Filling a Niche. So To Speak.Reader Anne M. emailed us to say:
And then Anne provided us with the URL to the site where one can purchase "AbsorbShun: Natural vaginal wetness solution. Make the vagina tight" See, apparently when they get aroused, women produce lubrication, and this can ruin sex. But if your vagina is dry, you can drive men crazy! {"Do you want to drive men wild with a tighter vagina?") Here, let's let Cynthia, whose product this is, tell us more about it: Hi Ladies, I had the same excess moisture problem you have. Then I discovered AbsorbShun natural powder. Now lovemaking is wonderful again! [...] Your man will say he feels bigger - you could feel that, too! You’re in control. You control the exact amount of lubrication you want and how tight you want to feel by how much and how often you use AbsorbShun. Personally, I find 2 – 3 applications during our lovemaking keeps us going strong. You may need less. AbsorbShun is my way to intimacy, fulfillment and great sex!
Apparently one keeps one's lovemaking going strong by powdering the man's penis 2-3 times during the session ("If you feel too wet, just dust your man’s penis with a little AbsorbShun [try about a half teaspoon] and continue making love"). And it should be the woman who does the dusting ("We recommend that you be in charge of deciding when and how much AbsorbShun to apply, since men tend to apply more than what women generally enjoy.") Yeah, we suspect that men would want to feel "bigger" more than women would want to feel "tighter." Anyway, maybe you always thought that lubrication was good. Well, that's not what car mechanic science says!
And yes, like Anne said, apparently AborbShun is corn starch ("finely pulverized cells of an unmodified, naturally occurring maize plant.) And that pulverized maize can cause irritation ("Use of AbsorbShun natural powder in any quantity may cause temporary tenderness and micro abrasions to the genital area.). However, Cynthia advises that this can be treated with hoof cream ("what I personally use is a protein moisturizer [ie. Mane 'n Tail – Original Hoofmaker"]). But hey, even if you do get sore genitals, it's all worth it, because AborbShun "Makes men feel larger." And here's the best thing of all:
So, have some dry sex for Christian charity. It's what James Dobson would advise, if you were sleeping with him! 2:40:06 AM ![]() |
A Really Stupid Way to Waste $10A post from Monday's "Corner":
Imagine millions of high school kids taking orders from National Review about which schools to attend, which classes to take, and which professors to avoid. And imagine these students becoming NR's unholy, unthinking, zombie soldiers in a revolution to overthrown the United States and install William Buckley's brain as Supreme Overlord!
I knew it!
Yes, it IS sad to see bright, upstanding kids from wingnut familes going off to college, learning to think, and becoming liberals. And worst of all, their parents pay good money to have their kids educated, and yet the kids aren't all becoming Young Republicans! If only there was some way to keep these youngsters from being exposed to these pernicious, addictive liberal ideas. Hey, I know -- brain implants that administer severe shocks to the kids' genitals if they have unapproved thoughts!
Especially National Review. Now, from today's corner:
People by the millions aren't giving National Review money for this project? I am shocked, SHOCKED!
That's because while they may talk about good kids being force-fed liberalism, all they really care about is those sex scenes in I Am Charlotte Simmons. But seriously, this really is a sad story: National Review has all these guides printed, and nobody wants to donate them to high school guidance counselors, who are no doubt pining for such tomes so they can help protect their students from new thoughts. And because nobody is paying to send the guides to our country's high schools and private Christian academies, thousands and maybe millions of bright young people from conservative families are going to turn into liberal flying monkeys (which is like seeing Bullwinkle J. Moose go to college and come back as Rocky T. Squirrel). This reminds of me of that old ad: "A conservative mind is a terrible thing to waste. Donate now to the 'Keep Our Kids Ignorant Foundation.'" Anyway, speaking of Charlotte Simmons, Vigen Guroian does just that several times in his article for Christianity Today entitled 'Dorm Brothel' ("The new debauchery, and the colleges that let it happen"). I would hope that that the NR guide tells which colleges these are, because that way some students might find it useful after all. Here's my favorite line from Vigen's piece:
As dermatologists warn, this is price you pay for spending too long in the tanning bed. Okay, one more bit from Vigen:
Yes, Vigen is very prepared to ask this. Don't think he isn't! And if it turns out that America loses our empire due to coed dorms, Vigen will have the satisfaction of saying, "I was prepared to ask about that very thing!" Oh, and speaking some more about I Am Charlotte Simmons, guess who else is reading it for its sociological insights into how liberal colleges ruin good conservative kids? Yes, President Bush! Per Newsweek
But of course the President is NOT reading it for those sex scenes and all the bad language. Hey, maybe George will give National Review $10! It could be part of the administration's ongoing plan to subsidize third-rate wingnuts. P.S. I just noticed that at the bottom of Vigen's article there is a link to "What to Say at a Naked Party." Sadly, it's not as helpful as one might anticipate. 12:26:42 AM |
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