Note: Atrios has some interesting background info on that item about CB Radios and Reagan. It turns out it was written by Instapundit. Go to the Atrios entry called "Instafactless" for an amusing read. 7:38:08 AM ![]() |
The REAL Meaning of Stuff First, from a piece from (Convoy!), in which the author makes note of John Markoff's likening of weblogs to CB Radio in the 1970s -- and then goes on to defend CB Radio:
So, did CB cause Reagan, or was it just a symptom of him? Either way, C.W. McCall has much to answer for. And if the blogging fad is indeed like CB radio was in the '70s, then I think we should be alert to the fact that it could be bringing us (or be the harbinger of) the reincarnation of Reagan. Keep watching the blogs, and stay out of the moors at the time of the full moon. Next, from a NYT article (Few Viewers and Network Executives Scratch Their Heads) about how the Nelson ratings indicate that nobody is watching TV this season, with men between 18 and 24 showing a particularly big (20%) drop-off in viewership.
So, the fallout from the Iraqi war is all around us, and the most tragic victim so far might be the TV networks, who will now lose millions in revenues because the young men who should be home watching "Joe Millionaire" are off in Iraq. War, what is it good for? Not selling Maxim Haircolor for Men, that's for sure! Well, there could be other factors causing the decline in TV watching besides the war, of course:
But the TV execs aren't buying that, because who WOULDN'T watch "Skin" or "Whoopi" if they weren't out of the country. Or dead. Or both! And lastly, an opinion piece by Arthur Bruzzonem (Masculinity Returns to Politics--Decline of the Democrat's Feminized Male) which, like the first item, was recommended by Town Hall:
Yes, fortunately for us. Because our enemies in California State politics are brutal and heartless, and they would rape our women and kill our children if we didn't have masuline leaders to keep them in check. So, let us now return to the purity of brute politics, where the game is attack, counterattack, and then eat the livers of our defeated foes. And thank heavens we now have an alpha male like Arnold (who has, after all, been an action hero several times in movies) to lead us and to push women's heads in toilets for us. Hopefully we can see Arnold and Howard Dean in a Steel-Cage Match for the presidency--the winner gets to grope the loser's women, and give swirlies to any of them who get too mouthy. 5:29:28 AM ![]() |
Dennis Miller: This is Your Brain on Conservatism You know, I used to think that Dennis Miller was funny, smart and interesting. But I lost track of him, and then the next thing I know, he's on the Fox News Channel all the time. And he's not funny, not smart, and only interesting as a case study of a life gone horribly wrong. What the hell happened to him? I do recall him being a sports commentator, and getting fired--and now he's looney. Just like how Rush was a sports commentator, got pressured to resign, and is now a drug addict. How many times are we going to let this happen before we outlaw ESPN??? And speaking of the judicial system, here are the highlights of Dennis' latest column or monologue or whatever it is he does for "Hannity & Colmes" (Malvo's Insanity Defense is Nuts):
Scary, huh? Miller's remodeling of the criminal justice system has lawyers deciding that defendants who appear really guilty (to the lawyers) get no defense; the victims' family members in charge of sentencing; and judges doing the executions. Even Judge Dredd offered you a better shot at justice than Dennis. (And speaking of Judge Dredd, I'll post Scott's hilarious deconstruction of the Sylvester Stallone movie later this week, for your legal edification.) While Miller probably meant this to be funny, you know, it's just not. It reminds me of what our local coot writes in his daily Letters to the Editor, which he hand carries to the local paper so the post office won't steal them. (Admittedly, the coot's letters are a longer, and usually cite Bible verses to explain why anybody who doesn't love Bush is going to hell, but they are as judgemental and irrational as Dennis's piece, and give you that same feeling that you should pity the writer for his shabby life.) And Dennis, who used to be smart, must know that the insanity defense does NOT "always get you off the hook" -- less than one percent of defendents use it, and only 25% of them are aquitted (and in 80% of those cases, it's because the prosecution agreed it was appropiate, and agreed to a plea deal before trial began). And those defendants that are aquitted on a "not guilty by reason of defense" verdict end up spending, on the aveage, at least as much time, or more, locked up than those found guilty. Well, Denis does know it, since he has his Kumbaya advocates for mentally-ill criminals just seeking to get the death penalty taken off the table, not trying to free anyone. And I would posit that all Malvo's defense team realistically is hoping for is to get their their youthful client sent away for life instead of executed. So, all of Dennis's outrage is over the fact that a teenage boy who has been in the total control of a psycho for the past several years might get life in prison instead of the death penalty. Well, actually, I don't think Dennis really cares what happens to Malvo: he just wanted to use the phrase "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" in public, sound like he's doing something for the families of crimes victims (many of whom, by the way, don't want to see anybody fry), and make fun of compassion. Sad, really. Bottom line: Dennis demands that the public feel no sympathy for anyone who has done bad things, even if there might be mitigating factors involved. Dennis, FYI, striking out at the Dittoheads this way is not a good move for somebody who's thinking about running for State office as a Republican. Sure, you can claim that you were not thinking straight when you wrote what you did, but I doubt they're gonna buy it. 1:48:29 AM ![]() |
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