Be Fruitful and MultiplyIn an attempt to stay true to our roots (poking good-natured fun at wingnuts and other assorted loons) even though we've left the farm of obscurity for the gay Paree of MSNBC, the Washington Post, and Salon, we offer to you some selections from a Baptist Press "First Person" essay:
No, just tell us.
Fine with me. As long as they just stay bunched together, and don't try to eat or anything, the entire world can live in Houston.
Okay, those three other people in my square yard are really starting to bug me, so stop all the math and get to the point, Pastor Mark.
Um, Pastor, are you saying that only saved Christians should be encouraged to raise more Christian kids? Or that when resources are tight, only Christians should have kids? Or that only saved kids should be raised? Or possibly that the Christian parents should take the children of the unbelievers and try to save them? I need more clarity on this point before I start doing my part to crowd some children in here.
Hey, we all know that iceberg is the only moral lettuce! How DARE you try to lead our souls to hell by claiming that God doesn't care which salad greens we purchase?
Thanks, Pastor Mark. I'm sure glad to know that God doesn't expect each woman to bear 20 or so children during her 30+ fertile years.
See, the willfully childless are sinners, and everybody who has working reproductive organs should have at least 5 or 6 children -- just ask Andrea Yates.
And it's interesting to judge other people, and make determinations about who has chosen career over family. It's fun too!
And besides, we need more kids to stack up in Houston.
He and three other professors share a one-foot square office/apartment on campus. 4:20:09 AM ![]() |
Also PlayingIn a post entitled "Lasciate il Pranzo Tutti Ch'entrare...."*, Julia at Sisyphus Shrugged provides some very interesting info about Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., the guy whose aide was fired on Tuesday for spreading unfounded and ridiculous rumors about Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley. (*Okay, she provided a translation for those of us whose Latin is a little rusty or nonexistant: "Abandon your lunch, all who enter...")
The phrase that comes to mind is "No duh!" (Well, I guess the "few folks" who Steffen said were putting in the effort to keep the story afloat could be Joseph Steffen, himself, and him, but it seems more probable that other Republicans were also involved.)
However, Ehrlich has said that his office can handle it, and he doesn't need no stinkin' independent investigation with subpeona powers and the ability to confiscate computer records and such.
However, the Governor feels that Steffen was acting on his own when he sent the emails and posted the messages on FreeRepublic, so it might be a less than thorough investigation.
It is truly unfortunate when innocents are made to suffer because of stupid rumors being "floated" for political reasons. However, it wasn't O'Malley's day to get unmitigated sympathy from the press, because he was also in the spotlight for some unfortunate rhetoric:
Oooh, not a good comparison, Mr. Mayor. But back to the Post story about the rumors, and about Governor Ehrlich:
See Julia's post for more about the "popular" Governor Ehrlich.
FreeRepublic labled as a bunch of kooks? Inconceivable! Oh, and speaking of "Jeff Gannon," I also liked this post, which linked to this humble blog:
But sadly for the noble Freepers, it WAS true, and the only idiots drowned were the unfortunate White House aides designated to take the fall on this one. Tune in tomorrow for more about the conspiracy to "get" FreeRepublic, and for the details about how Bill and Hillary Clinton are behind it. 3:21:11 AM |
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