We hope.
Our previous theme was causing formatting problems, so we’re trying something a little different. Let us know what you think…
…Oh, and see if you can find Waldo.
Our previous theme was causing formatting problems, so we’re trying something a little different. Let us know what you think…
…Oh, and see if you can find Waldo.
The new theme looks great. Perhaps that means it’s time to rename World o’Crap to World o’Fabulous.
I think he’s hiding in post #175 amidst the font of snark
Oooh, looka how pretty!

I couldn’t find Waldo, but I think I found at least one of my marbles.
any news on getting the archives moved over here from the old 0002874 before salon pulls the plug? and the only other thing missing is a tip jar for new computer stuff/anti-terrism/tutoring activities
New layout looks good but your ‘Buy The Book!’ graphic is missing.
And though it’s true that my tired old eyes can sure read the comments text easily, it probably doesn’t have to be 18pt.
And though it’s true that my tired old eyes can sure read the comments text easily, it probably doesn’t have to be 18pt.
Weird Dave–are the comments themselves in large print, or just when you are writing your comment in the text box?
Once I know that, I can get into the style sheet and fix it…(I think
Once I know that, I can get into the style sheet and fix it…(I think

Just when I type them….once posted they’re normal size (10pt).
Just when I type them….once posted they’re normal size (10pt).
Okay. I really have no idea how to fix that. They are using measurments in the style sheet I do not recognize. Sorry!
But, as long as they post in a good looking way, I’m happier than I was with the last theme.
Okay. I really have no idea how to fix that. They are using measurments in the style sheet I do not recognize. Sorry!

But, as long as they post in a good looking way, I’m happier than I was with the last theme.

I hate the new format (sorry). I do most of my blog reading on my Palm, and what I see is the archive links and the blogroll followed by 10 or more blank screens, the book and cup links, another 10 or so blank screens, and finally the juicy goodness. It’s like a test that took me three days to pass.
If I click on an entry, I get the archive and book links together, and just one big space before the post.
If I click on an entry, I get the archive and book links together, and just one big space before the post.
Actually, for me, the comments are posted in a fairly large font, bigger than they used to be. But, yeah, the composition box font is… Godzillaesque. Mind you, I now no longer have any excuses for typos. And I have left some since the switch. D’oh. Oh, also, I’m not sure I like the commentator’s name at the bottom of the post. When it’s a short post, that’s fine, but on long posts about halfway down, I’m all like, “Who the hell wrote this!?1?” Of course, using the old way, on long posts, about halfway down, I’d ask myself, “Who the hell wrote this!?1?”
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