The Dahonger Enigma -- A Novel By Robert LudlumThe questions on everyone's collective mind lately are: what happened to Sadly, No!, and who is that Dahonger guy who has apparently taken over his domain? Oh, and did Dahonger's girlfriend really get a boob job? We have no answers, but we can share with you the following:
And if you've ever seen Darby O'Gill and the Little People, you know that this process may take a while, since it will involve a great deal of dancing, cursing, drinking, and banshees. We hope it all goes smoothly, and SN! is back soon (and that Seb is using this down time to come up with a lot of content for the next time he decides to "move.") 5:29:52 AM ![]() |
Your Mel Gibson News
He is projected to make over $500 million from The Passion, so he could probably buy the rest of Fiji if he wanted to. The Holy Ghost, whom Mel has said was the real power behind the production, will reportedly be taking Mel to court to get his cut. Invade Their City, Kill Their Leaders, Convert Them to Mainstream Values
Crushing people is presumably one of those values that people of faith hold in middle-America. Oh, and while I hear there's good money to be made in Internet entrepreneurship, from what I can tell, Hynes is actually a copywriter for "the Republican consulting firm Marsh Copsey & Scott, and the co-author of How to Write Copy That Gets Votes." He was formerly a New Hampshire political operative. He is also a Freeper, frequent contributor to the American Spectator, and self-promoter par excellence. So, Mel should be grateful that a guy like this is antagonizing Hollywood by forcibly "imposing morals" down their throat on Mel's behalf.
Maybe it's just me, but I never knew that the Academy nominated films based on what issues American voters said were important to them in the last presidential election.
But only if you donate money to their [i.e., Hynes'] cause. Do it now, or Michael Moore and the terrorists will win (the award for Best Picture)! 5:21:18 AM ![]() |
Have You Got Your Ball Gown Yet?From the NY Times:
Hey, it's all about priorities, people. We have to go to war with the Army we've got, but we don't have to inaugurate our President in a drab, lacklustre style!
You recall how how Marie Antoinette and her ladies-in-waiting used to go to an artificial farm, dress up like milkmaids and shepherdesses, and play at being simple country dwellers? Well, I suggest that one of the diversions for big cash donors be an artifical war theater, where Bush and his court can dress up in uniforms and play at being members of the military.
Hey, $250,000 may SEEM like a lot, but when you compare it the money you could save from the special tax breaks, favorable legislation, and the other "favors" that this access buys, it's really a bargain.
I wonder who will be playing at the "youth concert." Maybe one of those rock musicians that the kids like so much, such as Michael Smith or Naomi Judd. But I'm amazed that the first daughters found the time to host this concert, what with their work with the AIDS sufferers and the inner-city school children. They truly are patriots.
Um, I guess this means that Ken Lay won't be attending that special lunch with the President this year.
"People like 'school teachers and bus drivers'" -- you know, the peasants. Back in 2001, tickets to the inaugeral balls that were available to the general public cost $125 each (and you still needed connections to get them). I bet that there won't be a whole lot of school teachers and bus drivers attending this time.
Well, knowing that they don't do their "na na"ing out loud makes me feel so much better about this $40 million spectacle. 4:17:35 AM ![]() |
Some Xmas Advice From Jerry Falwell
When you set up that creche in City Hall, I suggest that you place Rudolph in the manger, gazing at the Christ child along with the cows, sheep, and elves. Santa could be one of the Wise Men (maybe the one who brought the new born king that Dancing E-L-M-O, available now at Toys 'R Us). And Frosty could be one of the Herald Angels who announced the birth of the Son of God to the shepherds and citizens of Whoville (but maybe Frosty flies too close to the radiant light of the star, well ... he'll be back again someday). For only thus can we maintain the spirituality of Christmas, and keep those damned secularists from stealing our Christian birthright. 3:21:41 AM ![]() |
Some Good LinesFrom the Austin Chronicle's story about the 50th Anniversary of The Texas Observer:
P.S. Per a NewsMax headline, ABC Locks Up Hannity Hey, sometimes incarceration of offenders is the only way to keep the public airwaves safe -- you know, per people like Brent Bozell. 2:35:41 AM |
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