Who Said It?
1. Our first Mystery Guest from last time (the one who said that business is heroic, because it gives the people what they want, while Hollywood is presumably unheroic, since it keeps making movies that he doesn't like) was Michael Medved.
The first to identify him was bgn, who will receive a complimentary copy of the hissy fit that Medved will undoubtedly have later today while commenting on Million Dollar Baby's Oscar wins.
2. Our second Mystery Guest (the one who explained how Islam and other pagan gods are mandated in schools these days) was Jen Shroder.
Diane was the first to identify her. Diane wins this bonus quote from Jen's column, wherein Jen explains that she didn't get on ABC news because she wouldn't deny God, but that "God had other ways of getting the job done":
One way was through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations nuclear watchdog, which had linked to my website. There was a lot of evidence that kings and leaders, especially in the middle east, were watching.
You may think that it's highly unlikely that the IAEA actually covertly linked to Jen's site, and that Jen just doesn't know how to read her web stats, but on a page of her site entitled "Understanding Webstats," Jen explains that she KNOWS that IAEA linked to her site because she has found links from IAEA to Arab websites, and because liberal sites have copied her graphics and stolen her bandwidth.
Therefore, there must indeeed be a lot of evidence that kings and leaders are reading her website.
3. And our third Mystery Guest (the one who taught us how to "clarify" things by referring to estate taxes as death taxes) was Frank Luntz.
Clif identified Luntz (and characterized him very nicely as " Frank 'War is Peace, Peace is War' Luntz, the king of doubleplusgood doublespeak"). Clif wins this Think Progress recap of some of Luntz's advice to aspiring GOP operatives:
Finally, Luntz advises, 9/11 is the perfect way to dodge responsibility for sinking the country in red ink. In a section headed “Without the context of 9-11, you will be blamed for the deficit,” he points out “supporters are inherently turned off to the idea of fiscal irresponsibility.” The best way to counter that fact? “The trick then is to contextualize the deficit inside of 9/11.”
Yes, if 9/11 hadn't forced President Bush to invade Iraq, help out the pharmaceutical companies with a social security drug plan, and give tax cuts to the rich, then we wouldn't have a deficit, so none of it is his fault. Hey, look over there -- it's Sadam's half brother!
Oh, and heydave was the first to identify all of our Mystery Guests in one post, writing "Since putting the obvious together seems a nice ploy, er...clarification... let me try: Medved, Shroder and Luntz. "
Great ploy, hedave!
Now, Who Said This?
1. There aren’t too many decisions you can make with worse consequences than choosing the wrong college. Maybe you’re one of the unlucky ones: when you wrote that massive tuition check, it seemed right, because you and your kid bought into all the hype and bogus Pomp and Circumstance College. And then for the next four years, he bought into all the PC hogwash the professors were force-feeding students in the lecture halls! You look back and scream: Why didn’t someone warn me that this school was a liberal indoctrination camp?!
Yes, send your 18+ year-old child to the wrong college (AKA, a "liberal indoctrination camp"), and he or she will have no choice but to become a liberal (because the professors will say liberal things in class, thus forcing your little blank slate to believe their PC hogwash).
If only there was a book which would advise students to only attend Hillsdale College, Grove City College, Indiana Wesleyan University, Liberty University, or maybe Patrick Henry College! Because if there was, then you could, say, give the NRO $10, and they would send this book to eager high school guidance counselors across the land!
2. Democrat political operative Zack Exley [...] has been hired as a campaign consultant by Britain's Labour Party. A Labour spokeswoman told The Independent that Exley was hired specifically because of his experience working for MoveOn. For those who have been living in a cave for the past year, that's the left-wing activist group that compared President Bush to Hitler.
Those of you who bother to hit the "Hitler" link will read the following:
The liberal activist site MoveOn ran a contest, Bush in 30 Seconds, in which people were invited to create and submit political TV ads [...] Over 1,500 ads were submitted. Out of them, twocompared Bush to Hitler. After years of talking about "feminazis" and "Hitlery" Clinton, the right wing suddenly felt that Third Reich references were absolutely indefensible. Republicans expressed new-found outrage, and the corporate media dutifully tsk-tsked. MoveOn pulled the ads from their contest Website
Hint: For those who have been living in a cave for the past year, this pundit wrote that "Real danger will exist for all Arabs if they aren't relocated to camps. The least act of sabotage might provoke angry reprisals that easily could balloon into bloody race riots. The most sensible, the most humane way to insure against it is to move them out of harms way, and keep them safe at Gitmo."
Well, that's close enough to what she wrote -- accuracy is for the little people!
3. The mental pollution of feminism extends well beyond the question of great thinkers. Women do not write hard science fiction today because so few can hack the physics, so they either write romance novels in space about strong, beautiful, independent and intelligent but lonely women who finally fall in love with rugged men who love them just as they are, or stick to fantasy where they can make things up without getting hammered by critics holding triple Ph.D.s in molecular engineering, astrophysics and Chaucer.
Some women even write books "filled with otherworldly creatures and all-out spiritual warfare," that blend "the Christian and fantasy genres in a dazzling tale of faith and redemption. "
You know, because they are too stupid to hack astrophysics.
4. I used my student ID to the max for getting into movies at half price, breaking into my girlfriend’s dorm room to check her voice mail to see if the jock in her English Lit class was still calling her and the all important job of separating the seeds and stems from the Colombian Gold I kept hidden on a Frisbee under the passenger seat of my Z28.
Hint: No, it's not George Bush talking to Doug Wead.
5. Of course, the more hysterical critics of "The Passion" might argue that its allegedly anti-Semitic elements irrevocably identified the project with an archconservative outlook, but this argument ignores the fact that Jew-hatred appears today far more frequently among the America-hating left than on the flag-waving right. Consider the malicious focus by Michael Moore and his antiwar cohorts on a few relatively obscure "neocons" in the Bush administration: The endless invocation of the names Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith fairly reeks of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorizing.
And if Michael Moore focused on the neocons in the Bush administration (such as Dick "Jewboy" Cheney, that PROVES that the Left (which hates America) is also the side that hates Jews.
On a completely different topic, here is a photo of Jim Condit, Jr. Please note the flag in the corner:
Jim, who ran for Congress as an Independent who supported the archconservative Constitution Party platform, used this radio ad as part of his campaign:
Overview of 9-11 and a 2nd Terror AttackStrong evidence indicates that the 9-11 terror attacks were NOT done by Arabs hiding in caves in Afghanistan, but were pulled off by well placed pro-Israeli operatives in our Federal government and military intelligence, using high technology remote control to crash the 9-11 planes into the World Trade Center. All such evidence has been suppressed by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX.
Note also the ad Merry Christmas, AND OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! which is about how the "the Jewish Led ACLU" is "always trying to tear the Ten Commandments down from our public buildings" so it can get "Noahide law" to replace our current system of law, and put to death Christians for observing Christmas.
Jim LOVED The Passion of the Christ. HIs sister, Jennifer Giroux (our favorite "Scarborough Country" regular) even started a site devoted to defending it.
(I just provided the above for your information, and it's apropos of nothing.)
6. As you might expect, recent developments have left me without an income, but I am determined not to allow that to keep me from speaking out. Your kind messages of prayer and encouragement have sustained me since this all began, and I am hoping you will consider a donation to keep my voice from going silent. This is an excellent opportunity to fight back against the well-funded attack machine of the Left.
Yes, even though he's been rendered incomeless, this guy is determined not to let that stop him from speaking out -- but you'd better give him some money if you don't want his voice to go silent. Do it to fight back against those well-funded Kossites!
1:40:25 AM
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