Interesting, If TrueFrom a Wall Street Journal piece about blogging ethics:
And when those stories about environmental activists burning down housing developments, and those conspiracy theories about Saddam being involved in the planning for 9/11 strut by in their low-cut blouses and their miniskirts, hey, he's only one guy at a computer, so HE can't be blamed if they make him link to them. 11:21:07 PM ![]() |
More From Coach Joe WhiteOkay, while I was scouring the Focus on the Family site for info, I found some more avuncular sex tips excerpted from Pure Excitement, "Clete's" favorite book. So, here's Coach Joe White to tell you "How Far is Too Far?" Hint: anywhere you go before marriage is too far.
We won't ask what kind of physical exam Joe gave sweet Michelle before assuring her that she was perfectly normal. But I do have wonder about Joe's statement that when the "right" guy comes along, only God will be able to control Michelle's passion -- because doesn't that mean that if Michelle does give in to her throbbing urges, that it's God who is the tramp?
Those who have a flame of passion for the same sex are like some other kitchen appliance -- maybe the toaster or the blender. In any case, they aren't supposed to have that flame, which is why Joe won't even talk about them.
But don't ask anyone under 16 or over 60 -- because the young ones should be, like sweet Michelle, totally without sexual feelings, and the old ones won't know what you're talking about, because they didn't have sex in the olden days.
I guess Joe is talking about a couple who practices tantric sex.
So, when men who have had sex with numerous partners get married, they lose attraction for their wives? And this happens every day? Um, can I see the studies?
Once again, it seems that all this fornication Joe is warning us about is God's fault.
Is Joe speaking figuratively or legally here?
Masturbation: messy, a last-resort, and not what God made those parts for, but better than having your head explode.
The hand and the wang are blameless.
Okay, I found it creepy when Joe was telling the young Coors heir and his fiancee what to expect on their wedding night. But having his 12-year-old daughter advise one of the male campers about his masturbation problem just seems sick!
"Mentally undress," "mentally rape" -- it's all the same thing, since there wasn't any affectionate petting first.
Well, "enjoys" is possibly not the right term for it, but at least the other campers can get in the restroom now.
No, I think he was talking about making oneself a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. But there are other ways one could interpret this passage . . .
And then she never interacted with any other person ever again, so that she would be "all there" to give to her husband. No word from Joe on how her honeymoon went, though.
And that's why you should consider an old maid bride, because think of all that pleasure she has just waiting there in that account! However, if you never marry, that bank account of pleasure can be willed to your heirs, who will be really grateful for this windfall -- I'm pretty sure that's how it works. (Notice: these accounts not insured by the FDIC) 7:57:56 AM ![]() |
AnnouncementI have been invited to join the prestigious American Street, and will be contributing posts there on Fridays until they wise up and kick me out. So, I invite you all to go over there and read my first post, which is about the Focus on the Family's "Dear Susie" for the college-aged, Professor Theophilus. That post took me forever, since I not only had to read everything ever written to come up with suitably high-toned material to mock, but I also had to get used to a whole new blogging system (and it was only after I lost everything I'd worked on for hours that I saw the wisdom of saving my work at regular intervals). But I did end up with a lot of leftover stuffl that I might as well post here, since here nobody can kick me out ... 7:47:10 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?Yes, our last Mystery Guest was James Lileks. Scarshapedstar was the first to name him. And, just for fun, here's a bit of Today's Bleat:
Apparently the Kirk Doctrine is "Let he who captains the biggest starship throw the first stone. Anyway, if I recall the ep correctly, the climax is learning that it's the tyrant's daughter who was killing all the witnesses, not the tryant (who had moved on from tyrany, and was now making a comfortable living as a Shakesperian actor, much like Kevin Costner in The Postman). So, the REAL lesson learned should be "Don't be so quick to judge." Oh, and "Don't sleep with spooky chicks." (And I think that in this ep, Canada was played by Mr. Spock.) Now who said this?
Um, yeah. The '60s were immoral because of all the individuality. And then '70s were immoral because of Carter's malaise and all that energy conservation. But then Reagan came along in the '80s and slowed down the moral decay (as portrayed in the documentary "Dynasty"), but he couldn't totally stop it because his successor, George Bush I, was a wimp. And then Clinton sent everything spiraling back to the hellish immorality of '60s by getting an out-of-wedlock blowjob. Thank heavens we now have Emperor George Bush to lead us back to the cleanliness, order, conformity, and moral unity of the '50s. Oh, and this pundit, who is too young to have any firsthand knowledge most of the decades he's writing about, probably got his knowledge of the moral superiority of 1950s from reading Ann Coulter's love letters to Joe McCarthy in Treason. And come to think of it, this guy does seem to be modeling himself on Joe, since Joe did start his professional career as a lawyer. Next, our young pundit will be running for a judgeship, and then getting himself elected to the Senate and compiling lists of card-carrying fornicators in the State Department. But sadly, Ann will be long dead by then, and it will all be for naught. 3:25:09 AM |
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