Submitted for Your ApprovalDiscuss the following, or whatever the heck you want to talk about. 1. Roger Ailes's "Year End Quiz" -- a funny yet shocking commentary on the criminals and sex fiends who are our elected officials and pundits, or just a really hard quiz that we don't even get college credit for? 2. Jerry Orbach Dead at 69. Is he now tracking down bad guys in heaven, or singing "Try to Remember" on the Great White Way in the sky? As Tom Shales said:
Because there's a real need for fewer ethics in Congress? Also, from the article:
And heaven forbid that the Democrats are able to score political points against DeLay just because DeLay is corrupt!. 4. Annie Jacobsen's latest Scary Skies article is entitled "How Intelligent Are We?" Here are the highlights:
So, obviously, what we should be doing is patting down only Middle Eastern men who want to use the restrooms. 5. Mug recomends this one-minute rant which compares/contrasts Fox and Jazeera. Also worth at least a minute is this one about right wing sex. 5:50:45 AM ![]() |
Deep Thoughts, by Peggy Noonan[Peggy is in maroon; Jack Handey, author of the authentic Deep Thoughts, is in blue; I am in black.] In this week's column, Peggy notes that the biggest story of the year, the tsunami that may have killed over 100,000 people, occurred when all the other pundits had already written their "Ten Biggest Stories of the Year" and left for their vacation homes in Aspen -- and they didn't invite Peggy, the jerks! This causes Peggy to reflect on something a wise old journalist once told her ("It's always something"), and how disasters remind us that God and Mother Nature really hate us and stuff. But everything is summed up best by some old lady getting her hair cut.
But there are great stories that come out of a disaster like this, and they make it all worth while, because people enjoy these stories -- as does Peggy, who apparently isn't a people.
But SOME PEOPLE aren't properly using the tsunami as a source of faith-promoting stories (or as the topic of a Wall Street Journal column). No, they are using it selfishly (and in an un-Republican manner), and this is almost making Peggy wish there hadn't even been a horrific natural disaster!
However, Peggy was pleasantly surprised by how much more interesting CNN is when they have major tragedies to report on.
And another good thing about this disaster is that it can remind us of what is really important: that it didn't happen to us.
Now, it's time for the obligatory Ronald Reagan mention: this one is about how Ronnie claimed credit for the idea behind that old "Outer Limits" ep where the scientists turned Robert Culp into an alien to unite mankind.
And this, of course, reminds Peggy of how Steven Spielberg or somebody stole Ronnie's idea and used it for Independence Day, which made a lot money -- but they still said that Ronnie was an idiot. And that brings us to Peggy's idea for world peace (and she's actually not kidding) . . .
And, in conclusion, let's all remember that our enemy isn't the secularist commies who said "Happy Holidays," or those nasty U.N. jerks who don't appreciate America's generosity even after our President says we'll give them a couple hundred bucks. No, the real enemy is God and/or Mother Nature.
P.S. As you probably already know, you can easily donate money to the Red Cross to help survivors of the earthquake and tsunamis at (you can donate with just one click if you already have an account set up there, which is really cool, and then you get an email confirmation); they have already collected almost $4,000,000. As Amazon says:
There are many other worthy, reputable, and well-organized charitable groups that are already there with assistance, including my church, which is encouraging everyone to donate big for this effort this Sunday -- but Amazon is a really easy way to donate. So, give what you can, to whichever group you want -- because a Peggy Noonan is a terrible thing to waste. 4:23:50 AM ![]() |
The Conservative Lord of the Republican RingsThe NRO Corner spent the day pondering the really important issues of the day, such as what could theoretically cause liberals to EVER like the Lord of the Rings trilogy. John Hillen* was really into it . . .
While John apparently gets to keep his $100, I do admire him for claiming that he would donate the money to the NRO, his employer, if somebody came up with a convincing argument. See, aliberal would have said he was going to donate the money to the Red Cross (or some other group providing emergency relief to victims of the tsunami), because THEY would think that this was a good cause. And that's why liberals can't enjoy LOTR properly -- because they don't actually relate to he concepts of altruism, morality and self-sacrifice.
Green Peace is against violence in fantasy novels? - Lot’s of weed smoking. (my take – creative and funny, but nobody actually gets high or acts high in the book. I’m a cigar smoker so I could relate to the smoking too. Lots of beer drinking too….ahem…Jonah) And if John can relate to all the smoking in the books, then the liberals should hate Tolkein's work just that reason -- because it's obvious that smoking illegal substances is a liberal vice, while smoking manly, patriotic tobacco is a conservative virtue.
Because, of course, modern liberals are all drug-using, anti-American, unbathed hippies who probably think that Aragorn was played by Viggo Mortensen John demolishes a few more "reasons" why liberals might like LOTR, but this one is my favorite:
Um, yeah. The conservatives (and Cornerites in particular) are the REAL minority revolutionaries in America. But John does admit that if he were actually going to donate that $100 to the NRO, it would have been in response to reader Matt, who said in part:
That's another reason why only conservatives can truly enjoy the Lord of the Rings: because they know that Tolkein meant the orcs to represent the Islamofascists, and so the conservatives exult at each bloody orcan death. But back to John:
When the truth is, of course, that CONSERVATIVES (and especially Bushites) are the courageous, adventurous heroes, fighting against the forces of darkness against overwhelming odds -- and each of them is handsome, brave, and noble, just like Aragorn, but also burdened by the heavy responsibility of being conservative, just like Frodo. And while they get no thanks for heroically battling the subhuman Islamofascists (or for writing articles promoting the noble Iraq War and denouncing the traitorous left and middle who refuse to get excited about it -- which is the same thing as actually fighting), they can go to their graves knowing that they saved all of humanity in the end by getting their finger bit off by some homeless guy to whom they had refused to give some spare change *John is described modestly is by the NRO as "a contributing editor at National Review, [who] was a defense-policy adviser to the Bush campaign in 2000," but his full-page bio at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (where he's a Director), begins by calling him an "accomplished business leader, author, soldier, and policy expert." He also a consultant to ABC News for military affairs. So, obviously he knows a lot about the LOTR. 2:04:03 AM |
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