From the "Small World" FileSteve Findley, who is on the GOPUSA board of directors, is also the founder and President of Titan Dynamics Systems, which is now a "wholly-owned subsidary of The Allied Defense Group." Besides making military products, Titan Dynamics also offers other services, to include coming to your business and setting up "battlefield effects" for your next "training exercise."
How many people need trouble free, superior battlefield effects for their training exercises these days? (Only Custer Battles and its ilk come to mind.) What the heck are embedded OPFOR? What the heck does this all of this mean? I don't know. But I was impressed by the photo of their personnel dressing up like soldiers and showing off their guns: 4:37:38 PM ![]() |
The Eberly Brothers' Greatest HitsJust for fun, let's take the Wayback machine to August 2000. The place: the Republican convention in Philadelphia. The issue: the Republican presidential candidate, George W. Bush, has chosen a running mate with a, GASP, lesbian daughter. Our guide will be this Salon article from the period, which was cowritten by Dave Cullen:
Yes, the GOP doesn't support speaking about homosexuality (well, unless one needs to denounce it in order to defend marriage), but so as long as Mary stays silent and offstage, it's okay that she exists. Bobby, of course, would never associate himself with such people . . . And that's why we think it's sad that, as reported by the Houston Chronicle, Bobby is now a non-person.
And now that Jeff Gannon aka Jhiemn Guckerrttgh (you can see why he changed his name to something easier to spell and pronounce) has been trotted out to deny: (a) knowing anybody in the White House, (b) getting any advance info about the invasion of Iraq, and (c) getting a classified memo about Valerie Plame from anybody, you can expect Jeff to be erased from public memory. Oh, and speaking of the Houston Chronicle, we believed them when they said that direct marketing mogul Bruce Eberle (the one who folded his "Millions of Americans" site into GOPUSA) is Bobby's brother; however, apparently the Eberles are just "relatives." We are regret any damage to Bruce's reputation that our report might have caused. But speaking of Bruce, while we haven't verified any of this information, we do find this "Animal People" report from 2000 very interesting: Would You Buy an Appeal from Fundraiser Bruce Eberle? (apparently Animal People began investigating Eberle when his company started sending people on various pro-animal mailing lists questionable appeals for funds).
"Operation Rescue" (not the wacko anti-abortion group) was a really scummy group that claimed that it had proof that American GIs were still being held as prisoners of war in Vietnam, and that it needed money to rescue them. Many familes were victimized by it. (Read the Animal People report for details.) Anyway, per Animal People, the media reported that Paula Jones had received more than $100,000 from a fundraising campaign that was supposed to be paying her attorney fees. But the Rutherford Institute, which was actually paying Paula's legal bills, claimed they hadn't received any of the money. Bruce W. Eberle & Associates was the fund raiser for the "Help Paula" fund drive. The media obtained a copy of the contract she signed: it had the words 'legal fund' scratched out, and indicated that the money was to go instead directly to Paula, minus the firm's share. Since that wasn't what the fund raising appeals said, it seems that Paula and Bruce conned a bunch of dopes out of over $100K. Eberle also did some fundraising for John Ashcroft. However, a 1998, St. Louis Post-Dispatch story claimed that, "Half of every dollar Senator John Ashcroft [R-Missouri] has raised this year for his political action committee has been plowed back into direct-mail advertising. A tiny portion, just $1,000 so far, has gone to conservative Republican candidates--the people Ashcroft pegged as prime beneficiaries when he announced last year that he was setting up a PAC. The biggest share by far, $529,903 as of June 30, has gone to direct mail companies--most of them controlled by or associated with Bruce Eberle." Ashcroft fired Eberle in November 1999. Eberle sued Animal People for their report. A settlement was reached wherein 160 words were deleted from the report. Presumably the report online is the expurgated version which Eberle agreed is truthful. Oh, and here's part of Bruce's notice to his Millions of Americans mailing list that they will now be serviced by Bobby and GOPUSA:
