Who Said It?As Sadly, Seb! said, our last Mystery Guest was Canada's pride, David Frum. (Seb, your prize is in the mail to the address you provided). You can find the Frum pieces we excerpted from here, here, and here. (But only if you really, really want to.) Now, who said this in their most recent column, "Library Confidential: The Shocking Tale of How the Story Lady is Brainwashing Your Kids"?
And of course, children, pilgrims are delicious, and I am glad that we had one to roast for our Thanksgiving dinner. 2:49:22 AM ![]() |
The Most Picked On Person in AmericaThat would be Mary Katharine Ham, a 24-year-old Heritage Foundation employee who is always being martyred for her conservative beliefs. For instance, there's the story in her guest column for today's Townhall:
He follows her through several turns. She keeps driving to her destination, the poolhall. She "contemplates" going home "to avoid attack," but then his lights are gone, so she goes into the pool hall, although "still shaky."
While tailing somebody all the way to the poolhall is immature, stupid, and perhaps even mean (if meant to harass somebody, although it's not clear that this was even the objective in this case). However, it is hardly "threatening a young woman with physical harm." Just because you were scared, doesn't meant that anybody threatened you. And in the future, Mary Katharine, if you really do feel threatened, drive to the police station, not the pool hall, okay? And MK, while I can understand you venting like this at the time, (a) that was four years ago, and you should have got some perspective by now; (b) nothing actually happened to you except that somebody who was also going to the poolhall drove his car behind yours; and (c), John and your college acquaintances are hardly representative of all liberals. So, so your effort to make this story be the keystone piece of evidence in a column entitled "Liberals Have a Distorted View of Tolerance," is, well, lame.
Mary Katharine, maybe you DO deserve it. Not because you're a conservative, of course, but maybe because of something you may be doing. I'm only saying this because you ALWAYS seems to be getting picked on by liberals. To illustrate my theory, lets recap your first Townhall column, which tells about that time you were insulted in a bar.
As we said before: The nerve of his eyebrows, reacting to Mary Katherine's employment that way! To explain his eyebrow, the guy, whom MK calls "Brad," says that he used to work for the DNC.
Already MK has been victimized (prevented from enjoying her Miller Lite) by horrible liberals who assaulted MK by not having the same opinions as she did. Anyway, she and Brad debate politics for a while, and then MK poses the question that leads to her being grossly insulted.
He replied, "As a female dog," which is why MK was so insulted. Okay, not really -- instead he insulted her by mentioning women's rights.
Okay, maybe MK should stop going to bars, and stop hanging out with those liberals who belong to her crowd, because it always seems to end badly. It seems that every liberal she associates with does something hurtful to her. Case in point: this post by MK at Townhall's blog (called Clog, I believe) which describes liberal villainy close to home.
Not only do the liberals physically threaten MK by driving on the same roads she does, and insult her by talking about the DNC's platform for wage parity and reproductive rights, but they even eat her leftovers -- no doubt, just because she's conservative. And they call themselves the tolerant ones! You know, when I was 24, I was pretty conservative, and I had lots of liberal friends -- and they never were jerks like MK's seem to be. So, I have to wonder if the problem is (a) Mary Katharine; (b) the people she chooses to associate with; or (c) all liberals, everywhere, as she claims. (I am inclined to believe it's mostly "a.") But the discrimination against Mary Katharine doesn't stop at her friends -- now the liberals are kicking her out of cabs just for being conservative and supporting the troops.
To get personal again, I know that I have taken a lot of cab rides in a lot of cities, and yet never have I been shouted at or thrown out. Odd that it would happen to MK twice in six months. I can only assume that this is part of the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Against Mary Katharine Ham that you are probably all part of. But anyway, back to "Liberals Have a Distorted View of Tolerance."
NOBODY should giggle when people are attacked by pies, because ... oh, come on, it's FUNNY, MK. If we learned only one thing from the Three Stooges (and we did), it was that throwing pies is comical. Even your CLog colleagues think so:
And now, the stirring conclusion to MK's story of persecution by liberal meanies:
Why, oh why, will you undoubtedly have to do that, MK? You know, the Bill or Rights, which gives us freedom of association, also gives us the freedom not to hang out over Thanksgiving with people who have threatened us with physical harm. Geez, woman, it's like you are Annie Jacobsen, and you keep looking for flights with Middle Eastern musicians so you can be continually be terrorized by them. You may be young, but you're old enough to stop being such a drama queen. And Townhall is old enough to stop enabling you. All this silliness is enough to make liberals want to bitch slap their computer monitors in annoyance (which really isn't a threat of physical harm, MK, just as being intolerant of stupidity isn't the same thing as being intolerant of conservatives). P.S. If YOU are part of the Vast Liberal Conspiracy Against Mary Katharine Ham, here's her cLog bio, to help you to persecute her for her beliefs:
2:00:59 AM |
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