Maybe They Told Him There'd Be Sledding AfterOkay, I prepared this for The American Street, but I can't make their images work. So, its going up here.
Hey, it's hard work operating a snow blower. Danged hard work. And it's hard work being the Vice President. And it's cold work too. So, if Dick chose to wear his casual ski parka with his name embroidered on it, the "Staff 2001" ski cap that he got in the office white elephant exchange, and his second-best pair of hunting boots to this ceremony, who are we to criticize him for failing to respect the solemnity of the occasion? At least he didn't tell the other dignitaries to "go f--- themselves." Well, not that we know of, anyway. And speaking of The American Street, click here to read my substitute piece about hot girl-on-girl-on-bunny PBS programming. P.S. Fried Green al-Qaedas has Mr. Blackwell's take on Mr. Cheney's fashion choices. Check it out! 6:17:17 AM ![]() |
Who Bought Whom? We recently learned that our tax money had been used to purchase yet ANOTHER third-rate pundit. How widespread was this practice? Who in goverment will go down for this? How many other pundits have failed to disclose that they were paid by the government to advance the Administration policies? I don't know. But I do think that we should try to analyze the situation methodically and rationally by looking at some recent TownHall columns. Column: Self-indulgence by Thomas Sowell Thesis: Protesters from the left are bringing about the end of civilization by causing traffic jams and hurting nuns' feeling. Quote: We are seeing the ugly face of intolerance under the idealistic pretense of protest. We need to recognize it for what it is, even if the media refuse to do so. Above all, we need to see it as a warning of where our society is headed. Whether at home or abroad, if political conflicts are reduced to contests between the wimps and the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win. Pundit Probably Being Paid By: This particular column was probably commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security, in preparation for their new "Protesters are Terrorists Too" plan to send antiwar protesters to Gitmo. However, Sowell gets the bulk of his financing from the Department of Heath and Human Services, for pushing the idea of free market human organ sales -- HHS sees the plan as a way to cut medical and insurance costs. Column: Look out, Hillary's morphing into Bill by Ben Shapiro Thesis: Hillary Clinton is trying to position herself as a moderate as part of her plan to become President and then turn over the country to the space aliens. Quote: Forgive me while I retch. Hillary’s bald-faced attempts at manipulating the religious in this country are as transparent as her ambitions. Pundit Probably being paid by: We suspect that Ben received $20 from the RNC to write this column bashing Hillary, but that it was a one-shot deal. However, since Shapiro is known as "The Virgin Ben," he has most likely received several thousand dollars from Health and Human Services to advance their "Abstinence Only" plan to deal with AIDS, unwed mothers, and immorality. TBogg and The Rittenhouse Review might have been given a few bucks by the same organization to come up with and popularize the moniker. Column: Professors as inquisitors by Dennis Prager Thesis: Liberal universities are brainwashing your upstanding conservative children! Quote: To come to realize that the highest institutions of learning often do not value learning but seek to propagandize their children (largely against everything they, the parents, believe in) is too painful. Most people can't confront the fact that, unless their child is studying the natural sciences, they have paid huge sums of money for their child to be able to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex, read columns in college newspapers about American evil and tongue techniques for better oral sex, binge drink and, with a few noble exceptions, be propagandized. Pundit Probably being paid by: the Department of Education to lay the groundwork for the Administration's new policy (designed to retain the support of wingnuts) requiring universities to refrain from teaching anything that the students' parents don't like. (Don't be shocked if many other pundits are found to have received funds to advance the same policy.) Column: How to talk to an atheist (and you must) by Mike S. Adams Thesis: Atheists just don't believe in God in order to piss off everybody else -- but we should treat them with love, by proselytizing them whether they like it or not. Quote: When I pulled into the parking lot this morning, I saw a car covered with sacrilegious bumper stickers. It seemed obvious to me that the owner was craving attention. I’m sure he was also seeking to elicit anger from people of faith. The anger helps the atheist to justify his atheism. Pundit Probably being paid by: the Department of Education, to sell the Administration's "No Atheist Left Behind" policy, a faith-based plan to teach atheists about Christianity, to prepare them for the Rapture. Column: Hopkins hysteria by George Will Thesis: The reason there are fewer female tenured professors in the sciences than male is that women just aren't as smart as men; plus, they're prone to over-emotionalism and hysteria. And some men are just smarter than other people -- you know, men like Will. These men should be your rulers. Quote: The vehemence of Hopkins' recoil from the idea that there could be gender differences pertinent to some cognition might seem merely to reflect a crude understanding of civic equality as grounded shakily on a certain identical physicality. But her hysteria actually expresses the left's ultimate horror -- the thought that nature sets limits to the malleability of human material. Pundit Probably Being Paid By: The Office of the Vice President, which has a covert eugenics program designed to get smart women to quit working, get pregnant with the babies of superior men, and stay home to raise the master race. Thesis: The print media refuses to be raunchy, and therefore Brent's complaints about to the FCC sound silly. Um, but they're NOT! Quote: Unless you work at the FCC, you'd have almost no idea what complaints were rejected. Why? Because reporters failed to describe the episodes in question and censored out the indecent language from the TV shows in their news stories. In the Washington Post, reporter Paul Farhi wrote: "A number of the denials focused on the nickname -- also a slang term for the male sexual organ -- which increasingly is working its way into television scripts." Farhi provided an example: "the agency ruled that it was not indecent when, during an Oct. 30, 2002, episode of the WB's 'Dawson's Creek,' one character says to another: "Listen, I know that you're [upset] at your dad for flaking on you. It doesn't mean he's a bad dad, and it doesn't mean he doesn't love you." Prompting another character to say, 'No, it just means he's a [nickname/slang term for male sexual organ].'" Pundit Probably Being Paid By: The Office of the Vice President, which recently hired a PR firm to get Dick's name in the papers more. And many, many more (to possibly include all of TownHall's columnists, as well as everyone who is featured on the Moonie Time's editorial page). We will try to update you as we suspect more instances of this kind of thing. 12:44:39 AM |
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