our Jewish readers to feel slighted.

Instead, we can all listen quietly while Powerliner Scott Johnson shares with us his account of "An evening to remember."
Two or three months ago I received a call from a friend asking if I would like to attend the White House Hannukah reception. It sounded swell, but I forgot about it until I received an envelope with the White House as the return address. Thinking it was junk mail, I almost threw it out, until I noticed that my name and address on the envelope were handwritten. Inside was the invitation to the White House Hannukah reception held yesterday evening.
Yeah, I got invited to that too -- and like Scott, I thought it was just another appeal from Ken Mehlman, who keeps asking for donations to enable the GOP to buy a Mafia hit on Harry Reid.  But unlike John, I acted on the courage of my convictions, and threw the thing away.
But reading Scott's story is like actually being there. 
Both President and Mrs. Bush greeted us like old friends. We both expressed our admiration and thanked him for his service. Mrs. Trunk told him he was her hero. "Thank you for saying that," he said.
I imagine that the President told Mrs.Trunk that he admired her husband, Mr. Big Trunk, for his services too .. and it all sounded like it was going to end in a letter to the Penthouse Forum.  

Um, let's just repeat what TBogg said a few days ago in a piece called "How's 'bout you keep your little homoerotic nicknames to yourself, okay?":
"Mrs. R"? He calls his wife "Mrs. R."? Mrs. Hind Rocket?

While I'm sure this will come as no surprise to the Greater Apple Valley Sodomy Club, I have to think that the ladies down at the Junior League face a real dilemma when making place-cards for the annual 
Breakfast With Santa.
And I wonder how the Marine who had to announce the Big Trunks to the President managed to do so while keeping a proper military demeanor.

P.S.  Ken Mehlman really does want me to help the GOP send Harry Reid a message ...  permanently!  The others on the hit list had better get some sheets that are resistant to horse head-stains. 

UPDATE: The "Hanukah With the President" anecdote was previously attributed to John "Hindrocket" Hinderaker,"  apparently because our reporter, having gotten only 4 hours of sleep the night before due to evil, Christmas-hating kittens,  became confused by all the homo-erotic nicknames over at Powerline.  This reporter has been fired, and the kittens have been placed on unpaid leave.  Oh, and Judith Miller will be giving us a lecture on blogger ethics. 
Sorry about the confusion.

3:16:09 AM    

When Shrinks Attack

It seems that "Dr. Sanity" took exception to my post about Donald Rumsfeld (possibly because I used medical terms like "gone off his trolley," despite not being licensed to practice psychiatry).

In the comments to that item, the good doctor said:  
Actually, it is your mental health that concerns me. Some of my schizophrenic patients are much healthier than you and can see the world more clearly and realistically. I would recommend you grow up ---fast.
I'm not qualified to judge the possible Defense Mechanisms that could be behind this comment, so I will instead just share with you a section from "Normblog profile 89: Patricia Santy."
What has been your worst blogging experience?
Dealing with trolls in the comment section and getting a lot of hate mail from people who disagree with me. It's representative of how much civil discourse has deteriorated that there are people who can't stand what I say even on my own blog. I don't force anyone to read what I write, but some seem to resent it anyway. That's the kind of stupidity that got me blogging to begin with.  

2:42:47 AM    

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