Hitler's Public Schools Turning Out Commies; Christians Exhorted to WhineFrom Agape Press, we get this important news story, "LaHaye Condemns U.S. Public Education; Home Educators Concur:
When, of course, only locking kids away from the world will keep them safe. But then, maybe Tim is mad because the public schools won't use the "Left Behind" series as part of their English curriculum.
Yup, if Hitler and Stalin probably would have thought that compulsory free education is a good idea, then it must an EVIL idea that came straight from Satan. But you say you don't believe Tim and Kevin, and think that you can send your kids to public school without it damning their souls to hell? Well, the folks at the Nehemiah Institute have some bad news for you. Here, just read this story about them, also from Agape Press:
And as I think you know, there will be no socialists in heaven!
Yes, sad to say, children educated in the public schools tend to believe that the world wasn't created 6000 years ago, that dinosaurs didn't coexist with man, that this country wasn't founded as a theocracy, and that non-Christians have as much right to live here as Christians. I blame those damned science and social studies classes!
I checked it out, and the Nehemiah Institute indeed has a great program! First, they invent a problem (today's kids don't have the proper biblical/capitalist worldview necessary to get into heaven). They they make you pay to see just how much of a socialist little Ivan really is (the Institute recommends that all kids be tested yearly, even kids in Christian schools and their teachers, because non-biblical worldviews can be really sneaky). And then, after they tell you that your kid is going to hell along with Stalin and Hitler, they sell you some literature to change his attitude. Here, they explain it better than I can:
And destroying speculation and making thoughts captive is what education is all about. And here's the best news yet: they are looking for distributors!
Yes, why not? There must be lots of parents, schools, and churches who are just dying to pay you $500 to tell them how secular their kids are. But first you have to be accepted into program -- this involves sending the Institute $25 and taking the PEERS test yourself.
And just what does a score of 70 or above mean?
Frankly, I don't think some of you can pass the PEERS test with a score of 70.0 or above (Biblical Theism worldview). But because I'd hate for you to not be able to collect that sweet $1500 a month, let's go through the free Mini PEERS test (only 20 questions instead of 70) together, so I can coach you. I will also give you my reasoning for the answer selected, so that you can start to develop that biblical worldview needed to sell Nehemiah Institute materials. (Admittedly, I didn't submit my test for scoring, but only because (a) I know I am right, and don't need them to validate me; (b) It takes 7 days for them to get the results back, and I don't have that long; and (c) I don't want them to have my name and address, because I don't actually want to buy or sell their merchandise.) Anyway, start out by reading the instructions:
Okay, pick up your pencil and BEGIN!
You should have chosen SD, as unemployment is primarily caused by laziness. This is the biblical worldview of Social Issues and/or Economics. Well, it's the Nehemiah Institutute's take on the biblical worldview of these subjects.
Once again, the correct response is SD, since human nature is fallen and depraved, and has no potential for anything. Only God has unlimited potential. This is the biblical worldview of Education.
This time, you should have said "SA." It it wasn't for captains of industry, robber barons, and trust-fund babies, this nation would be financially and spiritually weak. This is another aspect of the biblical worldview of Economics..
SD. An easy one, because of course government should rest directly on the will of GOD. This is the biblical worldview of Politics.
SA. Absolute truth exists in every area, and can be known by reading the Bible. While it may seem like the Bible doesn't say much about, say, computers, that's only because you're not trying hard enough. Go back and read the part about witchcraft and sorcery -- that probably covers computers. This is the biblical worldview of Religion. Are you getting the hang of this now?
What did you say for this one? Oooh, you thought that fairness and equal opportunity sounded Christian? Sorry, but the correct answer is SD, as educational programs must be under the control of the parents and God, in order to ensure correct biblical worldviews.
SD. The individual is responsible for social evils, such as alcoholism, racism, sexism, poverty, etc. The individual most negatively effected by them is most responsible, as a general rule.
