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Saturday, January 15, 2011

February 2, 2005 by s.z.

Religious Potpourri

Here are some items that caught my attention during my net surfs of the past few days.  Together, I think they reveal  a meta-truth about, um, something.

1.  First, from 
Pure Life Ministries, a site that I found via a link at Focus on the Family, which is dedicated to helping men escape their porn addictions.
There are a number of things that provide an open door for demons to establish their presence within a home: the Internet, radio, magazines, and even newspapers can all serve as conduits for the enemy.
Basically, anything that serves as a conduit to the outside world can also be a conduit for demons.
However, the most powerful weapon the devil has in his arsenal is the television. It is, by its very nature, a communication medium. As such, the enemy can use it at will to subtly (and sometimes brazenly) convey his anti-God mindset.  
Because communication is, by its very nature, evil!
The truth is that television programming is nothing more than the enactment of the deeds of the flesh.
I would say that cartoon characters, which don't have flesh, might be okay to watch, but knowing what we now know about SpongeBob and Buster, it seems that not having flesh doesn't prevent them from be the worst enactors of all.
[M]en should not watch television by themselves—there’s too much temptation available!  
Maybe you can invite your mother or your pastor over to watch the Super Bowl with you, to keep you from being tempted by the this year's "Up With People" half-time show -- but if your mind flashes back to memories of Janet Jackson's boobie, then you should report to your Purity Lobotomy Center, for a disk cleaning.
2.   Agape Press reports "Mom Wants Pro-Homosexual Poster Out of Ariz. Elementary School":
A Christian mom is expressing shock and outrage over the promotion of homosexuality taking place at her children's elementary school in northeastern Arizona.

At issue is a wall poster at Washington Elementary School in Winslow that includes information about the school's female art teacher and features a rainbow flag symbolizing homosexual pride.
Hey, we learned from General J.C. Christian's report last week on GOP Team Leader communications that the rainbow is a symbol that "all the peoples of the rainbow are coming over to the GOP, and the libs are dead!!"  I don't know how a mother could object to that.
The poster urges acceptance of all people, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
And as we've learned from James Dobson, if children are urged to be tolerant of all people, then the kiddies are "potentially hearing incomprehensible references to adult perverse sexuality," meaning that the poster will probably secretly teach kindergarten kids about Newt Gingrich's escapades. 
Deborah Ewbank, who has a second-grade son and fourth-grade daughter at the school, recalls her reaction when she first saw the poster. "My mouth fell open," she says. "I was just blown away. In an elementary school, I didn't see a place for this type of word usage."
There IS no place for using the word "acceptance" (especially when combined with "race") in our schools!  No wonder Ms. Ewbank was blown away!
And the Arizona parent found the images on the wall display as disturbing as its verbal message. "As I looked, I noticed there were only pictures of women together on this poster," she says, "and in one of the pictures, it's highly suggested that these women were going to kiss or had just kissed."
I suspect this is the what the poster looked like:

3.  WorldNetDaily reports on what is probably the best book ever!
A unique book that purports to explain the past existence of giant beings referred to in the Bible as the Nephilim is skyrocketing up online best-sellers lists, now appearing in the top 15 at
I checked at Amazon, and that actually seems to be true (the author has been pushing his book on AM radio, to include Art Bell's program, and maybe that accounts for its success).  However, to keep things in perspective, it seems that Ben Shapiro's book is #32,232 at Amazon, while Doug Giles' latest ranks at 285,685, so maybe there is still some hope for the world.
Published by Xulon Press, "The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse" presents an explanation for an unusual verse in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 6:4, which reads: "There were giants (Nephilim) in the Earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them."

