Blogs: Web Logs of Treachery & Deceit |
Law Thoughts, by Ben ShapiroTo prove that his three months of law school have not been in vain (he's attending Harvard Law, you know), this week Ben gives us the legal perspective on Hardee's enormous new hamburger.
Theoretically, a rogue court could do a lot of stuff. In my fantasy, it outlaws stupidity, and holds the Townhall folks liable for the damage their writing causes to the country's collective IQ.
And if the future, expect a company (maybe General Foods/Procter & Gamble/Halliburton) to invent a new product called, say, Soylent Crack, an instantly addictive drug for use against our enemies, the Islamifascist Space Spiders from Tetracycline 5. And then expect that some of our soldiers innocently (but without authorization) eat some Soylent Crack that they find while rooting around in an old supply building for scrap metal to fix their battle scooters. And then the soldiers are hooked for life on Soylent Crack, and they eat so much of it that that they grow two heads, and then die -- which is what the product is intended to do, even though the soldiers didn't know this. So, should their genetically-modified, intelligence-enhanced monkey companions be allowed to sue GF/PG&E/H for damages? I think this is the kind of issue that we will be asking lawyers like Ben Shapiro, Esq, to decide for us ... in the FUTURE!
Well, yes, it does sound kind of silly, but no more so than many bad sci-fi novels of the '60s, or most of Ben's columns.
Well, then I stand corrected. If Ben, who has had three months of law school, says that kids will be suing their parents for not aborting them, then I guess the idea isn't ridiculous at all.
Because if a court says that consenting adults have the right to engage in noncoital sex, then anything goes in this brave new world of rogue law!
In Ben's honor, here is a Simpsons moment: Homer:Three Ribwiches, please. And instead of a shake, I'd like a blended Ribwich. Squeaky-Voiced Teen: Sorry sir. The Ribwich was for a limited time only. Homer: Not again! First you take away my Philly Fudge Steak, then my Bacon Balls, then my WhatchamaChicken. :cries: You monster! :composes himself: I'd like a large fries, please, and a collectors cup. 3:58:44 AM ![]() |
Deep Thoughts, by Peggy Noonan[As usual, Peggy is in maroon, Jack Handey is in blue, and I am in black.] This week Peggy recalls that she once wrote a book about Hillary Clinton (I belive it was called Hillary Clinton Bad, Ronald Reagan Good). So, she pretends that the voices in her head are interviewing her and demanding to know more about what she thinks of Senator Clinton. She gets a whole column out of it. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Anyway, Peggy wrote that book about Hillary (she recalls that some imaginary friend begged her to do it, and she thought, "Yes, that could make a difference" -- in that she needed some booze but didn't have have any money, and the publisher's advance could change that). So now she is the nation's foremost expert on Hillary. Here's the thesis of her book:
And since Peggy has all this great insight into Hillary left over from the book, and Hillary is still alive and doing stuff, Peggy decides to predict Hillary's future. The gist of her all her prognostication is: over the next couple of years, Hillary will pretend to be hard working, sensible, moderate, and smarter than George Bush, so that she can be nominated for President -- and only then will our beloved candidate be unmasked as nothing but a hideous space reptile.
Peggy gives us many more important revelations equal to the one about how Hillary sounds like a boomer wife from hell yelling at you for forgetting the condiments, and concludes by saying that what America really wants is a genuine conservative, not a reptilian space alien.
And really, there's nothing more that you need to know about this Peggy Noonan column. But here's one last Jack Handey "Deep Thought" to finish up with:
2:45:30 AM |
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