America's Worst Mother® Pregnancy Watch(A feature suggested by the comments of M.S., and conducted in honor of TBogg, America's best writer of Jonah Goldberg slash fan fiction). To recap, the clues so far:
Obviously code for "My husband doesn't give me orgasms, the bastard."
Presumably, the new bed and the lack of anything to talk about lead to sex.
Uh oh, morning sickness! But that was kind of quick, wasn't it? So maybe Meghan and husband got the bed (and had the sex) a month or two before she wrote the column about it. Or maybe the frog in her stomach was actually conceived on another occasion, possibly when the husband came home drunk from his office Christmas party and thought Meghan was somebody else. Or hey, maybe Meghan does start to feel unwell a month after getting knocked up -- I'm sure she'll tell us all about it later. Now the item for today: Feb 25
So, definitely morning sickness (we think). What are your ideas for names for the littlest Gurdonette? We are currently partial to Epaulette if it's a girl, and Mogadishu if it's a boy. UPDATE: So Sunnie has already covered this at her blog. Fine. That doesn't mean that she is the hot, new blogger in town, and we are the tired, old, stale one -- no, it just goes to show that the AWM pregnancy thing is now a meme that is being passed through the very air we breathe like that barfing sickness that Meghan's kids contracted. Oh, and we now think the little one should be named Sundry, but called Sunnie for short, in her honor. Anyway, Sunnie covers the whole column -- check it out. 12:09:57 PM ![]() |
Possible Career Move for Jeff Gannon: Paid Spokesman for AbsorbShunOh, and speaking of JimJeff, John Tully has an informative piece called "THE JAMES GUCKERT/ JEFF GANNON, FAKE REPORTER IN THE WHITE HOUSE QUESTION IS MOOT!" over at the LA Sun. One of my favorite bits:
But then, any article that makes fun of Howie is okay by me. And speaking of Dr. Professor Mike Adams and his problem with his penis, maybe AbsorbShun could help him stay firm in the presence of feminists, women with loud voices, women wearing suggestive T-shirts, and vaginas. And speaking of AborbShun, Frederick from BeatBushBlog writes:
I quite agree. It's time Cynthia introduced Industrial Strength AbsorbShun for cities that want to feel "large" and creeks and rivers that want to feel "tight." IS AborbShun helps stop the mess and loss of pleasure that comes with flooding, and it drives WeatherChannel viewers wild! (Caution: product may cause abrasions, earth quakes, and Biblical plagues -- treat symptoms with Hoof cream.) 9:59:08 AM ![]() |
The Voice Won't Shut Up, 9 February 2005:, 23 February 2005:
Um, sure, dude. Whatever. Yesterday in the "blog" portion of his site (which basically consists of links to conservative/Republican articles about GuckertGate), JimJeff posted a link to Biblical Christianity, and it's most recent post,The Gannon/Guckert "scandal": a golden opportunity. JimJeff says it "hits the nail on the head." The item in question says that if the Democrats want to investigate GuckertGate, then the Bush administration should make all White House reporters complete a questionnaire which would include the following questions:
Verily, let he who is not a gay prostutute who has put nude photos of himself and advertised his penis size on the internet throw the first stone. Anyway, we think it's sweet of JimJeff to link to this blog, which is run by a guy named Daniel J. Phillips, when Phillips has such strong feelings about homosexuality. For instance, when discussing Maya Keyes, Phillip wrote:
And in a post about a female pastor who was fired by her church:
And one his posts at FreeRepublic:
Oh, and here's part of one his posts at FreeRepublic about JimJeff himself:
So, like I said, I think it was sweet of JimJeff to link to Dan's blog. 9:16:07 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?The results from last time: 1. Our first Mystery Guest (the one talking about how freedom of speech demoralizes the troops and causes the enemy to blow up our buildings) was Debbie Daniel. She was first identified by Bill S. In Bill's honor, here is a little song about Debbie. It was written by one Bill S.
We think that somebody should write a teen comedy/musical about Debbie Daniel. Bill should be immediately hired to write the libretto. And here's more about how feminists are responsible for his wilting manhood (but apparently it was a homosexual who caused irreperable damage to Mike's sensitive penis):
Dr. Mike was first identified by Zen, who is urged to never say "vagina, vagina" around Dr. Mike, since apparently vaginas make Dr. Mike's salami go soft. 3. Ann Coulter was the Mystery Guest who would dump her wife for Rush Limbaugh, if only she had a wife. (Recalling all of Rush's comments about accessing gay porn online, we think this could be a love match, and we encourage these two starry-eyed kids to go for it). DanF correctly I.D.ed our Ann. He wins this lovely photo of her: 4. Thomas Sowell was the "Random Thoughts" guy. From reading his post, you can get an idea why he is such a iconic figure with the young people, and why that Sowell poster is so big on college campuses. DanF was also the first to identify Mr. Sowell. His prize is that we won't post another photo of Ann Coutler. merlallen was the first to ID Doug (and yes, one of them is always Doug, because we find him emminently quotable, and chock full of rowdy, creepy, wingnutty flavor). Merl wins this info about Doug's ClashChurch:
Yes, it's a man's life in the ClashChurch! And thank heaven for an evangelical church where men can be rowdy warriors, even if they do have creepy hearts. Enjoy, Merl! 6. The "simple guy" who said that unless you're pro-Patriot Act, pro-torture, and anti-Bill of rights, you're on the side of the enemy (burn in hell, ACLU!) was Bill O'Reilly
Yes, Bill grabbed a female security officer (old sexual harassment habits die hard). But it's all the fault of those damned foreign-born people who aren't providing Bill with the kind of top-rate personal service he deserves! ... Although, there was that little short brown woman from Bali, who was so amazed by Bill's penis. She provided good service. And Thorlac was the first to name all of our Mystery Guests. He wins a lifetime supply of wingnuts. Congrats to Thorlac, and to all of our winners! Now Who Said This? 1. (The mise en scene: our wingnut is on "The 700 Club," plugging his new book)
Yes, "business" is all about nobly serving humanity, while film making is about making movies that people don't want to see, but are forced to. That's why this guy watches films for a living instead of heroically working at WalMart. 2. The following is a quote from this wingnut's most recent Renew American column, which tells how God got her bookings on "The 700 Club" and Fox News. (This all happened a couple of years ago, but hey, everyone wants to relive their glory days.)
Yeah, if our culture is Christian, we damned well should be able to teach kids to worship Jesus in our public schools -- and if other cultures don't like it, they can move to to some other country, and worship that African God or the pagan god Islam. 3. From a PBS "Frontline" interview from last November:
And the rest is history . . . 4:19:55 AM |
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