The book's author, Patrick Heron, says on his website that his is the only first in-depth book to throw light on the mysterious Nephilim and "to provide evidence of who built the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico and other great monuments of ancient history."
Heron's book does seem to be the only one about Nephilim and pyramids.  However, some of the other 20 or Nephilim books floating around also sound pretty interesting.  For instance, Nephilim: The First Human Clones--Why Their Existence Led to Noah's Flood ("From cover to cover, Matthew Omaye Ajiake takes you on an "edge-of-your-seat" journey into the creation of humanity, human cloning, the Immaculate Conception, and the human quest for eternal life").  And then there's Chronicle of the Awakenings: A Guide to Past Lives for Nephilim by Shannon Appel.  While there's no description given, the title alone is enough to sell it.  And how about Elizabeth Clare Prophet's  Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil ("Did rebel angels take on human bodies to fulfill their lust for the 'daughters of men'? Did these fallen angels teach men to build weapons of war?") 

So, while Heron's book does sound unique, so do all the others.

Per WorldNetDaily, Heron's book discuses the "astronomical significance" of the pyramids -- proof that mortal men couldn't have constructed them, because the stars weren't invented until a thousand years or so ago.!
Writes Heron: "To simply say, 'The Egyptians built them,' is not a satisfactory answer. For if man began at the stone age, progressed to the bronze and then to the iron age, then we have the oldest pyramids popping up somewhere between the stone age and the bronze age. This is akin to saying that at some point in time past, man invented the wheel. Sometime later, another made a cart. But in between the wheel and the cart we find a brand new Mercedes! This is a realistic comparison when considering the construction of the pyramids.
Um, from what I can gather, the oldest pyramids are thought to have been constructed somewhere between 2600 and 1000 BC.  The Bronze Age of the Near East began about 3300 BC, with the Iron Age starting somewhere between 2000 and 1000 B.C. So, the oldest pyramids were probably constructed during the Bronze Age.  This is akin to saying that by using 100,000 men, levers, pulleys, and ramps (made from bricks, sand, and wooden beams), the Eyptians didn't need a brand new Mercedes to build the pyramids -- but they probably would have enjoyed having a DVD player and a microwave.
"Despite all the recent books written about them, the pyramids remain a conundrum wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by a paradox.
Stuffed with a creamy filling, dipped in chocolate, and served ala mode.
Yes, these authors have discovered and charted their astronomical significance. They have unearthed their geometric alignments and mathematical accuracies. And the conclusion they have reached is that some lost civilization or race of advanced people were responsible for these mammoth edifices." 
Those lost race of people, Heron proposes, are the Nephilim.
Hey, why not?  Space aliens, mole people, and Atlantans are so passe.
"In the second part of this book," writes Heron, "I have shown how these same age-old pyramids portend a future event. Analyzing again the ancient texts, I will provide an examination of the prophecies of the book of Revelation and of the signs we are told would precede these imminent happenings. In doing so we shall garner the necessary details and information whereby the reader will be able to audition the future."
And tying the pyramids not only to an obscure verse in Genesis, but also to Revelation and the end of the world is a touch of sheer genius!
Finally, Heron says, his book proposes "a phenomenon never before proposed or explored –The Pyramid of The Apocalypse."
"The Pyramid of the Apocalypse" -- what a great name for a Christian rock band or a Robert Ludlum novel or something!  But since Heron has already claimed it, I guess I will have to settle for "The Stonehenge of the Rapture."

Anyway, the way Heron gets these secret messages from the pyramids is by doing weird math calculations (you know, like how people get secret messages from the Bible which prove that the Founding Fathers were in favor of privatized social security accounts).  He starts by claiming that a Hebrew cubit is 25.025 inches (although other people seem to say that is measures anywhere from 17.49 inches to 20.67 inches -- plus, there's the "Egyptian royal cubit," measuring 20.65 inches).  

Anyway, if you use those 25.025 cubits, then the length of each side of the great Pyramid at the base is 365.2422 cubits, "the exact number of days in the solar year, including the extra day for each leap year."  However, if you divide by some other cubit, then you get the number of votes that were suppressed in the 2000 presidential election, or the numbler of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll, or something.
Heron then goes back to Genesis 6, citing verse 2: "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose."

