Power Success Secrets of the Triple-Alpha Male!!!Since The Dark Window is still on hiatus, it falls upon me to share with you this Special Offer I received from Newsmax:
Well, I've always enjoyed being a girl, but I do have to admit that earning respect through my striding has long been a dream of mine.
My head still hurts, so I'd prefer a magnetic aura which would proclaim my invincibility a little more quietly.
You mean . . . my own personal electric Dick Cheney robot?
Um, no offense, but I'm straight. And, to quote Crow T. Robot, I was just hoping to marry into posture.
Wow, erect posture, noisy magnetism, women hoplessly attracted to me, and electric robots -- all at once, all the time?!? I think it would be hell!
That reminds me of the lyics to a cartoon theme song:
Okay, that's all I can remember of the song (or of the cartoon, come to mention it), but here's an image that seems to be an appropriate accompaniment to this pitch for greater manly power: ![]()
Do you want to have a pit bull attitude, or be a foo-foo, nancy-girl, tofu eating, Richard Simmons eye shadow-monitoring, non-Dirty Harry poodle? Which will it be . . .PUNK?
The reminds of another MST moment: Joel Robinson dressed up like "The Master" from Manos: The Hands of Fate (but with big feet on his cape instead of demonic hands), trying to command the 'bots with his deep, hypnotic voice and his MALE PHYSICAL ANIMAL MAGNETISM:
But back to the pitch for whatever it turns out to be:
I don't think penetrating others for secret advantage is what a gentleman would do.
Wasn't somebody from Townhall explaining to us not too long ago how it's a GOOD THING that the manly George Bush manipulates our reptilian brains by having Homeland Security announce a heightened threat whenever we petty mortals need distracting? Oh, right, it was Kathleen Parker, with her scientific paper "In praise of lizard brains":
So, I guess George must possess the power success secrets of the triple-alpha male, even though you wouldn't think it to look at him.
Do YOU want to remain a sorry second to George Bush and Doug Giles, or do you want to KICK THEIR BUTTS, LOOT THEIR HOMES, AND TAKE THEIR WOMEN? Okay, maybe not Laura, but Doug probably has a nice wife -- I mean, she doesn't care a bit that Doug goes hunting with the boys on their anniversary, forcing her to spend her evenings with the plumber, so she is undoubtedly quite forbearing and stuff. And even if you weren't sexually attracted to her (because you're gay, for instance), I think she'd probably be very understanding, having had experience with this kind of thing.
They're pitching their product to GOD???
Speaking for myself, being eaten alive is not what I'm really looking for in a relationship. And I happen to believe that what actually generates contempt in others is being so superficial, insecure, and gullible as to believe that one can become a leader of men (and women) by merely looking muscular (and hungry).
Didn't they find that there was a high preponderence of men with double-Y chromosones in prison? So, while I'm willing to believe that triple-alpha males don't settle for second-best, I'm wondering how many of them are now beating up their fellow inmates because they can't settle for the burnt pork chop or the hairy, unattractive cellmate.
That's me to a "T"!!!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that my competitors (TBogg, Sadly, No!, Roger Ailes, Norbizness, etc.) are already among the elite few who are more manly than me. So, I'm afraid I will have to pass on this exciting opportunity, NewsMax. I just ask my competitors to trample me gently. 4:21:14 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?First, the answers from last time: 1. Doug Giles. Doug was exhorting us to have a pit bull attitude, a bit he apparently ripped off from some old lady, just like he stole that whole creativity thing from last week from somebody else (Bartholomew has the whole story). 2. Dr. Mike Adams. Dr. Mike was just telling us that he don't need no stinkin' tenure because HE has a Townhall column, and also knows some 13-year-olds who emailed him and said they were really hot female lawyers who wanted to cyber! 3. Jen Shroder. Jen was once again expounding on her theory (which, oddly enough, was even mocked by Fox News) that it was WITCHES who killed Laci Peterson. (You know, just like they killed Sharon Tate because her husband made the movie Rosemary's Baby.) And the reason that there's not any evidence that Satanists were involved in this case (or the murders of every other person who has disappeared from California over the past 50 years) is that the head vampire is Dick Cheney!!! Or something like that. 4. Pastor Swank. The Pastor was off his medication and ruminating about how Katie Couric is the antichrist. 5. Jonah Goldberg, the world's foremost expert on cheese-eating surrender monkeys (except for Groundskeeper Willie, but he's a foreigner, and so doesn't count) was just telling us that a couple of books say that the French have no right to act snooty towards us, and, in fact, should bow down and thank us for having saved their butts in the 100 Years War. So, congrats to Bill S., Ted, Vivek, and Gary Kleppe. Points also to everybody else who did such a good job making fun of our fantasic five, and to everybody who took advantage of the drunken Jeff Perado and got a free copy of his very intriguing-sounding manuscript (you can email him at stutz@unlv.nevada.edu if you want to join the fun). Now, who said this:
Hint: The United States has prepared plans to, if necessary, put David Frum's and Mark Steyn's heads on spikes on the U.S./Canadian border as a warning to this bloodthirsty loon to not try to enter our country.
Hint: A thousand years from now, expect this guy to be predicting that Hillary Clinton is planning to rise from the dead and challenge Nixon's head for the presidency of Earth. 2:18:03 AM |
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