Sex, Kamp, and Pure Rocky Spring WaterWhile I was hanging out at Focus on the Family's Brio Magazine, catching up on the lastest advice from Susie ("Dear Susie, I like sports, but my Mom thinks that women's golf is just for lesbians. What should I do?"), I came across this invitation:
Since I am always interested in learning about righteous sex and radical dating, I read the first part of the PDF. I was especially impressed by this story:
As a beery 23-year-old.
Sure. I have nothing better to do than picture scions of the Coors dynasty.
I sure do! Adolph Coors V and author Joe White, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
So, it's NOT a story about a mature man's love for a young, buffed, handsome beer heir?
Uh oh! I thought there was to be no physical touching until after the vows were taken.
And then her cherry-like nipples revealed her excitement as I decribed how Shane's muscular body would straddle her, his hard, sinewy thighs rubbing against her smooth white skin. And then his man organ would . . . Anyway, anybody else find it kind of creepy how this middle-aged guy is spending all this time telling his twenty-something employees about what their honeymoon will be like?
But he reserved the BEST love for attractive, rich, untouched young people like Shane and Rebecca.
And some handcuffs and some Astroglide. But hey, no condoms! Anyway, I did some research and found that Joe runs Kanakuk Kamps - Christian Summer Sports Camps for Kids ("Exciting Adventures in Christian Athletics" TM), based out of Branson, MO. He is also head of the Kanakuk Ministries, which puts on "Pure Excitement" chastity revival shows for teens, and "After Dark" programs for college students. (The After Dark Shows aren't what you think, you pervert!)
Why didn't anyone ever tell Doug Giles that there were NFL and professional baseball chapels? Man, all this time he has been preaching in a hotel, when he could have been preaching in the NFL Crystal Cathedral. No wonder Dirty Harry never comes to Doug's worship services! Anyway, you can now see why Joe was giving young Adolph/Shane and Rebecca the birds and the bees talk instead of their parents: because, as a former Texas A & M coach, he has more experience in instructing young people in the mechanics of sex. I wanted to find out if Shane and Rebecca actually did get married like planned (and if Joe went along to coach them on their honeymoon), but couldn't find anything. I did learn more about Shane's dad, Adolph IV, though. Here's his offical bio:
I guess we now know how Shane got that job with Joe's Kanakuk Kamps (and it wasn't just his modell-like good looks, and his ice-melting smile). But Adolph IV has several versions of his bio out there. The inspirational, evangelical one tells how he always thought that he'd be head of Coors Brewing like his dad Adolph III, whom he "literally idolized." But then father was murdered when Adolph IV was a young teen, his mother became an alcoholic, and Ad (as he prefers to be called) became a rebellious, wild-living jerk who joined the military to get away from home -- and boozed it up all while he was there. When he got out, he married his high-school sweetheart, got the job on Wall Street, and "sank millions into stocks, bonds and real estate. He ended up facing personal bankruptcy." That's when he joined the family firm -- because when you screw up, they have to take you in. However, there were problems there too -- "He worked around the clock, neglecting his wife and their young son." In 1975, he seperated from his wife. "But then he heard an evangelist speak in downtown Denver. Salvation and true happiness come only through Christ, the man told his listeners. The message struck a chord with Coors. He went home to B.J. and started a new life." In 1979, "he left the Coors corporation to start Denver Outreach Ministry, now known as the Adolph Coors IV Evangelistic Association." (So, that story about leaving Coors to be an "investment advisor" is probably just what they told the stockholders.) And the happy ending to the story is that he forgave the man who killed his family, and lived happily ever after, thanks to that trustfund ... I mean, Jesus.
Yes, it's all the stuff glossed over in the official bio that make Ad a very popular speaker for your prayer breakfast, Day of Prayer breakfast, or Church fund raiser. Keep that in mind if you ever want to be part of the prayer breakfast speaking circuit. And, just for fun, here's part of the story of what the other branch of the Coors family has been up to (per a review of Dan Baum's Citizen Coors at Philanthropy Roundtable
And the rest is history. Or rather, the history of the Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Foundation. So, I guess the Adolph series (models III through V, at least) are the good branch of this family tree. And I hope you are going to join Shane and Rebecca at Christian Sports Camp this summer, so you too can find a love like theirs. 5:40:33 AM ![]() |
Who Said It? (Answers)As Clif noted, our last Mystery Guest (the one who was horrified to see teens hanging out in a mall ) was "that wanker twit" John Derbyshire. Here's Clif's prize: a new Corner post from Derb:
If they sodomize a detainee with a chemical light, is that abuse? If they use dogs to terrorize and attack detainees, is that abuse? If they twist the testicles of detainees, is that abuse? If they beat detainees to death, is that abuse? I guess it all depends on how you define "abuse," and since Derb is doing the defining, it apparently isn't abuse. Oh, and "most of them" have done something that would cause them to be detained -- such as being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And hey, that means that most of them deserve whatever they get. As for the rest, well, you can't make an omelet without smacking around a few innocents.
From the Taguba report:
I think lawyers consider scores of detailed witness statements and graphic photos and videos to be "evidence." From Google:
So, is Derb suggesting that the military charges its members with aggravated assault and homicide without any evidence? (Personally, I'd say that the dead bodies might constitute evidence, but apparently not to Derb.) Well, something here is certainly sickening. In any case, the fact that John Derbyshire continues to write for the NRO certainly says something about not just the values and ethics of this publication, but also about the level of knowledge and competence that it takes to work there. And, as Scott Robinson and several of the rest of you said, our bonus Mystery Guest was marriage expert Rush Limbaugh . (I guess that lack of orientation explains a lot about why own marriages didn't work out.) Not that there's anything wrong with being fabulous, of course . . . 3:51:48 AM |
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