Writes Heron: "What this verse is implying is that these 'sons of God,' who were created spirit beings, had intercourse with ordinary human women and produced children. But these were no ordinary offspring."
Or, what this verse is implying is that the local members of the Promise Keepers saw that atheistic girls from the next town were hot, and hooked up with them -- and then, owing to "hybrid vigor," produced some strong and healthy offspring. (Sure, that interpretation won't get you on Leonard Nimoy's "Unsolved Mysteries," but it should be considered, right?)
The result of the unions, Heron says, were the Nephilim, Hebrew for giants, that are mentioned in verse 4. The fathers, also are referred to as Nephilim, which also means "the fallen ones." The author says the fathers were malevolent spirits, or demons.
But if they were demons, why were they called "the Sons of God" in verse 2?
The Nephilim, then, were "a hybrid of demons and men. They were evil and wicked by nature and could not be rehabilitated and made good, for the evil was in their genes."
But I thought God was their grandfather.  Is Heron claiming that God has evil genes?  And anyway, I never figured that God was into genetic determinism.
Heron, a Christian author who lives in Ireland, believes the spirit beings hooked up with earthly women twice, once before the Great Flood, hence the Genesis passage, and later after the Flood. One biblical citation he mentions is in the book of Numbers, when the 12 Hebrew spies scout out the Promised Land and report back about giants who inhabited the land. These giants and others, Heron writes, actually practiced genetic engineering, citing the fact that it took two spies to carry back one cluster of grapes on a staff between them.
Cool!  Super-giant grapes! (Or maybe just lazy spies bringing back erroneous reports of "grapes of mass destruction.")
Perhaps the most famous biblical Nephilim was Goliath, the man who stood over 13 feet tall [or 9+ feet tall, depending on how you measure your cubits] and was slain by shepherd boy David. 

While an analysis of the Nephilim and even pointing to them as architects of the mysterious structures is not unprecedented, Heron breaks new ground in his discussion of future events and how the Nephilim's pyramids related to them.

Writes Heron: "I have become convinced that the pyramidal shape is a demonic exercise in counterfeit design,
Well, that makes sense, since the Egyptians weren't Christians.
for I believe that the pyramid is a paradigm of the City of God which is at present in the heavens and which was seen and described by John in chapter 21 of the Apocalypse. …

"Some biblical scholars have suggested that this city has been created in the shape of a cube. I believe that it is in the form of a pyramid, and I believe also that the reason the Pyramid of Giza and the other ancient pyramids were built was to copy the heavenly city of Yahweh, the Holy City which is right now in the heavens. This is what I mean by the term 'Pyramid of the Apocalypse.'"
So, I guess that following the Battle of Armageddon, the Pyramid of the Apocalypse will descend from the sky and land on Israel, smashing the forces of evil.  Hey, maybe Trinity Broadcasting can make a movie about it!
Heron says the earthly pyramids were Satan's attempt, via the Nephilim, to try to exalt himself and imitated God.
So, the Egyptians were actually Satan-worshiping demon spawn.
"Only an exalted celestial being could have masterminded the pyramids of that ancient epoch. Only a being or beings with such knowledge of the stars could have accomplished such things."
Well, only an exalted celestial extraterrestrial alien being, or Satan and his giant race of half-demons.  Or maybe members of an ancient civilization who managed to build some pretty impressive buildings, despite not being European.

UPDATE:  Brad Reed has more on this book.  Well, since he was first, I guess *I* am the one with the "more," but you should still check out Brad's piece, because Nephilim seem to be the hot, new trend among the Christian tinfoil hat-wearing portion of the the populace, you need to be well informed about them (the Nephilim, I mean -- although keeping an eye on the others isn't a bad idea).  Because otherwise, they (the Nephilim) may mate with your daughters and spawn a race of dusky-skinned people who will construct large triangular buildings which they will use to imitate God's holy triangle in the sky (which is copyrigted, btw).

12:19:29 AM

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