While Bruce claims that his efforts are about protecting our values, Constitution, national security, and very way of life from the evil liberals, a visit to indicates that it's mostly about signing petitions. The site says that MillionsofAmericans was "born from Election Integrity 2000 -- an online project to mobilize Americans against every attempt to overturn the fair election results in Florida." Then they sent petitions to demand that Al Gore resign. The next petitions were to get John Ashcroft confirmed. They sent a thank-you petition to Jesse Helms upon his retirement. They sent a "get well" petition to Rush Limbaugh, to ask him to regain his hearing after the Oxycontin abuse caused nerve damage. Etc. None of this had any actual impact on anything, so is seems (at least, to me) that MillionsofAmericans was just being used by Eberle to get names for his mailing lists and fundraising appeals. Bruce probably is conservative, but that doesn't stop him from fleecing the wingnuts who think that signing a petition will change things. Since (IMHO) GOPUSA also contains a great deal of hucksterism at its base, it is interesting to speculate how it got a "reporter" accredited to the White House, and how it became involved in the Thune/Daschle race. Did the Thune campaign just shoot GOPUSA a few bucks to do some work for it because GOPUSA had both Bruce mailing list of 250,000 wingnuts and a guy with contacts in the White House press offfice, or was somebody higher in the food chain involved? One would think that people like Rove could afford better stooges, but hey, maybe you go into a dirty tricks operation with the tools you have, not the tools you would like. UPDATE: Sisyphus Shrugged has the NY Times piece wherein Bobby says he never suspected a thing about Jeff having a past or being a crappy journalist. As Julia says, Bobby is an engineer, and we all know that engineers are easy-going free spirits who don't believe in checking on stuff. Oh, and I like the new info that Bobby bought MillionsOfAmerican' Since MofA is basically just a mailing list and a bunch of email addresses, I wonder what use Bobby had for such a property, and why he purchased it last spring. Think it had anything to do with the Thune campaign? 4:11:17 PM ![]() |
Today's JimJeff Wrap-UpWell, JimJeff GuckertGannon came out of his self-imposed one-week exile to re-exploit his 15 minutes of fame some more. But first, CBS has a very interesting story by Dotty Lynch, Senior Political Editor for CBS News -- it seems to be the first mainstream media report to mention Karl Rove's name in connection with GannonGuckertGate:
Ms. Lynch is right about how JimJeff's influence went beyond the wingnut site GOPUSA. After his pieces appeared on Talon News, they were frequently copied on FreeRepublic and other message boards (often by JimJeff). Jeff appeared several times on Sean Hannity's radio program. Jeff eventually got his own radio show, through a venture with FreeRepublic. And, of course, by being allowed to speak in White House Press conferences, he was able to get messages spread on TV and by the mainstream meda. Was this just due to the collaberation of JimJeff and Bobby Eberle, or was somebody else pulling their strings? I suspect that the code of omerta will keep us from ever finding out. Anyway, as they say, read the whole thing. (And also be sure to read Joe Conason's Salon piece about Gannon and the attack on Daschle.)
Well, America should be a country where even a guy who advertised his penis size in an effort to sell his sexual services should be able to be President, but since Jeff's chosen niche is the wingnutty Republican one, I kinda doubt he's going to find much work as pundit. And as for being a journalist, well, since he hasn't been one yet, I'd guess that it's his lack of integrity and minimal talent that disqualify him, not his past.
JimJeff, when you advertise your sexuality on the internet, you can't complain later about people paying attention to it.
