Items of Interest!1. John at Blongenlust suggests a familiar face as a replacement for Jeff Gannon. 2. Krup at I'm Just Sayin' offers another secret tape made by George Bush's good friend and spiritual advisor, Doug Weed ... I mean Wead. 3. Frederick at BestBushBlog offers the shocking story of how breasts are reproductive organs (presumably babies grow inside them, which is why bosoms poke out the way they do). 4. Jim at Rittenhouse Review posts some thoughts on that vital question first posed by Julia of Sisyphus Shrugged: when do we (as in me) sleep? 4:39:22 AM ![]() |
Dummies: A Viable Niche Audience for SomeInstapundit advises:
While we found the post lacking, we wouldn't have gone so far as to call the Tom Maguire's readers "dummies" (but then, we didn't find it a delightful bloggish diversion either, so maybe you can't go by us). While much of the piece was accurate, a lot wasn't, and we didn't agree with most of the conclusions (presumably because unlike Maguire, we aren't part of the "White House apologists." But since it has been endorsed by Glenn Reynolds (and so now serves as the Right's official history of GannonGuckertGate), we will address some of parts that we believe were incomplete, inaccurate, and/or dumb.
Well, the question was both factually deficient AND Rush Limbaugh-enriched, because Harry Reid was only talking about "soup lines" in Dittoheadland (See Media Matters, January 26: Talon News "reporter" lobs Bush another softball.)
Yes, even Jeff Gannon reported as much: Here's a FreeRepublic post from March 6, 2004 authored by Mr. Gannon:
And there was also this Talon News story from March 9 (which was helpfully posted to FreeRepublic):
So, yes, Jeff Gannon was reported to have been subpeonaed by the Grand Jury. But back to Tom Maguire:
Well, there was JimJeff trying to make it look like he had access to a purported classified document (one which the CIA said was actually a forgery containing inaccurate information) about Plame's involvment in her husband's assignment to Niger. But all of the "evidence" out there seems to have been planted by Jeff -- meaning that it's not very reliable.
Whether or not JimJeff had access to a classified document, it's obvious that he was part the effort to claim that a fabricated (IMHO) document proved that Joseph Wilson got the Niger gig due to his wife's efforts, and so the White House was justified in leaking Plame's name and identity to Novak. The FBI considered this post-Novak issue worth investigating, and questioned JimJeff. Whether he told the investigators that all he knew about the document he learned from the Wall Street Journal story, or whether he refused to answer their questions to protect his sources (or whether he indicated that he got a copy of this document from Lewis Libby) is something that only JimJeff, the FBI, and the grand jury seems to know at this point.
We already posted our non-conspiracy minded answers, but that doesn't mean that we can't pick at the flaws in Tom's. So, as Tom says, let's dig in:
Talon News could make money? How? It's only "clients" are GOPUSA (which wouldn't have paid anything for the content, since it's also owned by Bobby Eberle) and MensNewsDaily, which doesn't appear to pay for any of its content either. And it seems that one of the reason's that JimJeff couldn't get accredited by the Hill was that Talon wasn't making any money. Here's part of what the Standing Committee of Correspondents told Jeff when they rejected his application:
Now, if Tom wanted to claim that GOPUSA was just a money-making opportunity, I'd almost buy it (although it's not what Bobby Eberle said -- he claimed that he started it to "do some good" and to "spread the conservative message"), but then Tom has to explain why GOPUSA, which basically consists of rightwing opinion pieces and local GOP news, was able to get a "reporter" accredited to the White House. (And Tom, Rush Limbaugh calls himself an entertainer, and isn't accredited to the White House press corps, which basically makes my point for me.)
What Bobby said in that NYT piece that Tom links to is" Mr. Eberle said that he and some friends founded Gopusa out of his Houston home about five years ago and later created Talon News. They expanded by buying another conservative site called" Then, per the article, Bobby "said that he was not bankrolled by any backers." But those friends who helped found GOPUSA presumably have contributed some funds, as have other contributers. Here's what Bobby told in in an E-interview in April 2003:
(Off topic, but also interesting, from the same interview
So, the money behind GOPUSA has not been accounted for. Oh, and where did GOPUSA get the funds to buy Bruce Eberle's subscribers list last spring -- from "the staff" or from "sponsors"?
No, it hasn't. But since the essence of a successful political "dirty trick" is to keep your name out of it, this is a less compelling point that it might be otherwise. So, this point remains unresolved, and worth further investigation, it would seem.
However, in the post- 9/11 White House, reporters are not supposed to be granted daily access to the White House by "operating on a day pass." It seems that JimJeff (with either the active or pasive complicity of the White House Press Office) was doing an end run around the Secret Service guidelines about the security processing those getting regular access to the White House should undergo.
See also Eric Boehlert's latest on the issue, which says:
So, while JimJeff might not have have traveled on Air Force One, he was still in violation of current procedures, and the White House has yet to explain why this was allowed to happen (and why a reporter from an outfit called GOPUSA was allowed day passes when presumably someone from DemocraticUnderground wouldn't have been).
