Hey, It IS Just Like "Law & Order"!A Kerik update for today, courtesy of the NY Daily News :
The construction company hired Kerik's good friend Ray on his say-so, presumably as a favor to him. And in a strange coincidence, Ray had just paid for Kerik's wedding reception! Interstate also gave Kerik's brother a cushy job.
I think it's time we brought back DA Ben Stone to deal with this mess, since he did so well in the fight against the Masucci crime family.
And then Kerik was named Police Commissionaire. See, it helps to have connections! 9:10:13 AM ![]() |
A Last Minute Christmas IdeaOur friend David E. emails us with the following sure-fire idea to make big money:
I want to be very rich as much as the next person, so I jumped at David's idea. I figure that if there's any interest, David and I should be able to finish the cookbook by Friday, giving you plenty of time to download and print copies for all your friends and relatives -- after you pay us, of course. I haven't chosen an illustrator yet, but I did find a very interesting nativity mobile at Jesus of the Week -- it imagines what the first Christmas would have been like if Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus had been bears, and instead of going to Bethlehem, they traveled to Yellowstone Park. So, I figure that we'd use that kind of vision for the pictures of our book. Anyway, here is my first draft of of the first page of the cookbook: Jesus' Favorite Breakfast Even as a child, Jesus knew that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. He often would tell his little friends, "Blessed are those who enjoy something from each of the four food groups in the morning, for they won't be cranky and get a time out." His mother, the Virgin Mary, says that while fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod's soldiers, baby Jesus enjoyed such traditional quick dishes such as unleavened pancakes, yoghurt smoothies, and Egg McMuffins. But when things settled down, this was his favorite dish, and he always asked for it to be served in his special Winnie the Pooh bowl.
Mary also told us an interesting fact: the Cream o' Wheat Chef (his name was apparently Rastus) traveled with the Three Wise Men and did all the grunt work for them -- until he got fed up with them, quit, and opened his own soul food restaurant in Jerusalem. Mary got the above recipe from him. I got this special message from him at Ferris State U. 's Jim Crow Museum: ![]() 6:24:43 AM ![]() |
Manlier Than ThouToday Doug Giles offers us parts two and three of his manliness lessons. (I guess they were combined so that next week Doug might share with us a special holiday column called "Dirty Harry's Christmas Miracle.") TBogg has the manly recap of the whole anti-pornosexual, anti-misandry polemic. He also applauds a comment by our own Glenstonecottage. (And by "he," I mean TBogg, but I imagine that Doug liked it too, since it deals with George Bush and a manly activity involving cocks.) But I believe that there can never be enough Doug, here's some more:
Doug, you have no effect whatsover on my panties. Sorry.
Yes, the vast, vast majority of American men would rather be drawn and quartered (and their heads placed on spikes) rather than be gay and/or like a popular sitcom. Doug knows this because the extensive polling he did here. And Doug also wants to let us know that he's more popular than Jesus.
Doug, I'm sure that you receive thousands of positive emails a week, but I have to break it to you: those emails about "penile enlargement" and "impotence" have nothing to do with "polemic attempts." But let's get away from your immense popularity, and get back to the manliness lessons.
Once again, I have to note the absence of Jesus on this list. I guess that's because Doug feels that Jesus was a gender-line blurrer, what with all His talk about the meek inheriting the earth, and that time when He healed the soldier whose ear Peter severed instead of doing a Dirty Harry on the entire Roman garrison. And even though Jesus was crucified (which is just as manly as being drawn and quartered), He probably didn't enjoy it as much as he should. Anyway, Homer, Gomer, and the gang taught that real men (and real wild animal men) are competitive, independent, and responsible.
Doug, that's actually not right at all -- most mothers don't smother and emasculate their sons that way. It sounds kind of unhealthy to the rest of us. So, I think you've revealed a little too much about your own issues here, not exposed some universal truth. But it does make sense that you would try so hard for Dirty Harry's approval if you stil have mommy issues.
Well, in some ancient cultures, none of them Judeo-Christian. And also in some animal cultures. But I thought the point of Christianity was to put off the natural man, and aspire to something higher? But those ancient cultures sound really good to Doug: getting to be sovereign, living with the other men (and the twelve-year-old boys), doing manly stuff like hunting and watching gladiator movies all day, and never having any icky girls to ruin things.
And families and societies are under the watch of men because "responsiblity" is another word for "getting to boss everyone else around."
And dagnabbit, if Doug isn't allowed to steer civilization and to create edicts and order kingdoms, but instead is told by his churchly bosses to do wimpy things like feed the hungry and comfort those who mourn, then America is clearly headed down the toilet.
But now I am going to spray the room with Oust air sanitizer, to try to get rid of the grand testosterone fog in here. P.S. Jesse has some info on Doug's nemesis (now that Richard Simmons is unavailable), the flaming metrosexual called Clay Aiken. P.P.S. Bartholomew has some info on Doug's manly reading list, which includes a tome by the co-author of the booklet "Slavery is the Way God Wants Us To Care For Our Black Brethren," which is so popular in Southern Christian schools these days. 2:58:44 AM |
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