News From The Stupidsphere!
I'd love to hear how the State Dept. neocons torment their liberal coworkers by "elliptically" mentioning how George Bush will nuke Mecca if bin Laden attacks the U.S. Maybe they stay stuff like, "Well, Percy, that policy paper on the China trade balance is all well and good, but you know nothing will matter when we're all dead, right?" But back to the Indiana Jones of the Mentally Impaired:
Why does the idea of George Bush, Texas Cowboy from Kennebunkport, playing poker with nuclear weapons seem so scary? Anyway, the WorldNetDaily readers LOVED the idea of nuking Mecca. Here are the results of a poll taken last Saturday:
So, 90% of those taking the poll think that such a threat is a good idea. Yup, that's how you win the hearts and minds of the Middle East. Our next nuttiness comes from a transcript of Thursday's Scarborough Country. It's from JACK BURKMAN, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST:
Yeah, because back in the primitive days of 1949, nobody had ever DREAMED of, say, a bomb that could use the power of the atom to kill millions!
Well, as we know from the Simpsons, every President gets three secret murders. (If you don't use them by the end of the term [smack], they're gone!) So, I guess if George wants to use his three secret murders to save 10,000 lives, or 100 lives, or a really cute puppy, I guess he can. But he should have to carry them out with his own hands.
Basically what Burkman is saying is that the Republicans won the election, so they should damn well be able to torture whomever they please! Isn't that what a mandate means? P.S. I did a little research on Mr. Burkman, and learned that not only is he a frequent guest on Scar's show, but he's also a trial attorney and a lobbyist ("Mr. Burkman's governmental relations and advocacy practice is based on his extensive experience on the Hill"). Per America Review, he was the Senate Republican counsel on the Whitewater Committee "where he coordinated questioning of Webb Hubbell.' Fiercely pro-Starr, anti-Clinton." Here are a few choice quotes from him, from the past year or so. First, on the topic of teaching creationism in schools:
Second, on the death penalty:
And third, on how to deal with Iran:
Yeah, let's start up the draft and invade Iran, because, as Mr. Burkman said on a Scar show from a couple of weeks ago, the Iraq war has been a "brilliant success" (and it's only gloomy gusses and Democrats who keep focusing on Abu Ghraib). And if our drafted armed forces have any trouble with the Iranians we take prisoner, they can damn well torture them -- because that's what winning an election means. 5:21:04 AM ![]() |
Wounds and HeelsCrooks and Liars, which I just added to the Blog Roll, has very good coverage of Armstrong Williams-gate (which I first learned of from Atrios), so I suggest you check it out if you're interested in learning what Deparment of Education funds are spent on these days. The lastest is that Tribune Media Services terminated its contract with Armstrong. Armstrong is now going to self-syndicate himself like Judson Cox and all those other pundits who write for Renew America, so he should do just fine. This was my favorite part of the Editor & Publisher story on the matter:
So let's all say a prayer tonight for poor Armstrong, in hopes that his wounds from accepting $240,000 of tax payer money to sell people on a Bush adminstration program and not telling his readers about this, heel quickly (and maybe learn to beg and sit too). Anyway, you may recall that this isn't the first time that the Department of Education has been caught spending tax payer money in dubious endeavors related to selling the public on No Child Left Behind. Here's most of a NY Times story from October:
Guess where at least one of these videos was aired before GAO decided that this was illegal? Yes, on Armstrong Williams' show!
However, those reporters who were given money by the department seemed to write more favorable stories about NCLB than those who weren't, it was noted.
So, having a PR firm rating reporters on how well they say that George Bush has come up with the Bestest Educational Policy EVER is just a matter of seeing which reporters are able to discern the truth. You know, as an acadmic exercise, or to help Santa Claus or something. And it had nothing to do with politics OR manipulating the public via the media. If somebody pays me $240,000, I will say that I believe that. 1:48:41 AM |
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