Except that JimJeff said that he'd been present at FOUR presidential press conferences (McClellan Tells 'E&P' He Didn't Know Guckert Used Fake Name), and got to ask President Bush a question another time too. So, either Tom imagines wrong about all that special security for presidential extravaganzas, or else the WH was ignoring the rules for their special friend JimJeff.
Tommy boy, even if you are writing for dummies, you should get your facts straight. The WTJ article mentioning the purported memo came out on 17 October, 2003. JimJeff's interview is dated 28 October, 2003 (here's a link to a version of it at MensNewsDaily that hasn't yet been erased). That's not several weeks later, that's 11 days later. (And one can't blame Froomkin for this error -- he says JimJeff's first mention of the memo came "several days after" the WSJ story. Yes, even though one of Froomkin's sources for his report, the blog of one Tom Maguire, blew the time line, Froomkin had the correct information.)
No, there is no evidence that JimJeff got a copy of this memo (except for all of JimJeff's talk about protecting sources and comments about how copies of the memo were easy to obtain). However, if he did get a copy, who says he got one at the same time the Wall Street Journal did? If copies were indeed floating around freely amongst the various people eager to discredit Wilson, JImJeff still wouldn't have been at the top of the list to get one -- in fact, only after JimJeff had secured the interview with Wilson would it make sense for those trying to defend the VP's office to pass one of the fabricated memos to him. Oh, and we thought you said the time between the WSJ piece and JimJeff's mention of it was "several weeks", not "two weeks," Tom.
Since I personally believe that the document mentioned by those "insiders" at the WSJ was a fabrication meant to hurt Wilson, if I were contacting Slaughter, I'd advise her to let the Plame investigation deal with this matter. But investigating how and why JimJeff was allowed to use a White House press office daily pass for over TWO YEARS would still be a good idea.
Hey, nobody said that JimJeff was Scottie's only way to wriggle out of a tight spot (Scottie is quite the wriggler). However, as JimJeff himself has said, Scottie seemed to know what he'd get from JimJeff, and Scottie called on JimJeff more frequently that one would assume a reporter from a "news service" whose news was only seen on GOPUSA and MensNewsDaily would deserve -- unless Scottie LIKED the questions, that is Hey, let's go back to Tom's friend Froomkin, and his March 2004 column (the link helpfully provided in the piece to which Tom linked ):
But let's go to Tom's next point:
Well, I'm sure that Karl uses them when he can, but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't use whatever disposable tool was at hand for a dirty trick or two if suited his purpose. (Hey, we too would like to believe that Karl can find better evil minions than those at GOPUSA, but one never knows.)
So, Tom's rebuttal of this point is "It takes one to know one"? Um, sorry, but I don't think that this actually negates anything that Lynch said.
Yes, I'm sure that "one" hopes the story will go away, but before it does, surely "one" and his comrades who were so eager to get the Eason Jordan transcript would want to know more about how GOPUSA was deemed a credible news organization by the White House, and how its only paid reporter got daily access to the White House without a thorough background check, right? You know, just to see what the facts actually are, and ensure that the news is fair and balanced.
So, which is it -- fire or smoke grenades? Per Tom, it doesn't matter, and everybody should just stop talking about GannonGuckertGate because he is tired of it.
And our effort to respond to those omissions is just an effort to help Tom's lack of intelligent design.
Well, only if by "Scourge" one means "mildly annoying twit whose blatant hypocrisy and side-stepping of the point provides some inadvertant laughs." And here's an example of the kind of laughs Jeff provides:
Yes, it's just the mean-spirited Democrats who will never forgive JimJeff, while the Republicans (the "Values" party) have gone on the record to say that they have no problems with homosexuals in general (and former male escorts in particular) working in the White House. That's the best laugh I've had all hour!
Um, yeah. Jeff was outed as a "gay reporter" -- because pointing out that that somebody advertised his services as a prostitute on the Internet is the same thing as outing that person as a homosexual. And Hindrocket is a credible expert on character because he has such a fine one ...
You know, where I come from, one is deemed a hypocrite for asking for one's past to be forgiven while one is still trying to make money from it. See AMERICAblog for the latest on JimJeff's efforts to sell those pornographic "military escort sites" for thousands of dollars). See also where JimJeff told Editor&Publisher that he's working on a journal that could become a book (my suggested title: Bulldog: White House Reporter by Day, Hooker by Night), and making plans to enter the paid speaker circuit to discuss his experiences. (Unless he references those mistakes of his past, I don't think there will be much interest in either of those projects.) But should all this disqualify him from being a journalist? Well, not in Tom's world, a place where a guy whose "reporting" consisted mainly of cutting and pasting transcripts and news releases from the White House and GOP (and who is a known liar) can be called a "journalist," and where presumably Bob Guccione can be the White House Press Secretary. In the Kingdom of the Dummies, I guess bloggers like Tom Maguire and Glenn Reynolds are the kings. 2:50:32 AM |
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