Stalker Babe NewsAs a service to our Canadian readers (and to medical students needing interesting psychiatric case studies for class projects), here's the latest Rachel Marsden news. First (as one of you pointed out), if you compare Rachel's photo from her site with the photo here, you will note that she has appropriated Julia Roberts' body. Strange, that. Secondly, she will be on "The Dennis Miller Show" today (claiming to be a "journalist"), along with Peter Fonda and Nigella Lawson. However, this may be a rerun, since we learned from The Commentarythat she has already been on Dennis's show. Twice, in fact. (Has the stalking already begun?) And, while Ann Coulter was a no-show for her scheduled spot on Rachel's radio program earlier this month, she will make it up to Rachel on January 8th. (She'd better be there this time, because Rachel will NOT be ignored!) The Commentary also reports:
Hmmm. The lead item in this issue of The Commentary is:
So, my guess is that Rachel is going to appear on Bill's show, and then they will sexually harass each other on the phone for the rest of the decade. I wish these two crazy kids all the best! And speaking of Rachel's appearances on Dennis's show, here's part of what Ilana Mercer had to say:
Like her role model Ann, Rachel seems to have a fixation on the Clenis. Here's part of her latest column:
I think Ann would be envious of the way that Rachel worked a Clenis reference into a piece about same-sex marriage. But here's more from it, so you can see why we Americans need Rachel to appear on our TV shows:
Andrew Sullivan really isn't gay? And when those gays and lesbians went to San Francisco (and the state of MA, and various other locations) and got married, I guess they were just pretending too. And "city hall" is actually a religious institution. Gee, it's a good thing that Rachel is around to straighten everybody out, or we might have thought that gay marriage was actually a gay thing -- when, as we read above, it's actually a liberal/socialist/Clenis thing.
As she continues, you will note that Rachel doesn't give any reason why they shouldn't have these "legal benefits" (notice how she segues from this point to Cher's "Divorthe Court"), so even she must agree that this is a resonable request. Therefore, she buries it with shrill, nasty, and unfunny mockery. Once again, Ann would be envious.
Rachel, who was just sentenced in connection with her last stalking case, knows a thing or two about the court system and messy cases . . .
Yeah, it's "hard to imagine," but see how easily Rachel does it (and with no assistance at all from "reality")! Watch for Rachel's new photo at her website to be this one, but with Rachel's face pasted over Ann's. 4:57:27 AM ![]() |
You Must Answer Questions Ten Before I'll Read Your Blog AgainAlso annoying today is Hugh Hewitt, who is now the world's foremost expert on blogging (because he wrote a book, Blog, which says that he is). Today he's blogging about how the mainstream media has lost the public's (i.e, Hugh's and some of his blogger friends') trust, due to the fact that Hugh and his friends know more about kerning (and Jesus' hatred of Democrats) than the so-called "real journalists" do. So, to start earning that trust back, jounalists need to appear before the Blog Unamerican Activities Committee and answer some questions.
Um, not to quibble with a blogging expert, but isn't that eleven questions?
Before I know how far I can trust Hugh, I will need the answers to the following ten questions:
Like I said, once I have Hugh's answers to the above questions, I will quickly decide what degree of trust with which to approach his writing. Until then, I will consider him to be only slightly more trustworthy than Ann Coulter, and not nearly as manly. Oh, and speaking of Blog: Understanding the Information Transformation That's Changing Your Paradigm, and Using it to Maximize Your Potential and Make Big Bucks, World Magazine has an article about Glen's tome and his thesis that conservative "web logs" have toppled the old media. Here are a couple of paragraphs from it:
Were the poll results leaked as part of a "black bag op" conducted by the Democratic Party or pro-Kerry groups? I don't know. (But if it was a covert operation, I have to say that I am very hurt that nobody invited me to join in.) Of course "blogger Buckhead," who was the first to make public allegations about the Rather documents, is really Harry W. MacDougal, a lawyer with ties to conservative Republican causes, and a member of the Federalist Society. (In fact, he helped draft the petition that urged the Arkansas Supreme Court to disbar President Clinton after MonicaGate.) And he isn't a blogger, but is instead a commenter at New Republic. Some folks reportedly "marveled at Buckhead's detailed knowledge of the memos and wondered whether that suggested a White House conspiracy." So, was "Rathergate" a White House or GOP conspiracy that used Free Republic and the conservative bloggers in some sort of "black bag op"? Again, I don't know. But I do know that a book about blogging which alleges that left-wing bloggers were part of a deliberate disinformation campaign should at least ask a question or two about Buckhead. That is, if it's a trustworthy book. 3:26:23 AM ![]() |
Annoying News for TodayToday's Wash Post has an article about "Facebook," which is apparently Friendster for college students. Facebook sounds really, really anoying.
And while interviewing George Washington University students, the author found two really annoying ones that seem to just beg us to hate them (emphesis added):
I hereby declare Facebook (and Ann and Ali) a much greater threat to our culture than The Plot to Murder Christmas, and I urge Bill O'Reilly to start railing against them. Oh, and all WO'C readers can count each other as "friends," meaning that you each have about 3000, which is WAY more than Ali and Anne. Nyah, nyah! 2:11:15 AM |
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