I was going to write a post saying as much, but now that JimJeff has admitted it, I guess there's no need. But hey, I have the material, so let's review it. So, here's JimJeff's question to Joe Wilson
And here's part of the Wall Street Journal piece from the previous week(emphesis added):
So, it seems obvious (in retrospect) that JimJeff just cut and pasted the WSJ info to come up with his question. What threw people off is his lack of qualifiers, like "alleged" or "reportedly" when discussing the document. Well, that and his crowing that, "For something that is supposed to be classified, it seems that this document is easily accessible" -- plus, his self-aggrandizing talk about having to protect his sources. (Yes, if only he hadn't pretended to be a big shot reporter, maybe nobody would have bothered to look up his naughty web photos.) But anyway, it sounds like somebody told him he'd better knock off the posturing and confess that his only source (besides GOP and White House press releases) is the Wall Street Journal -- because otherswise, he could be sleeping with the fishes. But back to JimJeff's heart-to-heart with Howie:
Translation: "Hey, if citing God's forgiveness allowed George Bush to enter the White House despite all the stuff HE did, why can't my fellow conservatives accept me back into the fold and give me a job at the Heritage Foundation? ... Oh, the gay thing." Next, let's take a brief look at some snippets from Editor and Publisher's transcript of JimJeff's interview by CNN's Anderson Cooper:
Translation: "Sure, I lied before, and then I got busted, but the story shouldn't be about my lack of veracity now, it should be about my lack of veracity over the last two years when I called myself a reporter." Then Cooper does a good job of grilling Jeff about how come he was attending WH press conferences even before Talon News existed. (Remember when Jeff told E&P,"I write a news story, I post it, and anything having to do with GOPUSA, I don't know about"? Well, you'll be shocked, SHOCKED to know that he wasn't being exactly truthful, in that he actually got his first WH press passes by telling the press office that he was a reporter for the famed news organization GOPUSA): COOPER: So I guess the questions that are being raised why were you at -- allowed to go to a White House briefing if you are working for GOPUSA, which is a clearly partisan organization? Translation: "If the White House wants to givea press pass to somebody from a website "news organization" on the same level as Young Conservatives Online or The Rant, that's their problem." There's more good stuff there, but let's move on to Scottie McClellan telling E&P just why the White House would give a press pass to somebody from GOPUSA:
So, Scottie's staffers considered GOPUSA to be a legit news agency because (a) it was able to fax; (b) it had letterhead; (c) it existed on the web, just like JimJeff claimed; and (d) with a name like GOPUSA, it HAS to be good. I'll be applying for my press pass first thing Monday.
Sadly, that staffer who approved JimJeff's credentials died in a tragic accident tomorrow, and so can't answer any questions as to why JimJeff was admitted to the briefings. And Scottie, who was only the Deputy Press Secretary then, certainly can't be blamed for anything that occured back then, because after Ari believed Bobby when he said that the site was non-partisan, Scottie did too. And as for anything that happened since he became Secretary, well, the past is the past, and Scottie believes in a God of forgiveness.
Hey, The Onion: America's Finest News Source™ exists, and it's even America's finest news source (it wouldn't lie about something like that), so I'm sure Scottie's fine staff assistants have accredited all of its employees, who will be asking questions of the President any day now. Oh, and while JimJeff confided to Howie that, "I have no friendships with anyone there [the White House]," Media Matters wants to know how JimJeff got invited to the 2003 and 2004 White House pressChristmas parties, which are apparently exclusive events that not every Tom, Dick, and Guckert is asked to attend. Oh, and you won't be too surprised to learn that, at least for the last party, it was the Press Secretary's office that came up with the guest list. Was JimJeff invited in appreciation for his great questions, or to be somebody's date? I guess we'll never know. But it does seem that his attendance at these events means that JimJeff wasn't just an obscure nut, like some would have you believe, but a member of Washington's power elite.
But that was December. Now, nobody claims to knows JimJeff or Bobby Eberle. It's sad, really, except that they brought this on themselves by being willing to do somebody's (the GOP's? Karl Rove's? Satan's?) dirty work. In any case, we wish JimJeff well, and look forward to his next media appearance, possibly as the star of the XXX updated version of The Story of G.I. Joe. (Hey, while JimJeff's wasn't a war correspondent -- at least, not yet -- he does know soldiers, and that's what counts: Here's one of his questions to Scottie McClellan which I think could be used as the basis of the screenplay:
I bet those soldiers in Iraq with whom JimJeff communicates will be REALLY demoralized when they learn of the traitorous media coverage of JimJeff's recent travails. 1:37:43 AM |
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