The End of Civilization As We Know It, AgainAs you may have heard, Matt Drudge is calling for a jihad against Hollywood for choosing Chris Rock to host the Academy Awards ceremony. Matt denounced Rock for his use of profanity, his making a joke about abortion, and for implying that only men like Matt (you know, idiots) even watch the Oscars. Today Matt links to stories at Entertainment Weekly, E! Online, and The Hollywood Reporter which cite his column. The outside articles basically say that the Academy thinks that Rock is funny, that Rock won't be doing his nightclub act so everyone should just chill, and that Drudge should get a life, come out of the closet, and stop giving Rock a hard time just because Ann Coulter won't let him wear her ball gowns. (Okay, that last part was only hinted at.) Oh, and the producer for this year's Oscars, Gil Gates, added, 'You can't hire a pit bull and expect a poodle to show up." Which seems to mean that Gil is, in real life, Doug Giles. Anyway, I was channel surfing Monday night and caught part of Matt's appearance on "Hannity & Other Guy." Matt really seemed worked up about Rock -- he even made Sean look semi-sane by comparison. While Matt tried to frame this as a major battle in the culture wars (it's apparently proof that Hollywood hates you and your values, and wants to force you to have casual sex and abortions while teaching your innocent children the f-word), it seemed like his biggest problem was Rock's remark about never having watched the Oscars because he's straight. (Implying, of course, that only gays watch the Oscars, and therefore, gays shouldn't be allowed to get married, run internet sites, or wear dopey hats.) I really seemed like Drudge was trying to make this into a crusade. The editor of Crooks & Liars was also watching, and got a similar impression. He notes:
While it's clear that Drudge is trying to make this into a big deal, it could be more about payback than about Drudge's concern for American's innocent tikes and zygotes. Back in March 2003, when Drudge reported that Dream Works had pressured Rock not to make any cracks about President Bush before Head of State hit the theaters, Rock said, "I don't know Matt Drudge, I never met Matt Drudge, but if I see Matt Drudge, I'm going to take my red-blooded American foot and put it up his un-American ass for trying to disrupt the opening of my movie." So, this attempt to get Rock fired from the Oscars could be due to Drudge's wounded feelings (either at Rock's remark about kicking him in the ass, or about how Rock never calls him and talks about his ass). Or it could be about getting Drudge back in the spotlight (on "Hannity and Nonentity" he did mention how he and his got that Reagan miniseries removed from CBS's schedule, and that was probably the last glory day he had) . Or it could be about Drudge's friends wanting to divert attention from other things going on in the country. In any case, it does seem to be an attempt to stir up both the Christian right and the homosexuals. But will it work? Here's part of a Corner post:
So, Matt has got the American Life League on his side, but can't even manage to persuade Kathryn Jean. I don't think that's a good sign for the forces of decency, hate, and the advancement of gay men who like to watch the Oscars. 6:31:13 AM ![]() |
America's Stupidest Books, and the Women Who Read Them A Meghan Cox Gurdon is a terrible thing to waste. So, when TBogg used only one passage from America's Worst Mother™ this week, Sunnie, who has recommenced blogging at Femme Fetal, jumped in to meet our AWM needs. Thanks, Sunnie! And speaking of Meghan, she had a little piece in the Valentine's Day edition of the Washington Examiner (which can be found on bus station racks all over the D.C metro area, right next to the trash cans). Meghan's column is about self-help books. She starts with an anecdote about her friends Amy and Charles, and how they experienced a "marriage breakthrough." It seems that one day Amy happened to pick up the copy of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus that her mother gave her, and decided to share a passage with Charles.
Yes, apparently Meghan has America's Stupidest Friends. Anyway, I'm guessing that the breakthrough came when Queen Amy demanded that King Charles wear his ermine robes to the block party to impress the peasant neighbors, and King Charles had Amy beheaded so he could marry a younger, hotter woman named Anna Nicole Boleyn. But Meghan's thesis in this piece is that evil feminists have so destroyed common sense in women that they need stupid books like Men Are From Mars, Women Can't Do Math to teach them the stuff they should have learned from their barefoot, pregnant mothers. But now American womenhood is rejecting "feminism's false promises" and reading "mortifyingly-titled books" like Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others; Stop Getting Dumped! All You Need to Know to Make Men Fall Madly in Love with You and Marry "The One" in 3 Years or Less; and "Dr." Laura Schlessinger's Give Your Husband Oral Sex, You Bitch. Meghan says:
Another reason these books are so embarrassing is that the authors are such poor examples of what they preach. After all, didn't John Gray get divorced from fellow marriage expert Barbara De Angelis (author of Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know: John Gray Has a Teeny Wienie)? Didn't Dr. Laura get her start in the radio business by caring for and feeding somebody else's husband? And didn't The Rules co-author Sherrie Schneider get divorced, and blame it on her dentist? To answer your questions: Yes, yes, and read part of this story about Schneider:
But Meghan has more on the books' "curious genius":
Um, I'm not an expert on "radical feminism," but I don't think Gloria Steinem ever told women to accept last minute dates, or waste their time on men who aren't into them. But Meghan thinks that He's Just Not That Into You contains a "profound truth," much like Jesus's bestseller Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself: 10 Radical Ways to Meet Men.
I bet Gloria Steinham is mad as hell to learn how wrong she was to tell women to stick with lukewarm men, because they just have comitment issues and emotional baggage.
And even better than that, try writing your own lurid, pink-covered, fourth-grade level book. Or at least some mortifying titles. Here are mine (well, some are real books, and I made up some of them -- see if you can guess which are which):
And More! (If you think of them.) But I think we've learned an important lesson from all of this: what Meghan is reading at night while the husband is banging his secretary. Next time: James Lileks shares some of his favorite books about eliminating ring around the collar, removing waxy buildup, and baking with Spry. |
Who Said It?And here's some info from Webster Hubble Telescope (who blogs at Mobjectivist) about that photo of the dorky-looking kid who may be a young Jimmy:
We appreciate Mr. Telescope's efforts to shed some light on Lileks' early years (if we can understand where he went wrong, perhaps we can keep other bigheaded young humorists from turning to the dark side), as well as the possible sighting of a very early example of Lileks' fixation on Target. Courtesy of Bill S., who first mentioned it, here is the transcript of that SNL skit:
Now wasn't that inspiring? Anyway, kudos to niucons for naming BOTH of our Mystery Guests. We think that this qualifies him for a job writing homey columns about his household chores and his young insect for the Min. Star; the columns will later be the basis of a TV program on Fox News about our armed forces. Now, who said this?
However, saying that people are hiding under their desks if they refuse to appear on one's TV program is GOOD, because it's used to mainstream people and to make them feel warm and fuzzy.
Hint: This guy played by the rules so well that his former employer sought to confiscate the royalties from his first book because he had disregarded his confidentiality pledge in writing it. The book, which was full of unsubstantiated allegations and ludicrous rumors (including one about a Christmas tree decorated with drug paraphenalia, sex toys, and condoms) was described by one reviewer as a "former G-man's sleazy White House memoir [which] raises questions -- again -- about the book industry's sloppy standards." 3:30:23 AM |
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