SD. Only God gives you rights. And he has given you the right to have your parents and church educate you. If you give up that right, anything you say may be used against you in a court of Hell!
The answer to this one should be "STRONGLY strongly disagree," because Individuals should only be allowed to conduct life in accordance with the Bible, even if they don't believe in it. Once again, this is the biblical worldview of Politics.
SA. God hates commies.
Another STRONGLY strongly disagree. Like we mentioned before, God has unlimited potential, and it would be blasphemy not to let Him use that potential to give His chosen an unlimited wage. That's the biblical worldview of Economics.
Duh! The NI biblical worldview of both Religion and Social Issues say so -- which is way its a waste of those biblical Economic resources to try and help the poor .
SD. The moral standards God gave to our ancestors 6000 years ago are the moral standards for every generation. Especially the ones about how to slaughter meat, women not leaving the hut while menstuating, and selling one's daughters into slavery.
SA. Especially the parts of the Bible noted above.
SA. God ORDERED us to kill certain people.
SD. This sounds like something a commie would say.
SA. And everyone who hasn't accepted Jesus is going to live in torment with the devil, no matter how good a life they lived.
SD. Head Start is a commie tool for brainwashing kids into accepting the government as their parents.
SA. Only commies believe the state has any responsiblity for their economic well-being.
SA. Men are born to be leaders, protecters, and soldiers, while women are born to be nurturers, housekeepers, and Hooters waitresses. That's the way God intended things, and anybody who tries to upset God's plan is a non-biblical socialist. There! By following those principles, you should be able to pass your PEERS test with a score of 100, and move on to the lucrative job of Nehemiah Institute distributor. Once you send the Institutute $125 for your starter Distributor Kit, of course. 3:59:20 AM ![]() |
Family Counseling From Rush LimbaughLet's listen as Rush gives advice to Peter from St. Louis on the topic of "Dealing With Wackos At Thanksgiving Dinner":
Hey, that's a good question: how DOES one make someone realize during the course of dinner that all their ideals are just wrong? Rush, however, tells the caller that one can't, and he should just mock and antagonize his wacko liberal relative.
It's amazing how Rush can predict what the caller's relative will do, even though all he knows about him is that, per the caller, he's a middle-aged guy who doesn't realize that "they" won the election, and that therefore his ideals are just wrong.
I imagine that this is the same communication philosophy that guided Rush's interactions during his marriages, and look how well they turned out!
Well, obviously Uncle/Cousin Wacko isn't a Christian, because like Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "I hate those damned Democrats, with all their whining about poor people, little kids, and old people. They are SO all going to hell!"
Hey, if St. Rush of the Holy Anal Cyst doesn't know if liberals are Christian or not, then nobody does.
In other words, Rush's family disinvited him to family get-togethers after last year's incident where he ground up the butter mints and tried to snort them.
"And then I said, 'They're liberals, and therefore subhuman, so what can you expect from them?' And then Mr. Snerdley said, 'But you're the greatest man who every lived -- how can people not recognize this?' And I said, 'You're right, I am pretty great, aren't I? Say, we don't need them! Let's get the talking clothes hamper and the invisible angel, and have our own Thanksgiving --it will be the best one ever!' And he said, "What a wonderful idea! You truly are the King of Kings!' I just had to tell you people that."
Okay, why does the real Rush sound even crazier than my fictional one?
This will definitely make them realize that their ideals are just wrong!
However, since the gathering may well be at their house, with them providing the dinner, they might not necessarily give you any money.
And then they could throw you out of the house, never speak to you again, and cut you out of their will. But hey, losing that $2 million inheiritance is well worth it, if you amused yourself at someone else's expense.
For like Jesus said, "Blessed are they that pray to be heard of men and to score points against their liberal relatives, for they are the most righteous people I know."
Yup, it sounds like a blast. I call dibs on having Rush come to my Thankgiving next year! 2:12:40 AM |
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