You Can't Handle the Truth!Hugh Hewitt says that rightwing bloggers just aren't reacting properly to the Thornburgh/Boccardi report on Memogate.
Hey, I'm a traffic-hungry start-up eager to make a name for myself, so I am going to demand some answers -- and I demand them now! Taking the lead from Hugh, I'm asking: What does the President know, and when did he know it? I mean it, I want a list of everything the President knows. Starting with why he never took that required TANG physical. I note that the White House never exclaimed, "Hey, these documents are fakes," but instead said:
So, obviously the White House has vouched for the substance of the memos -- that George never fulfilled his flying commitment, left Texas before he got permission to transfer to an Alabama unit, never took his required physical-- and that some of his superiors were not happy about this. But Hugh has his own Watergate theory:
Possibly, "How is the weather in Texas? It is nice here. Have a nice day. Love, Mary."
Or, could it be that she called Smith on the phone after that? Or he called her? Or they met in person? Or they never had any further communications because she didn't like all his talk about sexy legs? Gee, if there was a big conspiracy behind every email I never answered, well, there would be a lot of conspiracies for traffic-hungry young blogs to investigate. Hugh, if you don't trust former Reagan Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, and you think that CBS is hiding some smoking gun emails that implicate John Kerry and Les Moonves in a plot to forge documents, then why don't you just demand that everyone at CBS take public polygraph exams? But first, you would demand that everybody at the White House take public polgraph exams about their involvement in the Plame outing, right, Hugh?
Per the LA Times:
So, Dan was busy, okay? Can't this just be an example of sloppy journalism on the part of overly ambitious, impatient journalists, Hugh? And if it can't, it needs to involve the Trilateral Commission, the Queen of England, and those reptilian aliens if you are going to retain my interest. 6:17:15 AM ![]() |
Seperate Yet Equal
No, Judson, the Left is, like the Borg, a well-organized and wide-spread collective of fascists that will assimilate you. Resistance is futile. And Judson, last time you told this story, you said that in January 2003 "a newspaper syndicate based in Virginia, dropped my column" after Goon Squads targeted you. So, which was it: the loss of a job with a small Virginia newspaper, or the dropping of your column from a newspaper syndicate? In either case, it must have paid you a pretty poor livelihood, because I can't find any mention of you prior to the late spring of 2003. But on to how Judson's paper can help conservatives to achieve the power of gayness:
"Bates Motel: Conservatives Welcome" Anyway, I invite you to come up with some ideas for Judson of an appropriate symbol that could be used to identify conservative businesses. But back to Judson and his vision of a conservative utopia:
And that way, it would be MUCH easier for them to fleece you, the lunkheaded rube from out of town.
So, Judson's plan to attract advertisers is to tell them, "Buy an ad in the NC Conservative and someday you'll be as rich, popular, and influential as the gays." I wish him luck with that. 4:26:38 AM ![]() |
Sing a Song of John Derbyshire, a Pocket Full of Charlotte SimmonsLet's enjoy a musical moment, courtesy of Bill S.
Thank you Bill -- that was lovely. It was the best Wings song ever! And speaking of John Derbyshire, I just read his column from last month about I Am Charlotte Simmons, and it exemplifies what I hate the most about the wingnuts' response to this novel: they don't take it as a fictional work concerning one small-town girl who goes to the big city and loses her moral compass. No, instead it's a sociological study proving that elite universities destroy the souls of worthy young evangelicals through (a) liberal indoctrination; (b) science; and (c) a depraved culture of wild, promiscuous sex, foul language, and binge drinking. So, here's Derb:
Of course. Why else would anyone read this novel if not for the infinite detail of the depravity of elite campus culture?
And if you think that a Tom Wolfe novel is the ultimate insider's guide to campus life, you will be Derb.
Yes, everybody on every elite campus uses a profanity or an obscenity every other f***ing word. Just read any &*%$# interview with NotJenna F***ing Bush for confirmation of this.
Coed bathrooms. What more does one need to say to describe the coarseness of their lives? Anyway, let's skip ahead to the part where Derb learns that IT'S ALL TRUE, and YOUR DAUGHTER IS NEXT!
Yes, 100% of girls who attend Community College have sex "early." This must be why President Bush said during one of the presidential debates, "community college [provides] the skills necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century." And this is proof that poor kids just have worse morals than children who attend private schools -- and so, like Doug Giles told us yesterday, you really shouldn't let your precious, unspotted children be educated with them.
The frat/Lacrosse guy just said this to reassure Derb, since Derb's daughter is half-Asian, "pretty," and presumably Christian. However, somebody who once visited a university told me that very hot Asian Christian girlsalways put out on their first dates. Or maybe that was a Cinemax movie I was watching with Doug Giles.
At last, Derb has an explanation for his years of social and sexual ostracism, and his enduring unpopularity. It isn't his looks, his personality, or a lack of personal hygiene: it's due to his smartness and his open rightism!
So, thanks to Tom, I have learned that sending my daughter to an elite university will cause her to turn into a drunken slut. But, thanks to Derb's frat boy informant, I have discovered that the public school/community college route guarantees that she will have early sex. Thus, it seems that education is evil, and it's best to just keep her locked up in the basement, away from this horrible culture, in order to ensure her purity. Oh, I've also learned that Charlotte Simmons simply wasn't rightwing enough to be a social outcast, and that's why she was ruined. So, maybe Harvard Law student Ben Shapiro has a change to make it through four years at an elite university with his virginity intact. 2:18:02 AM |
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